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I knew nothing. I was just walking to Mrs. Daisies that day to deliver the cookies she
bought to our shop yesterday. I saw nothing. I was too focused with how I should
look, or how I should act. Mrs. Daisies is the strict kind, you see. If you dont look
respectable to her, you are disgusting. She wont let you in her big place. Anyway,
about that guy youre talking about, well, all I remember is that he offered to carry
half of the boxes of cookies I carry. Thats all. I said no and noted I am used to
carry even more. And then he smiled and said Ok. You carry on. Please do take care
of yourself, pretty lady. I smiled back and headed towards Mrs Daisies.
Was there a sign?
If there was, I did not notice it. Hes pretty kind for a murderer. I dont know.
Was there anyone else you could have suspected?
Uhm. Anyone else? Well, I couldnt have really suspected anybody. I mean, it was an
ordinary day but I saw Dr. Hills car parked somewhere near Ms. Lillys. But I
thought it was normal, cause, you know, well, Dr. Hills kind of like that to girls in
the neighborhood. It happens that it was Ms. Lillys this time. I mean, hes never
hurt any of us before. Uhm. There was also Duncan, practicing his guitar, as
always Well, there was one creepy hunchback I saw holding a shoulder bag,
looking towards Mrs. Daisies mansion. He looked me in the eyes when I passed
him. He creepily smiled and asked Am I in Falconhearts place? I said no and
pointed where Mr. Falconhearts is. I assumed he was just a lost man, because Mr.
Falconhearts like two streets away. He couldnt have done it with his old age, too. I
dont know. I dont know.
Dr. Hill
I wasnt at Lillys. That girl is lying. I was home. All my guards and maids can
confirm it. I came home late last night celebrating my first successful operation. So I
woke up pretty late, too, Sir.
And your car?
What about it? I had it in my place. I only have one car, Sir. That would have not
gone if I wasnt in it. If you have ways to check it, please do so, just to clear my
How about Lilly?

Lilly is a friend. I have known her for a long time, way before she moved here. But
she has a boyfriend, so I did not dare come near her as I would other pretty young
girls. I swear that cookie-delivering girl is lying.
Why would you think so? Shes not trying to frame you. She said its only normal.
Perhaps, shes She did? Well, its been a while since I have anything to do with
her. I mean, I did not invite her to my party. And I heard shes going out with that
freak. I just thought maybe shes doing some kind of revenge against me or
Who do you think have done it?
You mean if it wasnt him, correct? Well, Ford is a good man, I dont think he has
any conflict with anyone. He does not have relationships, too. The thing then would
probably be money. Hes unbelievably rich. Some unfortunate man probably just
found a chance by this incident.
Youre saying?
Yes, perhaps, Flamefinger did it. Hes the only one benefitting in the incident. He
wasnt a real son, but hes going to get a sum of money with the good man dead.
I was just playing my guitar like an ordinary morning. I heard two bangs. I ran
towards the incident. I saw two masked men running from afar. But I did not mind
them. I went towards the victim. The doors were locked but I managed to peek over
the window. It was good old Ford, lying in his sofa, without consciousness. Two holes
in the window I was standing at and two holes in the front of Mr. Fords shirt made
me realize whats going on. I hit the glass with a stone to get in and tried to wake
Mr. Ford up. But he wont. I was crying for help big time, Sir. I really was.
You did not see the murderer?
I thought your accusation is impossible. He couldnt have done it. I have respect
over him. He cant have done it. There must be someone else trying to frame him. I
mean, what could be his motive?
But the gun we found in the bushes outside, his fingerprints were all around itl
I dont know how the killers got those there. All I know is he cant have done that.
He cant.
You promise you never saw him?
I I did, actually. With Sunflower. He was helping her with her cookies to Mrs.
And then?

