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Join the Peoples Assembly protest against austerity 16 April...

Support junior doctors

strikes - save our NHS!
On Wednesday 6 April junior
doctors will start their latest 48
hour strike against the imposition
of dangerous new contracts by Tory
health secretary Jeremy Hunt.
Junior doctors and their union
the BMA are taking strike action to
defend our NHS. We should back
them in their fight whatever the
Tories and the right wing press say.
And as junior doctors prepare to
strike - teachers, members of the
NUT, have voted to ballot for strikes


against Tory plans to force all schools

in England to become academies by
2022. These plans will drag education
back decades to a time when working
class students were expected to fail.
The announcement that up to
20,000 jobs could go with the threat
to Tata steel shows why we need
mass action to end austerity.
There couldnt be a better time
to resist. The Tories are weak
and divided. Chancellor George
Osbornes budget is already in tatters.

to SW

Minister for Work and Pensions

Iain Duncan Smith resigned and
Osborne was forced to back off from
over 4 billion of cuts to beneftits
for disabled people amongst other
U-turns. The Tories can be beaten.
On 16 April the Peoples Assembly
has organised a major demo against
austerity in London. Everyone who
can should get to that protest.
Lets back the strikes, join the
protests and drive the Tories out for

Id like to hear more about Marxism 2016

political festival (email/mobile)

Return complete petitions to: David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA

Initiated by Socialist Worker

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