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Health Science

9th grade
Spring 2016
Ms. Flores

Textbook: Glencoe Health, Bronson. M.M., 2010, Health, New York, NY, McGraw-Hill
Course Description: Health Science is a course required for graduation. This course
addresses health behaviors, and issues such as, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Injury Prevention,
Drugs, Mental Health, Reproductive Health, and provides skills to insure more knowledgeable
choices on these behaviors.
Course Objective: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate self-responsibility of personal health
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between all health behaviors
3. Demonstrate ability to make healthier choices
Grading Scale:
90 100 = A
80 89 = B
70 79 = C
60 69 = D
0 59 = F
Grade Distribution:
Classwork/ Homework
Written Assignments/Group Projects
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
1. Be seated and begin warm up when the bell rings
2. No electronic devices are to be used during class
3. Take care of restroom needs before and after class
4. Be respectful
5. Understand that the teacher dismisses the class
6. Turn homework/written assignments in on time (beginning of class)
7. Participate
8. Be organized (neat work)
Parent Expectation:
1. Review homework assignments before they are due
2. Review and sign test and quiz results
3. Keep updated on students grade
Course Outline

Week 1-3: Personal and Community Health

Personal Health and Self-Management
Disease Prevention
Environmental Health
Week 4-6: Mental Emotional and Social Health
Mental Health
Emotional Health
Social Health
Weeks7-10 Nutrition and Physical Activity
Physical Activity
Disease Prevention
Weight Management
Weeks11- 13 Alcohol Tobacco and other drugs
Facts and Effects
Social Norms/ Legal Issues
Cessation, Recovery, Maintenance
Weeks 14-16 Injury Prevention and Safety
Accident Prevention and Environmental health
First Aid
Violence, Bullying, Sexual Violence
Weeks16- 20 Growth Development and Sexual
Changes through the Lifespan
Reproductive and Sexual Health
Healthy Relationships
Legal Issues
have read the syllabus
fully and understand what is expected from me, for
this course.
have read the syllabus
fully and understand what is expected from me and
the student for this course.
(If you have any further question please contact

Chapters 1-3, 14, 24, 26, 29

Chapters 7-9

Chapters 4-6

Chapters 21-23

Chapters 13, 27, 28

Chapters 10-12, 18-20, 25

Student signature:
Parent Signature:

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