I never saw him apart from Sunflower that time. I was aware he and she were going
out. I thought they look good together, I guess.
Are you sure? Sunflower said she did not let him help her carry the boxes of
Well, Im pretty sure she did. Perhaps, she was trying to avoid an issue? She and
Warlock are five years apart. But I thought everyone knew it, anyway.
How about an old hunchback? Have you seen one?
Oh, you mean Mr. Locust? Yes, I saw him. He even asked directions to Mrs. Daisies.
He was pretty kind, although hes a bit scary. I think hes perfect for testifying
Warlocks kindness. Hes helped him a lot, more than his Falconheart grandson ever
You know him pretty well, huh? Wait, he was going to Daisies?
Yes, I do know him. I think everyone who knows Falconheart knows him. He always
looks for him, even going to the trouble of going house-to-house for him. Such a
sweet old man. He was looking for his grandson in Mrs. Daisies. Apparently,
Falconheart went overnight at Mrs. Daisies, with some of his friends, which, of
course, include Mrs. Daisies daughter and Falconhearts rumored girlfriend,
Rebecca. You think hes a suspect? Well, hes pretty old for that, you know.
Have you seen any car by Lillys place? Did you recognize it as Dr. Hills?
Lilly? Oh, you mean, Ms. Tree? Nope. I heard its been weeks since she secretly went
missing from the neighborhood, right? We all thought shed moved out. Dr. Hill?
Whos Dr. Hill? Anyway, I did not see anything linking her and her place to the
I dont know what to say. All I know is that I did not do it. I dont know about the
fingerprints in the gun. I was never near Mr. Fords neighborhood that day. I was
working at the bakery all day. I just dont know what to say. I dont remember
anyone who could have been in bad terms with me or something. I dont know
Are you sure you were working all day? How about Sunflower? Two witnesses have
confirmed you being with her at the time of the incident.
Who is Sunflower? Im sorry, I dont know her. Perhaps, they have mistaken me for
someone else? I mean, they do that a lot between me and Flamefinger, if you know
him. Im not the kind to go out a lot, so I did not manage to memorize all the names
in my one year stay in here, Im sorry.

Sunflower is the cookie-delivery girl you offered help in carrying boxes of cookies,
Uhm. Nope. I dont know her.
There must be something to explain the fingerprints in the gun found in the bush
I dont know how those got there. I really dont. Please, dont do this to me. I swear I
dont know anything about this murder. I swear I was in the bakery all day, I can
prove that. And the fingerprints, oh man, I swear I dont know how those got there.
Oh man, if anyone please help me out.
Ok. If you wont admit that youre near that neighborhood that time, at least give us
your insights as to who could have done it.
Uhm. Well, I told you. I have not done any harm with anyone. Theres this one
person who keeps looking at me strangely, though, everytime he passes by the
bakery. He was Dr. uhm. He was that white doctor, with a wide forehead and tall
nose, blonde hair, scary blue eyes, and well-built body. I have no theory as to why
he acts like that, however. Someone against Mr. Ford, on the other hand, uhm, oh,
there was one. Mr. whats his name again? There was this bald hunchback who
always look for Falconheart. I remember him saying Ford is nothing but a trash who
managed to steal some during their days one time after he bought some cake for
his grandsons birthday. Thats it. I dont remember anyone else.
Ok. Are you sure you dont really know Sunflower? She was a lovely girl, with curly
brown hair, freckles, small nose, braces, and glasses over deep green eyes. No?
No, really sorry.
I was with my girlfriend, Rebecca, at Mrs. Daisies, I can confirm that. I cant sleep,
that was my problem. So it was early in the morning, I was taking a walk. I saw a
man that seems to be Flamefinger, although has a different hair then so I did not
recognize him. Its been a while since Ive been in these parts. Anyway, he seems to
be questioning a young girl I never saw in my whole life. The girl cried running back
to where she came from. It was weird, I know, this early in the morning. I thought it
was a couple problem. Flamefinger was walking towards me when I heard a bang.
My first instinct was to run. There was another. Then, I dont know next. I saw
Flamefinger next to me. Apparently, he did run from the bangs, too, so Im sure he
did not do the crime.
You never saw a young girl deliver anything towards Mrs. Daisies before the
No. I swear if there was anything like that, I would have seen it. I did not go far
enough from Mrs. Daisies.

But Mrs. Daisies did order cookies?

