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January 27, 2016

W hat's good

"Hea l t h y c it y "

ow do you know if you?r e living in a healthy city? What

is a healthy city? A healthy city is a healthy, sustainable, and

economically vital city and it aims to cr eate health
suppor tive envir onment for the city, to achieve good
qualities of life and to
impr ove basic
sanitation and
hygiene that needs.
Ther e ar e many
things we can wor k
on together to build
up and for m a
healthy city, such as
using bicycles for
tr anspor tation, ur ban
ver tical far ming,
gr een buildings ,
better medication, etc.
For example, public
health and ur ban
planning wor k together

Do you think
you're living in a
healthy city?


Ur ban ver tical far ming is having a
beneficial impact on our health and the
envir onment. .One study shows that
ur ban ver tical far ming is a fast gr owing
tr end in food pr oduction. It contr ols
envir onment agr icultur e application with
r amification. It is also much better in
pr oduction efficiency, economic
r esilience, and ecological sustainability.
(Br omfield, 2015) .This means that using
the pr oducts fr om ur ban ver tical far ming
would give people a better health which
the mor e healthier people can for m, the
healthier the city can be . In addition,
ur ban ver tical far ming is r eally
beneficial not only for self health but
also for the whole city. Accor ding to
another sour ce, ur ban far ming allows
food secur ity, extr a income, and solution
for tight food supply in poor or
developing countr ies and incr ease in
food pr ices. ( FAO, 2008 ). This r eveals
that ur ban far ming ser ve a high quality

pr oductions and give people extr a jobs to

wor k which give them extr a income.
Fur ther mor e, incr easing in food pr ices
somehow helps the city healthier and

wealthier .
Over all,
ur ban
ver tical
far ming
helps the city
healthier by
pr oducts
better quality
pr oductions,
less envir onmental pollution impact, and
better health for each individual body.
Another major r eason that negatively
affects our city to become less healthy is
fr om all the buildings.

Ver t ical
far ming can
makeyou a
heal t hy
eat er !


Accor ding to one

sour ce, U.S. buildings
consume mor e ener gy than
car s and tr ucks, and r elease about a
thir d of the countr y's gr eenhouse gases.
They also consume mor e ener gy than
car s and tr ucks. Cur r ently, the U.S.
consume 65%of all the electr icity, 12%
of dr inkable water and 40%of r aw
mater ials. ( Deneen & Howar d, 2007).
This shows that buildings can causes
fr om an
air .
Resour ces
electr icity
can be
r unning
out which
leads to a
huge pr oblem
to our city.

Gr een buildings mostly br ing a

good impact to our city by r ising
unstable ener gy pr ices; better
health because we can get asthma
and aller gy attacks can be
tr igger ed by air pollutants fr om
staying indoor s as well as the
envir onment and the feeling that
people can do something to save
the Ear th. Ther efor e, gr een
buildings help the city healthier by
impr oving better envir onment that
gives better health, saving money
and r esour ces for the city.


can also benefit our health. When r iding

a bike, you can easily bur n up to about
600 calor ies within the fir st hour . It is
easier to finance a new bicycle than a
new car because bicycles pr oduce no
har mful pollution. What it does is it
eliminates the oil, fuel and hydr aulic
fluids dr ipped by automobiles onto the
r oad sur face, which means less toxic
r unoff into local water ways.

People nowadays depends on car s too

much that they?ve for got how car s impact
our city as well as our per sonal health
negatively. What can be an alter native
for m of tr anspor tation other than dr iving
a car ? Another way of tr anspor tation
can be r iding a bicycle. One sour ce
states that Amer icans ar e using bicycles
for tr anspor tation and r ecr eation in
r ecor d number s as the fitness and gr een
movements, as well as high ener gy costs,
spur a two-wheel r evolution. (Scher er ,
2013) Economic instability and ever
incr easing climate changes ar e just two
of the many r easons r iding a bike is an
excellent alter native to dr iving.Did you
know that r iding a bicycle can help you
save up to $3.8 billion gallon on gasoline?
Also fr om another sour ce, not many
people in Costa Rica own car s which
Th e i mpacts to l ocal communi ti es:
br ings benefits like less deaths fr om car
Port l and, OR <250% ~17,000 peopl e use bikes
accidents and pr omotes exer cise since
Washingt on, DC <160%
walking is the other option of
tr anspor tation. (Longman, 2006 ). This
Anchorage,AL <140%
means that have another alter native
for ms of tr anspor tation like using a bike

When talking about
cur r ent solutions for
Healthy Cities ther e ar e
many differ ent things
cities can do to make their
city healthy. One thing a
city can do to change the
way the citizens act about
living in a healthy city is
by pr omoting healthy
lifestyles (Bar ton & Gr ant
, 2012). This means if a city

pr omote health
awar eness, the city can
also have mor e or ganic
and healthy stor es.
Another sour ce says that
cities can pr omote safety
and sense of secur ity
(Bar ton & Gr ant , 2012).
When talking about safety
and sense of awar eness
cities should teach
students about these and
how they can make their
city healthy for futur e
gener ations.

On the other hand ther e
ar en't many new solution

for healthy cities. The best

thing cities can dowhen
dealing with cr eating a
healthy city is use
solutions that they
cur r ently have and once
ther e is mor e r esear ch
done they can use this
infor mation to fur ther the
r esear ch on healthy cities.
This has an impact
because when ther e is a
city full of unhealthy
people it tends to stay that
way, but if ther e is
something done this can
change a city fr om
unhealthy to healthy.
TheCNN10 : Heal t hiest
Cit ies

is willing to put poster s

on billboar ds that
In conclusion, ther e ar e many things cities can do to keep or cr eate healthy cities. One way
includes ur ban/ver tical far ming that can help the envir onment and agr icultur e. Another way to
have a healthy city is alter native for ms of tr anspor tation, such as, r iding a bicycle that can cut
back on gas usage and pollution. When talking about healthy cities ther e ar e many differ ent
things we can do to stay or become healthy but it's just one thing talking about it, doing it is a
whole differ ent stor y.

Ref erences
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