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Madden Spring 2016

Supervised Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Outline

Tutor: Allie Arango
Tutee: Anna
Grade: 3

Date of Tutoring: 3/30/16

Lesson # 14
Reading Level: 2

I. Fluency
Objectives: Anna will be able to read with
appropriate expression.

Activities & Procedures

This passage contains several questions,
exclamation points, and quotations, so I will
CCSS: RF.3.4.b Read grade level prose and explain to Anna that each of these things are
poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, important and change the way you read
and expression on successive readings.
them. I will explain and then model that
your voice goes up at the end of a question,
and that your voice should go up throughout
Text: Wild Things in the Park
a quotation and exclamation point. Anna
Text Level: 3
will then read the passage while I record her
voice. We will then listen to the recording
and see if she needs to improve. If
necessary, she will reread the passage and I
will record it again to reevaluate again.

To be continued

II. Reading for Meaning (Comprehension)

Objectives: Anna will be able to take notes
in the margin of an informational text about
the key idea of each paragraph.
CCSS: RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a
text; recount the key details and explain how
they support the main idea
Text: With Special Cameras, Scientists Can
Learn What Whales Do at Night (newsela)
Text Level: 3

Activities & Procedures

Before Reading: I will begin by explaining
to Anna that sometimes we read things to
learn new information about the world. I
will explain that it can be tricky to keep
track and understand everything that is
happening in an article, so many readers
annotate or take notes on the side to help
them remember what is happening. I will
explain that it can help to underline or
highlight the important parts of the text to
help make notes. I will then model with an
article from about monarch
butterflies. I will read each paragraph aloud
and think aloud with Anna as I highlight the
important parts. After each paragraph, I will
stop and reread what I highlighted to come

Dr. Madden Spring 2016

Supervised Clinical Practice
to a conclusion about what the paragraphs
main idea is. I will write this on the side.
After going through the entire text, I will
read my annotations aloud and think aloud
as I come to a conclusion about what the
entire article is about.
During Reading: Anna will begin reading
the first paragraph of the article, and I will
give her the highlighter to mark the paper as
she reads. After the first paragraph, I will
stop her from reading and ask her to reread
what she just highlighted. I will then ask her
what she thinks the paragraph was mostly
about based off of what she highlighted. She
will then write this in the margin next to the
first paragraph. I will repeat this process for
paragraphs two and three as well.
After Reading: I will ask Anna to read her
three annotations in the margins. I will ask
her to determine what she thinks is the main
idea of the article based off of these
annotations. Anna will write two to three
sentences about the main idea of the entire
article based off of her annotations to show
her understanding.

To be continued

III. Integrated Writing

Objectives: Anna will be able to edit a
section of her autobiography.
CCSS: W.3.5 With guidance and support
from peers and adults, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, and editing.
Editing Checklist

Activities & Procedures

I will begin by explaining to Anna that now
the next step in the writing process after
revising is editing. I will go over each point
on the editing checklist to ensure that she
understands all of the points. We will then
begin to edit one section of her

Dr. Madden Spring 2016

Supervised Clinical Practice

To be continued

IV. Word Study

Objectives: Anna will be able to
differentiate common rules when adding
ing to vc and vcc pattern words.
CCSS: L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the
conventions of Standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking.
Word List


Activities & Procedures

I will begin by showing the words get and
yell to Anna. I will ask her if she notices
anything similar or different about these two
words. If she does not point out that get is a
vc pattern and yell is a vcc pattern, I will
explain this to Anna. I will explain that
when words end in a vc pattern, you double
the consonant before adding ing. I will
explain that if the word is a vcc pattern, then
you do not change anything, and just add
ing. I will model how to do this with both
example words. I will then give Anna a list
of words that she will need to determine if
she needs to double the consonant and add
ing, or just add ing. She will write the
words into her notebook.
To be continued

V. Summary/Closure
Assessment of Lesson

Evidence of Learning

Oral Reading of Wild Things in the Park

Anna will read with accurate expression

based off of punctuation. She will selfevaluate based off of a recording of the first

Completed Annotations

Anna will take marginal notes about the

main idea of each paragraph of an
informational text. Anna will then come to a
conclusion about the main idea of the entire
article based off of her marginal notes.

Edited Section of Autobiography

Anna will edit a section of her

autobiography using the editing checklist.

Completed Word Sort

Anna will accurately determine if a word

has a vc or vcc pattern. She will accurately
add ing and if necessary, double the
ending consonant.

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