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Castleton Public Library Board of Trustees

January 2016 Minutes

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix
at 7:05 p.m,
Roll Call: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President; Nathan Hans,
Treasurer; Doreen Truesdell, Secretary; Janet Hiser, Trustee; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee;
Sarah Niemitalo, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Excused absent: Maria
Marcucci, Trustee.
Adoption of Agenda
There were no changes to the proposed meeting agenda. Trustee Hiser motioned to adopt.
Treasurer Hans seconded. Approved 7-0.
Public Comment
Presidents Report
President Karis-Nix welcomed three new trustees to the board: Mary Claire Aitken, Maria
Marcucci and Sarah Niemitalo.
President Karis-Nix announced the resignation of Trustee Hiser, effective following the
boards regular meeting on March 21, 2016, and acknowledged her service to the board
during the past three years.
Secretarys Report
The minutes from the December 14, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Secretary Truesdell
motioned to adopt the minutes with no changes. Vice President Mullahy seconded.
Approved 7-0.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Hans presented the monthly Check Detail, Profit & Loss,
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, and Reconciliation Detail statements for
December 2015. Trustee Hiser motioned to approve the Check Detail report. Secretary
Truesdell seconded. Approved 7-0.
Directors Report
Director Tacke presented a report of patron usage, programs, outreach, news and
upcoming programs through February 2015. Director Tacke also presented a comparative
statistics report from 2013 through 2015.
Friends Report
Committee Reports
Administrative Committee- None.

Finance Committee Treasurer Hans reported the finance committee met prior to tonights
meeting. The committee is considering effective ways to approach the Village of Castleton
for an increase in its financial support. The committee would seek the Castleton Public
Librarys approval before presenting a proposal to the village.
Treasurer Hans reported CPLs current financial situation is stable, with up to six months of
operating expenses unencumbered and available. In addition, the library holds
approximately $42,000 in funds. President Karis-Nix recommended a discussion at a future
board meeting as to appropriate uses for the funds.
Operations/Capital Projects Committee None.
Policy Committee: Vice President Mullahy announced Craig Crist, legal counsel for the
Village of Castleton, had requested time to address the library board at tonights meeting
concerning the villages plans to update its personnel policy.
Craig Crist reported to the library board that the Village of Castleton will be engaging a
private consultant to develop a comprehensive, updated personnel policy for non-union
employees. Mr. Crist recommended the library board participate in the policy development
at no cost, with no obligation and with the opportunity to discuss the librarys individual
needs with the consultant. He said a separate document could be developed to address the
unique position of the library and its employees.
Vice President Mullahy motioned to adopt the library boards tentative personnel policy, as
drafted by Director Tacke and Treasurer Hans during the past eight months. Seconded by
Treasurer Hans. Approved 7-0.
Vice President Mullahy noted for the record the library board of trustees is willing and
prepared to participate with the Village of Castleton and its consultant in the development of
a personnel policy with the mutual goal of securing a professional, comprehensive policy for
the library and its employees.
Old Business
The library continues to seek a pro-bono auditor to conduct a comprehensive audit of the
library, in keeping with UHLSs best practices.
Discussion of the results of the library boards self-evaluation forms was tabled in the
interest of time.
The librarys word-of-mouth marketing for the coming month is Winter School Break
programs, beginning Tuesday, February 16.
New Business
Vice President Mullahy moved to ratify the permanent appointment of Library Director
Tacke, pursuant to the documentation provided by the Rensselaer County Department of
Civil Services. Seconded by Treasurer Hans. Approved 7-0.

Board members agreed to commit to attending at least two upcoming events in an effort
towards building community connections. Different board members will attend Take Your
Child to the Library and Coloring Night.
President Karis-Nix motioned to set the number of the library boards trustees at seven
within the librarys charter. Seconded by Treasurer Hans. Approved 7-0.
Public Comment
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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