Not that I remember. But isnt Mrs. Daisies diabetic? I dont know if it has anything
to do with the case, but I just heard something like that from my girlfriend.
How about your grandfather? Have you seen him?
Oh, yeah. I forgot. He did come around, but he was knocking at the wrong door. He
was knocking at Ms. Lillys, who as we all know, long gone. Duncan, the boy living in
the apartment on the other street, his hair changed a bit too, came near him and
pointed him the right directions. He saw me and then I did what a grandson would
do to this grandfather: kiss his hand and greet him. He said a few words against me,
it was normal, and then ran back home. This was way before I met Flamefinger.
Anyone else you missed? Anyone? How about Warlock?
No one. Warlock? That guy never goes out of his home. He wouldnt have been out
during those times.
All the evidences point to him. Any insights?
Hahaha. Thats funny. That guy wont be able to do something like that. And whats
it to him? I dont know. But if its true, it would be a big shock for me. He and I went
the same highschool, the same as Flamefingers, in case youre wondering. I know
him pretty well.
Anyone in particular you couldve guessed have done it?
That ones pretty tough. But if you ask me, its him who lies the most. Who says
about the young girl delivering cookies?
So far, every one who claimed they were in the scene of the crime, except you. You
should be careful with your words.
Really? I swear I did not do it. Ask Flamefinger! Im innocent! Im trying to
remember with the best that I can, I swear I dont remember that girl.
The girls name was Sunflower, she claims to know you.
Sun-sunflower? Well, what do you know, shes my ex. Havent seen her anywhere
there during those times, I swear. I actually havent seen her after a long long time.
She was not there, I promise.
Tell me about Flamefinger. Was he not suspicious?
What? I told you he you mean him making a young girl cry early in the morning.
Yeah, he sure is. Ive never heard him have a girlfriend before, you know, and were
pretty tight.
Tight? He was not invited in your sleepover. Was he not?
No. It was something Rebecca and I made up. There was actually just the two of us.
Haha. My grandpas pretty strict.

And Mrs. Daisies?

Shes, well, not that aware. Im sorry, Im not sure if this has anything to do with the
Have you seen any car by Lillys place? Did you recognize it as Dr. Hills?
No, I havent.
First of all, I did not do it. I was just passing by, trying to locate Mrs. Daisies place,
getting lost in another house, being directed by a young gentleman, holding a
guitar. I did not see my grandson at all. All I saw was a fine young lady, who must
have misunderstood me when I ask her Where is Falconheart? , because she
pointed the way towards our home. I recognize her as Falconhearts special
someone, going with him to our house every now and then. But I guess, that was
then, she seems to even have flinched upon mention of his name. I heard my boys
going out with one of Mrs Daisies girls now. I knew I was in the right place, though,
thanks to that young boy, as Mrs. Daisies, herself, comes out to receive the cookies
she ordered. There was something in there, as if Mrs. Daisies despises the young
girl. She saw me and exploded, YOUR WONDERFUL GRANDSON ISNT HERE. SO
GET OUT AND DONT EVER COME BACK!!! I did not know what to answer so I just
bowed down, apologized, and left.
On my way, I saw that guy on the bakery, making a hush sign with his hand, moving
towards the house I mistakened as Mrs. Daisies. I saw him break the window. I was
shocked. That boy couldnt have done that. And then the young girl broke into tears
when she saw me saw what took place. Dont tell anybody, please, she
meaningfully pleaded me. I ran away, as fast as I can. I didnt want to go near that
place again.
So, Youre saying Warlock did it? Werent the shooting done only by the window?
Youre saying Warlock knocked the windows first and then shot his victim?
Yes. Listen, let me clear something out. I did not hear the bangs. I left the place all
before anything actually happened, ok? And Warlock? Whos Warlock, is he the
bakery guy? Well, yes, I think he did kill Mr. Ford. That guy was a perfect picture, too
perfect that he almost destroyed an opportunity that should have been the old
guys sons. But Ford succeeded, that cheat of an old man. You know, he did a lot
more than that during our days. I say he deserves every bit of it. That boy with the
guitar lied because he saved that kid from being stepped out of his school, too.
Sir, it sounds like you would have done it.
Think what you have to think. But its useless for me to kill him, dont you think.
Plus, I dont think I have the skills, if not for killing, at least for covering up.

