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Dear _________________,

This year, the Alder Food Security society will be electing new members to our Board of
Directors. We are looking for Board members who believe in our mission and are willing to be
active in their governance roles. Your name has been submitted to our Board Recruitment
Committee as someone whose experience and involvement in the community would be an
asset to our organization, and we hope that you will consider becoming a nominee.
The Alder Food Security Society is entering a challenging and exciting time, as economic
pressures increase and the demand for incentives such as our organization strives to provide.
We have the intentions to provide high quality consulting with front-line producers, education
amongst consumers, and general activism related to the food security and community
engagement and we invite you to become part of our team.
As an incorporated organization, our Board of Directors seeks representatives from the public,
private and low income sectors, and your name has been submitted to the Board as a potential
candidate representing the food sector.
I have enclosed a copy of our Board member job description. Copies of our Committee
descriptions are forthcoming, as we do expect that, once elected, our Board members will
participate in at least one Committee. While we do ask that our Board members play an active
role, we pride ourselves on supporting each other as a team and believe that we offer an
opportunity for our members to learn and grow with the organization.

A member of our Board will be contacting you by phone to discuss our invitation and to answer
any questions you may have.
If you wish to be considered, we ask that you complete our brief response form (enclosed). If
you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact the Board at
Please forward any questions you may have.
Thank you,
The Alder Food Security Society

Alder Food Security Society

The Alder Food Security Society is a new non-profit organization in Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada aiming to mobilize the local food community to reduce food insecurity in our city. We
are a hands-on organization whose goal is to include all voices in Edmonton to find solutions
for food insecurity, and believe that all Edmontonians should have access to healthy, fresh,
local food, regardless of income, gender, race, or class.
As a new non-profit organization, we are currently rolling out our programming, beginning with
SalvagED, a food-waste reduction initiative to raise awareness about food waste, educate the
public on ways to utilize waste produce, and create accountability for players in our food
system regarding their food waste.
Future initiatives and programming to be launched by the Alder Food Security Society include
monthly Food Chats for free education about food insecurity and our food system, Community
Kitchen programming, and a Youth Job Shadow program.
Our Vision Statement
The Alder Food Security Society envisions an Edmonton where local food and our vibrant food
community is available to everyone, regardless of income, age, gender, race or class.
Our Mission Statement
The objective of the Alder Food Security Society is to give marginalized groups access to the
community associated with our local food system through our programming and political
Our Core Objectives
1. Advocating For Systemic Change:
We want to drive real legislative change in our city and province. We envision a political
atmosphere where food insecurity is systemically addressed and the reliance on immediate
food charity is deemed unacceptable by our government.

2. Addressing Immediate Food Insecurity:

The Alder Food Security Society will assist food-insecure families directly during times of
need with products from our local food system. We will also support the work of alreadyexisting food charities to enhance their reach for their invaluable programs.
3. Capacity Building for Long-Term Food Security:
We believe all families should be able to afford and prepare healthy, local food at all times.
By providing food education and connecting families to the food community, we believe
these families will be able to make changes to reduce their food insecurity in their own
lives, on their own terms.
4. Food Education For All:
We aim to help all Edmontonians learn about the work being done in our food community,
determine the core areas for improvement and learn about approaches from around the
world to help our food system become more equitable and vibrant.

Board Member Job Description

A. Length of Term
1. Each Board member shall serve a two-year term from the effective date. A Board
member may serve up to ten consecutive one-year terms.
B. Time Commitment Required
1. The Board of Directors meets as required.
2. Committees of the Board meet at as required.
3. Board members are encouraged to attend the #AlderEats and other events as
appropriate and within the Directors available time.
C. General Qualifications
Each Board member should have each of the skills or attributes described below:
1. Possess an understanding of organizational history and mission, and ethics
2. Possess an understanding and appreciation of, or a willingness to learn, the history and
mission of The Alder Food Security Society (AFSS).
3. Demonstrate high ethical standards and integrity in or their personal and public
Knowledge and Experience
1. Possess experience in and knowledge of (or willingness and ability to obtain knowledge
of) the Food industry sufficient to enable the individual to be an effective Board
member, including the ability to comprehend and ask relevant questions regarding
materials routinely provided to the Board on AFSS operations and plans.
2. Possess experience in mission, professional, or volunteer positions that will enable them
to provide useful insights into various matters addressed by the Board.
3. Have current or recent prior service on other nonprofit or for-profit Boards; service in a
management position of an organization of comparable size or with other
characteristics similar to AFSS; other comparable experience; or the willingness and
ability to quickly learn and apply principles and practices of governance as required to
be an effective Board member.
D. General Expectations and Responsibilities
Each Board member is expected to:

1. Have the ability to participate effectively in Board meetings, including articulating and
responding to alternative viewpoints through effective communication.
2. Be willing and have the ability to devote the time required to be an effective Board
member, including serving on one or more Board Committees; preparing for Board and
Committee meetings through advance review of meeting materials; and attending at
least 75 percent of all Board and Committee meetings, in person or by phone (if
3. Commit to attend annual events designated for Board members, such as the annual
general meeting, SalvagEd events, social functions designed to integrate the Board and
acquaint Board members with one another, and other special functions as requested.
4. Adhere to AFSS policies applicable to Board members, including maintaining the
confidentiality of AFSS information and conflict of interest disclosure procedures.
5. Support the philanthropic goals of the AFSS.
6. Support the awareness goals of the AFSS.
7. Be willing to consider new ideas and changes in historic practices, consistent with the
mission, principles, and values of AFSS.
8. Possess the ability to make independent decisions, unencumbered by material conflicts
of interest.
9. Be committed to understanding the needs and diversity of the communities served by
AFSS initiatives and programs.
10. Commit to active participation in Board work, meaning preparing for each meeting and
actively engaging in discussion at Board meetings.
11. Stay informed about the organization and keep abreast of recent developments
pertaining to AFSS and in the food industry in general.

Date ____________ Nominator (if any) _____________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________ Phone _____________________
E-mail _________________________________________________________________________
Relevant experience and/or employment (attach a resume if relevant)
Why are you interested in our organization?
Area(s) of expertise/contribution you feel you can make
Other volunteer commitments

Thank you for completing this application for Board membership.

We will be in touch with you shortly.

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