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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 04, 2016

How should we use this precious birth? And what is the role parents must play
in imparting this lesson? Bhagawan, our loving God kindly explains to us today.
What is the origin of pride? Is it knowledge? No! It is
ignorance. What is the cause of ignorance? It is the feeling
of duality. Where did duality originate? From attachment and
hatred (Raga andDwesha). What is the origin of these two?
They are the products of circumstances. How did
circumstances come about? ThroughKarma (past deeds).
What is the cause of Karma? Birth! Thus be clear that birth
is the cause of all sorrow. Only by seeking freedom from
birth that you can free oneself from sorrow. The opportunity
of a human birth must be used for realising this supreme
goal. The duty of parents is to set children on the right path
from their early years. They should not hesitate to correct
them and even punish them when the children take to wrong
ways. The best way parents can show their love for their
children is to do everything necessary to lead them on the
righteous path.
- Divine Discourse Feb 5, 1984

Know that the purpose of human birth is to reach the Lord through worship. Baba

04 AprYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,ieh kImqI jIvn ,ikvyN pRXog krnw cwhIdw hY?ieh isKwaux
leI,mW-bwp dI kI ifaUtI hY?Bgvwn A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hMkwr dw ikhVw sRoq hY?kI ieh igAwn hY?nhIN,ieh A`igAwnqw
hY[A`igAwnqw dw kI kwrx hY?ies dw kwrx,duAYqw(dohrwpn) dI Bwvnw
r`Kxw[duAYqw ik`QoN pYdw huMdI hY?ieh moh Aqy nPrq qoN pYdw huMdI hY[ienHW
donW dw kI sRoq hY?ienHW dw sRoq,Awly-duAwly dy hwlwq hn[ieh hwlwq ikvyN

pYdw hoey[ieh,ipCly jnmW dy kwrx pYdw huMdy hn[krmW dw kI kwrx hY?ies

dw kwrx,mnu`K dw jnm hY[ies leI,cMgI qrHW smJ lau ik swry du`KW dw
kwrx,quhwfw jnm lYxw hY[jnm qoN mukqI pwaux nwl hI,du`KW dw AMq hovy
gw[ies jnm dy Avsr nUM,Awpxw lkS hwsl krn leI,pRXog kro[mW-bwp
nUM,bcpn qoN hI Awpxy b`icAW nUM,TIk rsqy qy clwauxw cwhIdw hY[aunHW
nUM,bi`cAW nUM TIk rsqy qy lY Awaux leI , szw vI dyxI pvy qW szw vI dyxI
cwhIdI hY[hr mW-bwp nUM,Awpxy b`cy nwl ipAwr krn dw iehI FMg hY ik auh
aus nUM hr hwlq iv`c,Drm dy rsqy qy lY ky Awvy[(05 PrvrI,1984 dy idvX
Xwd r`Ko,mnu`KI jnm dw iek hI lkS hoxw cwhIdw hY ik auh Bgvwn dI pUjw
kr ky ,aunHW nUM pRwpq kry[(bwbw)[

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