But Sir, Duncan, the boy with the guitar, stated that you would have supported
Warlock, being saved by him a couple of times too.
He got that right. I owe him a lot.
Have you seen any car by Lillys place? Did you recognize it as Dr. Hills?
Was it the dark blue one? Yes, I think I did. And Lilly is the girl next door, I assume.
Hmm, that suspicious girl, going missing after quite some time now, huh? Hmm.
Ok, Sir. Youve made yourself clear about something, at least. About that
The opportunity to go to college. That bakery guy is an intelligent man, he would
have gladly made it if it wasnt for lack of money. He was living with his grandpa
alone, I remember. He was the only one working for the two of them. Go see the
records. Hes not supposed to be dropped out of Fords school! And look how lucky
whats the name of the devil? initially did not make it. Fords school was known to
let only a limited number of students graduate, you see.
Ok. But still, there were irregularities with your statement, I must say. How about
your grandson? He himself stated that he was out that early in the morning! Were
you trying to cover him up?
What? No! I never saw him in the scene although I thought he should be at that
grumpy old womans house! He went back home without knowing the incident. I just
told him about it. He did confirm he was at the womans house during those times.
Are you absolutely sure of all your statements?
Yes, I am. That boy is nothing but a headache. If he did it, itd be my pleasure to get
him arrested.
Sunflower did it. She looks so innocent with that silly grin and white dress, but I
know she has something against father. Shes the only person I saw down the
streets that early morning. I asked her what shes doing that early, she was
surprised I was already up. I was at Dr. Hills party, you see. I think everyone Dr. Hill
knows is there except for her for some reasons. She thought Ill be up late. She says
she has to deliver something to Mrs. Daisies. I did not suspect her, at first, I guess
that was my mistake. Father always trusted that young girl. You see, Sunflower
worked for my father as his assistant for quite some time. Im not sure whats
between them. All I knew was she left the job with a huge grudge against him. Oh,
how I pity him for having such cruel encounter. But then, I guess, the young girl
must be pitied, too. She must think that father deserves it anyway. He must have
done something really really horrible.

Tell us where you were during those times.

I I went jogging. Yes, I guess it was regular for me to do that, you can ask any
locals. I dont let late sleep keep me off the schedule. I believe discipline is really
important. When I heard the bangs, I was already done with one round around the
neighborhood. I quickly turned to what seems to go on. And then, what a big shock.
My own house Dad must have not imagined anyone would have the guts and so
went light with security. All I saw was Mrs. Daisies, receiving her cookies, looking so
sorry for me for what happened, and the one I suspected the most, Sunflower. Of
the two, she has the motive, she must be it.
Sunflower? We did find a gun in the bush that has Warlocks fingerprints all over it,
you see.
Really? There was a - . What? He couldnt have done that! Hes not that kind of
person. I dont know what to say. Also, as I was jogging, I saw him working at the
bakery. I even said hi to him.
Ok. I understand. I think Falconheart did mention you three went to the same
highschool and got to know each other there even before the guy moved in this
neighborhood. How about Falconheart, have you seen him?
Uhm He wasnt there.
How about his grandfather? Duncan? You did not mention any of them.
Uhh Yes, I forgot about them. They were certainly there. I just dont think of them
as really capable of such crime.
Oh, yes. But you are. Hahahaha. Mr. Flamefinger, were beginning to doubt
Falconhearts story now after you and another witness deny his presence in the
scene of crime, but he did mention you were speaking with a girl early in the
morning. We dont suppose it was Sunflower, though.
G-G-Girl? Do you think this has something to do with the crime? Falconheart wasnt
there and there was no such event, I swear. Again, all I saw before I went jogging
early in the morning was Sunflower. And I thought she was suspicious, thatd be all.
One last thing, Dr. Hill, was he around? His car?
No, or at least, I have not seen him or it.
Mrs. Daisies
It had never occured to me that such young child could have done it until I saw him
walking out of the house, bloody, with gun in his hands. Warlock, no matter how
untidy at times, always seemed so nice to me and to others. But I can assure you
that he and no one else did the crime. When I saw him trying to escape, I shouted
what he did there! I heard the bangs! He cant have- no!

Sunflower. She did come to your house to deliver cookies?

