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Pimps in the Church

Fleecing God’s Sheep

Jer10:21, 12:10, 22:22, 23:1,2 Mat12:42, 19:24

Paying tithes is the only thing in the whole Bible

that all pastors agree on. Everything else they
disagree over. They will argue about God’s name,
the Sabbath, baptism, communion, instrumental
music, speaking in tongues and the list is infinite.
Go to talking about tithes. All will nod their head
that Jesus has sanctified paying tithes under the
New Testament. Of course now that’s a dam lie!

You can get mad at me if you choose. But, I am

here to tell each brother or sister in Christ that you
can’t tithe your way into heaven. If you could, then
God’s grace would become null and void!
These pimps have fleeced God’s sheep. First they lure
the women to pay their tithes. Then, the men do like
Adam and follow right along after the women.

Next thing you know the pastor is riding around

town in a Bentley draped in expensive jewelry. They
may be begging the congregation for more money
to cover building funds and God knows what else?

These pimps will never preach a sermon about our

human soul. Instead, each sermon has been about
the human flesh. The reason is they have been
carnal-minded. God is a spirit. Those who worship
him must do so in spirit and in truth.

‘Brother Green, you may be stepping way out of line

talking about God’s pastors.’ Maybe you haven’t
read the OT book of Jeremiah. If you had, then you
might realize that it is God who talks about them.

If it doesn’t sicken your stomach to see these pimp

pastors grow filthy rich fleecing God’s sheep, then
your soul doesn’t reflect the spirit of Christ.


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