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Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics : 24.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Instructors: Damien Rochford

February 20, 2015

Problem Set 4

Problem Set 4
Name: Amartya Shankha Biswas

Problem 1.
(a) Yes. Vacuously True
(b) No.
Since {{}} P(P(P())) and P(P(P())), and and {{}} are incomparable, this is not
a well ordering.
(c) No.
Since {{}} P(P(P())) and P(P(P())), and and {{}} are incomparable, this is not
a well ordering.
This is a valid well-ordering. {} {, {}}
(e) No.
Since {{}} P(P(P())) and P(P(P())), and and {{}} are incomparable, this is not
a well ordering.
Problem 2.
(a) If there was an ordinal with <o , then . But is empty. Contradiction.
(b) Assume the contrary. Say there is an infinite ordinal <o .
So, = = no for some natural number n.
But the cardinality of no is finite. Contradiction.
Problem 3.
(a) We define a bijection f : 0 as follows
f () = 0o and f (no ) = (n + 1)o n
(b) Assume the contrary. Say there is a bijection f : 0 .
So, we have some no = f (). Now, we know that (n + 1)o > no
= f 1 ((n + 1)o ) > f 1 (no )
= f 1 ((n + 1)o ) >
Contradiction. This is because is the largest element in the order specified by 0 .


Problem 4.
(a) True. + 1o = {} = 0
(b) False. We have 1o + = , but + 1o = 0 .
(c) True. Finite addition is commutative.
(d) True. LHS is ( + 2o ) + = + <o ( + ) + 3o
(e) True. Finite multiplication is commutative.
(f) False. 3o = 6= ( + ) + .
(g) True. 3o = + + = ( + ) + .
(h) True. ( 2o ) + <o ( + ) + <o <o ( ) + 2o
(i) False. (2o ) =
(j) True. ( ) = ( ) ( )
Problem 5.
(a) Three copies of .
(b) Three copies of .
(c) copies of .
(d) copies of (answer to (c)).
(e) (answer to (c)) copies of (answer to (c)).

Problem Set 4

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