Oh, that dirty woman. Apparently, she did. Ive been craving the taste for a long
long time, you see. Even though Im not sure if my doctor would like it, Ill eat what I
want to eat.
How about Falconheart? Did you see him?
No. What? His grandfather, yes. Oh, those two were a big headache! My Rebecca is
too young, too innocent. I know what theyre trying to do! Theyre trying to get into
my family and escape their poverty, their irresponsibility! All they want is my
money! Nothing else!
How about Flamefinger?
F-F-Flamefinger? Well, Im sure he wasnt there. Was he? He couldve protected his
father, correct? I did not see him, which is sad, because family must protect family. I
say Warlock did it and no one else, Sir.
And Dr. Hill, have you seen his car parked by Lillys?
Whos he? L-L-Lilly? You mean, Miss Tree? Wasnt she gone for a long time now? No.
No, I havent seen the car.
This has been very difficult. The stories coincide at some parts but
becomes quite divergent at some. Who could have done it? Did Warlock
really do it? Was it because he failed to go to college because of Mr. Ford?
What has all the other characters been hiding? Sunflower, Dr. Hill, Duncan,
Warlock, Falconheart, Locust, Flamefinger, Mrs. Daisies and Ms. Tree?
Miss Lilly Tree?
Ms. Tree
I did it. Im sorry it took time for me to gather the courage I need to go here and
confess. But I did it. I killed James Ford. Its not for money, not for revenge. It was
for defense. This is what really took place. Let me start with before I start missing.
James and I, well, weve been secretly together, for a few months. Although, his son
does not really want me, our relationship succeeded and no one had known about it
except for Flamefinger. Were no longer just dates that time, we already spend
nights together, exclusively go to vacations, etc., but we decided its best to leave
everyone unaware. And then it happened, I became pregnant. Soon, everyone
would know. I was a little nervous, but at the same time happy to let everyone know
our secret relationship. But this was not what Ford felt. Suddenly, he wanted me to
abort the child. He said its wrong because Im almost half his age. He said
Flamefinger wouldnt approve of it. Everyone wouldnt approve of it. And thats not
good for what hes planning supposedly the coming campaign period. He was going
to run for a position, and hed rather keep his reputation clean than to keep me. And
so I left. It became hard, though. Very hard.

I was at my aunties the whole time. She took really good care of me, both my
health and my secret. She knows I still have dreams in life, and she does not want
anything to ruin my future. And one day, Ive decided. Ive decided to leave the
country and never come back. I found a job opportunity looking for a researcher like
me in Canada. But a part of me wanted to say goodbye, even in their sleep. I guess
that was my mistake. I went back, 4 in the morning, I know that no one goes out
early enough, not even little Duncan. I went to see the house of the man who dared
abandon me. I cannot help the tears go down my cheeks. I imagined how sorry I
made my life go with him. I was about to leave, but then I saw a young man just
finished his regular jogging. I thought it was too early. He said he just woke up and
was bored. He then confessed. He liked me. Flamefinger secretly liked me. I turned
to him and told him everything thats happened between me and James. He did not
like it. Hed almost curse his father, but he understood everything. He chose to calm
me down and became a friend to me.
Apparently, he wasnt the only one whos awake at the time. Falconheart saw the
two of us. I thought it was dangerous. And that was what Flamefinger thought too
when he approached him and knocked him unconscious. I thought it was cruel. But
he told me, Falconheart, of everyone in the neighborhood, is the most believable
tale-bender hes known and its going to be dangerous for him to know about me.
He hid him at my house, where, in my surprise, Leroy was sleeping in. Leroy Hill was
my ex-boyfriend, you see. I see that he still loves me. Our breakup, of course,
happened because of his playboy tendencies. I gave up on him when I saw him
kissing another girl, that prostitute, Fords old maid, Sunflower. Anyway, as soon as
we laid the unconscious Falconheart at the sofa, we left my house. I left all the
memories I had with it once and for all.
I was about to leave the neighborhood. I thanked Flamefinger and all. But he wants
me to come over his house. He wants to give me something. It-It was a ring. This
ring. He wants to marry me, if his father wont. He wants to take responsibility of
being a father to this child if his father wont. And then James woke up. It was 5 in
the morning. He always wakes up that early. I told him that I wanted to say
goodbye. He kissed me goodbye and wished me good-luck for all my plans. And
then Flamefinger confessed his plan to marry me. James disagrees. Then they
started to get into a fight. They hurt each other. James beat his own son. And then
Flamefinger would fight back. It was the first time I saw James that violent, I never
imagined. I wanted to go, to escape. And then it happened. James took out his gun
and pointed it to his own son. My heart beat so fast, I didnt know whats going to
happen next. James was wearing gloves, as if already foreseeing himself kill his own
son and get away with it. Flamefinger managed to let the gun slip from his hands.
And then there were struggles, blood, and then I had to stop it. Covering my hands
with my handkerchief, I took the gun and shot James twice. I killed him. I was
shocked by my own actions, but I know it was the right thing to do.

