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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 06, 2016

Why is it important for parents to regulate certain habits such as television

viewing habits at home? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Bear in mind that youth is the most precious years in

one's life and should not be wasted or misspent. To let
children watch television from 6 to 10 p.m. is to make
them forget all that they have learnt at school or college.
In addition, they learn many evil things. If TV is used for
teaching good things, it can serve a worthy purpose. But
that is not the case, younger generation is being ruined
by undesirable films and programs. Their minds are
being poisoned. It is not a sign of parental love to let
children grow in this manner. Even parents should avoid
going to cinemas. All crimes and violence we witness
today are largely the result of the evil influence of films on
young minds. While science and technology may appear,
to confer many benefits, they also have many harmful
effects. To make proper use of scientific knowledge we
must have the wisdom and discrimination.
- Divine Discourse Feb 5, 1984.

First, weed out the evil thoughts and bad habits. Second, cultivate good habits. Baba

06 AprYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:mW-bwp leI,ieh ikauN zrUrI hY ik Gr iv`c tYlIivXn Awid vyKx dIAW
AwdqW au`q,y muV ivcwr kIqw jwvy?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy

au`qr: mn iv`c,ieh gl Xwd r`Ko ik AwdmI dI jvwnI dy idn ,bVy kImqI

huMdy hn Aqy ieh idnW dw duraupXog nhIN hoxw cwhIdw[svyry 06 bjy qoN lY ky
rwq dy ds bjy qweIN , b`icAW nUM,tYlIivXn vyKx dI AwigAw dyx nwl,b`icAW
ny jo skUl Aqy kwilj iv`c p`iVHAw huMdw hY,auh Bu`l jWdw hY[aus dy nwlnwl,auh keI mwVIAW cIzW vI vyKdy hn[jy tYlIivXn nUM,cMgIAW cIzW vyKx
leI pRXog kIqw jwvy qW ies dw lwB ho skdw hY[pr ieh, A`j-k`l nhIN ho
irhw[Coty b`cy,mwVIAW iPlmW Aqy pRogrwm vyK rhy hn[aunHW dy mnW iv`c,zihr
BirAw jw irhw hY[ies qrHW , mW-bwp v`loN id`qw ipAwr,b`cy nUM v`fw bxx leI
rukwtW pYdw krdw hY[mW-bwp nUM vI cwhIdw hY ik auh vI isnymw vyKx nw
jwx[A`j-k`l,ij`ny vI ApRwD Aqy ihMswvW ho rhIAW hn,auh nOjvwn b`icAW dy
mnW au`qy iPlmW dy bury Asr dw nqIjw hn[sweINs Aqy tYknIkl
is`iKAw,BwvyN ku`J lwB dy rhIAW hn pr ienHW dy vI keI mwVy Asr
hn[sweINs dy igAwn dw TIk aupXog,bu`DImqw Aqy lwB-hwnI vyK ky krnw
cwhIdw hY[(05 PrvrI,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
pihlW,Awpxy iv`coN , bury ivcwrW Aqy burIAW AwdqW dw ivnwS kro Aqy aus qoN
bwd,Awpxy AMdr cMgIAW AwdqW dw vws kro[(bwbw)[

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