Brittian's Class

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Note whatever you can about:

--the narrative (story)
--the acting
--the set(s) (both interior and exterior)
--use of the camera (position, angles, movement)
3. Refer to the textbook and/or other film history sources to put film
into perspective with the trends of filmmaking: techniques,
distribution, exhibition, industry trends,
social/economic/political/artistic trends
4. A small amount of research could be very helpful (studio history,
history of the period, director/producer/performer bios, reviews,
influence, etc)

1. Provide title, date, director, studio, principal actors
2. NO MORE THAN ONE PARAGRAPH should be devoted to a plot
3. Two to four ¶'s devoted to analysis/evaluation of techniques (acting,
photography, sets, camera techniques, etc.) and aesthetics (form,
style, genre)
4. Two to three ¶'s of discussion/evaluation of the film's place in film
history--people, industry trends, technological trends,
social/cultural/political trends
5. One to three ¶'s of an evaluation of the film's "significance": Intrinsic
excellence...Influence...Typicality (see text p. 7)

1. Report MUST be typed.
2. Proper paragraph/sentence style and format required
3. Grammar, punctuation, spelling are expected to be correct, ALL
critiques must be proofread before submission
4. Follow MLA guidelines for document set up and heading...any
reference in your report to information you learned from an article,
book (including the textbook), or a website MUST be documented in
appropriate MLA style.
5. A Works Cited page is optional
6. Use a TimesRoman type face no larger than 12-point; double-spaced
7. Critiques MUST be at least TWO pages in length and no longer than
FOUR pages.
Critiques will be graded on
--completeness of analysis/content
--degree of interest of entire evaluation
--logic of evaluation
--clarity and unity of paragraphs; grace of sentence style
--correctness of grammar, spelling, punctuation

Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a grade of 0%

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