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MAKE JUST ONE CHANGE iscusion). This introduction wil help vin thinking 38 they deliberately metacognitive skills as ‘and develop their +42 shows teacher and student roles in this ew way of working the students internalize & 8 produce theie own. questions ‘They will also be practicing they think about how the rales cae hhelp them thinkin mew ways questions. ‘When the students are experiencin introducing and discussing the rules 8 fall vefection and analysis: When Yoo We the QET reviewed more briefly. the QFT for the frst times the process for Tees from five to seven minutes 10 allow for process agun, te rules cam Be Introducing the Rules Introducing the rules can Um n: Decide how the discuss fold as follows: on will take place, for example, Using one rales fr two to three minutes. Tey cA report to the large gfUP- snd then recorder, The recorder ‘can be done by the 1. ules iscsi of the following: «Students indi then share thelr thoughts « sradents discuss the rules report to the large group: OE student will serve as wait also reflect on the rules. Reports fo the large grou? seporter ot by g£0UP members. imum of five minutes. « shadents discuss the rules large GF" for a mii seep chart of stadent comments FOU. suse for review “You might want t0 ingand reminding them of the need for the rules. 2, fous Let students know that you ‘willbe introducing QPoeus that they ‘using to generate questions. snd to name challenges in fol the rules: 1 inst use: Ask students 10 TEVIEW the rules a Giseuss the rates in stall groups wih reports to large Towing them. Students: group ox simply discuss a 2 TATE group. .d students of the” es ubsequent use: Review the TUES ‘and remin the processis used. dually reflect on the {in small groups OF in small groups for Allbe 3. cules each time INTRODUCE THE RULES FOR PRODUCING QUESTIONS THBLES.2 Teacher and studentrolesin discussing the rules Teacherroe Stent role = noc the les + Thinkabou and name calenges in oloning + Facitatea discussion onthe challenges ‘theres ofthe Setting New Expectations ‘Your students may be familiar with traditional brainstorming. It is quite unlikely ‘that they have a lot of experience in focusing solely on producing a large number of questions. So students will need a few minutes to grapple with the implications of the Rules for Producing Questions. It is an important metacognitive exercise, especially the frst time students are introduced to the question formulation pro- cess. They need time to think about what might be difficult about following indi- ‘vidual rules as well as the whole set. They also need to imagine themselves doing the thinking activity and then acting in a different way; stopping some of their habitual responses or ingrained ways of thinking and discussing. It is particularly important to discuss the rules before introducing the QFocus Ifstudents hear the (QFocus frst, they will start thinking ebout that and won't be ready to internalize the changes required by the rules. Discussing the Rules You will find during the small group discussions or when students share asa large group that there are different opinions about the difficulty of following the rules. Some students might find that one ofthe rules will be more difficult to follow than ‘another. he difference in opinions should not be a concern; students do not need ‘to agree or reach consensus on this issue. The objective is to build awareness about the rules and their implications for the thinking work ahead. When students do the actual work on producing questions, they will become more aware ofthe challenges of following the rules INAKE JUST ONE CHANGE Jets look now at some sample activities for facilitating the discussion, In the first example, students are asked to rate the level of dificuty for following each vale and then provide a rationale for the level of dificulty they chose. Inthe second txample, students look atthe rules in general, choose one they find difficult to fl- ow, and provide a rationale. Example: Chosing Level fifty and Rationale, For each rule, sme “Willitbe easy or difficult to follow this rule and why? You can use the following template. “Template for discussing level of difcalty 1, Asks many questiosasyoucan- tay | Whe = Dif —Notsire 2. Donotstopto answer discs, ore the questions. — tay | Wy? — Dita —Notsue ‘3. Write down every question execty ats stated, fay | iy — Dial __Notsure “4. Changeany statements into questions, fy Why? — Dif Nature INTRODUCE THE RULES FOR PRODUCING QUESTIONS 3 “The value of this activity is that students will have to think about each one of the rules, Potential responses fo this exercise can be: 1, Asks many questions as you can: «+ Easy—Questions can be asked from the top of your head «+ Easy—Thisis easy because we talka lot 2, Do not stop to answer or discuss the questions: « Difficult—Because we would want an answer «+ Difficult—We like to discuss 3, Write down every question exactly as its stated: «+ Difficult—Itis hard to get everything down as stated ‘ Not sure—Sometimes its hard to write question after question 4, Change any statements into questions: «+ Easy—Itis restating «_ Not sure—Might not know what the statement is really asking Example 2: Naming Difficulties for Following the Rules What do you think can be difficalt about following these rules and why? Use the following template, Template for discussing challenges following the rules What do you thnk can be dficalt about following theserlest 1. Askas many questions asyou can, 2. Donotstop fo answer or dscussthe questions. 3, Wite down evry question exact itisstated, 4. Change any staterents into questions. Explain wy

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