It took a while before Flamefinger and I planned to leave. It was 6 then. We were
both anxious of what I have just done. We were too anxious to care about anyone
who could have heard the shots or who would be seeing us leave. We recklessly
went out by the front door. Welcoming us outside are curious eyes I would have
known. My fears escalated. Yes, I managed to escape James, but I know my crime
wont let me escape. I did not know what to do. I just cried and held Flamefingers
arms tight. He kept telling me everything will be alright, even though deep inside I
knew he knew it wont be. There outside, I saw three figures who have witnessed
our exit from the mansion: Mrs. Daisies, that prostitute, Sunflower, and the bakery
boy, Warlock. Sunflower was delivering cookies to Mrs. Daisies and Warlock was
helping the young girl carry those boxes. I saw Flamefingers eyes glued intently
onto the boy. I knew it. I knew what was going to happen next.
Among the three, Warlock is the most able to kill. He grabbed his friend, said sorry,
and knocked him unconscious in an unbelievably silent manner. Flamefinger was
crying, begging to the two witnesses to keep quiet about whats happened and what
was going to happen next. Everything happened faster than I expected, faster for
any help to be called to, faster for me to stop Flamefinger. It was unnecessary. He
did not kill his father. I did. Why was he covering me up? I thought it was not fair.
Hes risking his life for me. He shouldnt have done it. He shouldnt have. I thought
of preventing Flamefinger in doing any further damage. I attempted going after him,
but someone grabbed me, one hand around my waist, one in my mouth. It was
Leroy. He was awake. And I think he knew everything that has happened as well. He
kept me in his car, and began driving away from the scene. I begged him to stop. I
wanted to know what happens next. But he wanted to protect me, and so insisted
that we go. Soon enough, I have successfully convinced him to stop. It did two
blocks away from Mrs. Daisies. From there, I saw Flamefinger spread Warlocks
fingers all over the gun, knock the window, and force the poor unconscious man in. I
saw him leave, still with tears in his eyes.
And then it was half past 6 when Duncan got of their house and played his guitar
like he always did every morning. He got up unusually late that I doubt he even
heard the shots. But I think he noticed the broken window because he stood up and
checked out whats happened. And then another man came up at the window. It
was an old man. Apparently, it was Mr. Locust, Falconhearts grandfather. He
seemed lost, because I saw the boy point out his finger to Daisies. During this time,
Mrs. Daisies and Sunflower still stood frozen at the same place. Mrs. Daisies shouted
at the old man. The prostitute sent the old man home. I knew Sunflower knows him
very well. Sunflower had a stable relationship with Falconheart before, you see. I
never saw the young boy, though. I think he was still lying at one of my couches

I thought that was it and was determined to leave. Flamefinger framed his friend for
me. He did a crime to cover up mine. But then, suddenly he came back. He took his
friend out of the mansion, threw the gun deep in the bushes, thinking no one will
find it, and carried Warlock to his home. I was amazed by what hes done, but at the
same time, worried. I wondered how everything will turn out eventually, how
everyone will speak out what happened. Then, we started moving away from the
scene. Leroy promised me Ill never have to remember these things again. He
promised me that hell never hurt me as before, that hell take my child, that hell
marry me. I thought that was probably the better ending of me, one that is happy,
peaceful, beautiful. However, that doesnt change the fact that I am the murderer, I
soon realized. I am still Jamess killer. I can argue how James rightfully deserves it,
but that wont make what I did appear any better. Right now, I am weak, vulnerable,
and will soon bear a child. But I dont want to hide. Id spent my labor in prison if I
have to. I am Lilly Tree. And this is my confession.

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