April 03 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 03, 2016

What is the kind of devotion we must strive to develop? Bhagawan gives us a

wonderful example today.

The life of Prahlada is a testament of real devotion to God.

Though severely tortured by his father, Hiranyakashipu,
Prahlada stood firm as a rock, steadfast in his devotion to
Vishnu. At a tender age, Prahlada planted God firmly in his
heart and withstood every storm and stress. Physical
afflictions had no effect on him and did not reduce his
devotion. The mind steeped in the Love of God is beyond
any shock and strain like the chloroformed patient who is
oblivious of the incisions made by the surgical instruments.
Only Love of this kind can ultimately be victorious. But
today, the devotion of the people wavers with every trying
circumstance. When our wishes are fulfilled, we install many
photographs for worship; and when our wishes are not
fulfilled, we throw out the photographs. Pain is a part of life
and must be accepted at any cost. Pleasure is an interval
between two pains.
- Summer Showers Ch1, May 20, 1996.

Accept pain and pleasure as gifts from God, for there is no pleasure without
pain and no pain without pleasure. Baba

03 AprYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,Awpxy iv`c,iks qrHW dI BgqI pYdw krnI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,iek suMdr audwhrx idMdy hn[
au`qr: pRhlwd dw audwhrx,Bgvwn dy Bgq hox dw AslI audwhrx hY[Awpxy
ipqw,hrxkiS~Xp dy zulmW dy bwvjUd,auh AwpxI ivSnUM Bgvwn dI BgqI qy

A`iVAw irhw[CotI aumr qoN hI pRhlwd ny, Awpxy idl iv`c,Bgvwn nUM vsw
ilAw sI Aqy aus iv`c auh Atl sI[duinAwvI ipAwr dw aus au`qy koeI Asr
nhIN sI[ijs mnu`K iv`c,Bgvwn leI ipAwr Atl huMdw hY aus au`qy, iksy cIz
dw ausy qrHW Asr nhIN huMdw ijvyN iek mrIz nUM kloroPwrm suMGweI hovy Aqy
auhdI cIr-PwV ho rhI huMdI hY Aqy aus nUM aus dy drd dw pqw nhIN
lgdw[ies qrHW dy ipAwr dI hI,hmySw ij`q huMdI hY[A`j kl dy lokW dI
BgqI,hmySw fwvW-fol rihMdI hY[jd swfIAW ie`CwvW pUrIAW ho jWdIAW
hn,AsIN Bgvwn dy keI Poto ,Awpxy Gr iv`c lgwauNdy hW pr jy swfIAW
ie`CwvW pUrIAW nhIN huMdIAW qW AsIN,auhI Poto bwhr k`F idMdy
hW[musIbqW,jIvn dw iek ih`sw hY Aqy ienHW nUM hr hwlq iv`c,Jylxw cwhIdw
hY[do du`KW dy ivckwr,KuSI AwauNdI hY[(smr Swvr A`iDAwey iek,20
meI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[
ikauoN jo ibnW du`K qoN su`K nhIN Aqy ibnW su`K qoN du`K nhIN, ies leI,du`KW Aqy
su`KW nUM,Bgvwn v`loN id`qw qohPw smJo[(bwbw)[

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