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04 Video
"Elements of Physics: Waves: Sound and Electromagnetism"
1. Do waves transport the energy of disturbances? Explain.
Yes. When a rock is dropped into water, the energy of the stone makes a
disturbance in the water and that disturbance is transported to a wave. It is the
wave that carries the disturbance across the water
2. The number of wave cycles in a given unit of times is called the wave
3. The speed of the wave is called its ______________________.
4. Are sound waves longitudinal waves? Explain.
Yes because the wave of energy moves outward from the source and pushes the
air molecules back and forth parallel to the direction of the wave molecule.
5. How do longitudinal waves transport energy?
They carry energy of the music from the medium of the air and is essential for the
transmission of sound because there must be molecules to vibrate and transfer the
6. Does sound travel faster in the air than in the ground? Why?
No, the molecules are packed closer in the ground than in the air. The elasticity of
the medium is why. The more elastic the medium, the faster the sound wave
molecules travel.
7. What type(s) of wave(s) transports visible light?
Electromagnetic wave
8. What type(s) of wave(s) are impacted by the Doppler effect?
Light Waves, sound waves
9. What is a refracted wave? Give an example,.

Since light travels slower in water than in air, the image of a pencil in a glass of
water appears bent whenever the light wave travels to a different medium and the
light wave deviates from its normal direction.
10. Can all waves be distorted, deflected, or changed? Explain your response.
Yes, when they come in contact with a boundary.

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