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Pakistan Academy of Marketing Journal

2016, Vol. 01, No. 1, 713.

Impact of Leadership styles on Employees Performance

1 Rashid Saeed, 2 Amjad Hussain , 3 Saadat Ali & 3 Sadique Hussain
Department of Business Administration, BZU-Bahadur Sub Campus Layyah, Pakistan

The study explores the impact of different leadership style (Transactional, transformational, servant and democratic style) on employees performance in a business sector of southern Punjab (Pakistan) area. The survey method has been adopted to carry out the research work. A structured multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) was used for data collection. The employees performance was
assessed based on two measures take performance and contextual performance. Results of this study are very new to explore the impact of different leadership traits over employees performance in southern Punjab areas (Pakistan). For determining the performance
of employees through adopting the behavior of the leadership this is original study for newly and existing leadership behavior
knowledge. Any part of this survey research has not been imitated.
Key Words: Transactional style, transformational style, democratic style, servant style, performance of employees



Leadership can be define as process of motivating, inspiring, monitoring performance, challenging and developing people or employees to achieve overall
organization predefine goals and objective. Organization is group of people who works together for accomplishment of overall organizational goal in efficient and effective way. The word group of people includes personnel from top management to non-managerial employees. Top management is also responsible for setting overall organization vision, mission, goal and objective. Non-management employees are responsible to performed different types of activities in their respective department to achieve their goals. For achieving the expected target in successful way, effective leaderships become too much necessary because human factor is one who contributes in organization success and failure. Every leader has different skills and traits which help them to get
results from their subordinates and followers. These approaches are classified into visionary or charismatic theory under this theory there are two style one is
transactional and second is transformation (Burns, 1979) and second theory is known as contingent school of thoughts under this theory there are four style
directive leader, people oriented, outcome oriented and servant leader (House,1971).
Now the question in that which leadership style is effective the leadership the leadership traits like transactional, transformation, and laissez faire and servant
leadership also applied according to situation or given organization context. A specific trait helps to enhance the productivity of both employees and organizations. The transformation leadership style also builds new skill skills among follower to look about their current action in different perspective (Bass and
Avolio, 1994). Transformational leadership style encourage follower to clear vision, mission and help set high standard for them against which they measure their performance. Transformation leadership components have positive impact on employees performance (Barbuto, 2005) Transformational leader has
some positive impact on employees performance. In transaction leadership style leader set goals and assign responsibilities and get results, rather than motivating and directing follower during process actual carry down.
Transformational leader pay their maximum focus on the employees communication and create the link with the subordinate to their to manager. Transformational leader show their word in such a way which positive effect for the follower and leader. According to the Bass and Avoloi (1994) that the fundamental concern of the transformational leader to create interest among the group so the maximum return can generate with the high quality. There are some
leader which avoid to take responsibilities and highly depend up well learned team (Robbins, 2007) this is known as non-transformational leadership style
because there is no relationship exchange between leader and his followers. Such types of leader provide basic but not complete information and impact to
their subordinates but such types of style given maximum opportunities to make decision by their subordinates at their expectation or willingness without
approval from top authority in case of safety factor.
1.1. Problem statement
Effective leadership is important for increase the performance of the employees so the organization should meet the competition in market. The style of the
leader may impact in negative or positive way. Leadership may propose much reason for the negative performance. There should be relationship between the
leader and organizational commitment.
1.2. Research Objectives
This research survey having the following objective

To find out the democratic effect on the employees performance

To find out the relationship of transformational style and performances of the employees

To identity the commonly practiced principals transactional leadership styles

1.3. Research questions


Does the democratic style have an effect on staff affective commitment to the organization?
Does the transactional style have an effect on staff continuance commitment to the organization?
Does the transformational style have an effect on staff normative commitment to the organization?
Does the servant style impact on the performance of the employees?

Literature Review

2.1. Employees performance

Performance can be defined in tern of effectiveness and efficiency effectiveness means achievement of results and efficiency related with inputs and outcome. It also involves the accomplishment, attainment and execution of takes. Performance can be divided into task performance and contextual performance. Task performance means effectively carry work that helps organization core competencies (Borman and Motowildo, 1997). Contextual performance
in dude performance not job requirement but improve employees social and psychology depicts (Borman and Motocvidle 1993). It has future two aspects

Pakistan Academy of Marketing

Pakistan Academy of Marketing Journal

interpersonal facilitation and job dedication interpersonal facilitation means help other developing and motivating others and job dedication psyche indicate
means put extra efforts, innovation, rules oriented behavior (Van Scotter and Motowidlo, 1996, P 525).
Leadership is also traits that have both effects such as task performance and contextual performance. In current scenario of competitive world in business
area the human resources become too much critical factor of production to, manage human resources these is need person that improve the working skills of
employees. The leader is someone who developed employees by motivating, coaching, training and encouraging employees to active organization goals by
motivating people (Hersey etal, 2001) if leader role ignored the organization achievement loose and cause organization failure (Kotter, 1992) leadership
encourage collaboration resolved contradiction among the employees and help employees to introduce and apply new ideas in his, her working activity
(Koech, Peris and namusonge GS, 2012) leadership develop employees future skills (Fry, 2003) there are different leadership style that can lead to because
employees more productive or it can discourage to put extra efforts for organization effectiveness effective leadership style is also positively effect on employees performance (Turner and Muller, 2005) leadership focus on how to use best strategy that get commitment, change behavioral action in different
organization structure to achieve the overall organizational goals(Bass, 2000) leader use different method or different approaches for guiding, directing,
inspiring, possessing, encouraging by providing incentive and rewards to individuals or groups to achieve organization effectiveness in competitive market
the leadership styles are transformational, transactional and laissez fair and democratic that leader use in different organization depending upon situational
factors (Contingency factor).
Leader can be classified on basis of theories of leadership

The trait school theory says that leadership skills come in leader by birth(Turner and Muller, 2005)
The school is a behavioral or style schools is consider a relevant from 1940 to 1960which says that leader are developed or made (Turner and
Muller ,2005)
Third one is known as the contingent school says that leadership is depend on surrounding environment in organization there are focus major trait
is focused directive leader democratize leader, result oriented leader and servant leader(House,1971)
The fourth theory is known as visionary or charismatic school, which is best recognized from 1980-1990 (Turner &Muller 2005). According to
business (1979) the two leader traits are under this theory transformational and transactional.

In this article we will focus on different major leader style transactional, transformational participative, laissez faire and servant leadership style.
2.2. Transactional style
In this type of style leader is result oriented and he just power on outcomes. He reward good performer and punish for poor results. He sat out clear vision,
mission, goals and objective and assigns the task to followers and at end compared performance with set standard. These types of leadership style is appropriate where problem or task is more complex treat from completion and when overall organization performance is suffered. Transaction leader have legal
power on follower he use performance appraisal to give reward for extra ordinary performance and also held responsible for not compliance of set standards
to the follower (Burns, 1979) these are tree components in transactional leadership style such as contingent reward which depends upon follows vest performance and have effective collaboration with leader and followers active management by exception in which leader oversee employees performance and
mange it passive management by exception which a how leader only take action when results occurred or task completed (Bass, 1997) Transactional leader
just consider the basic necessity of their follower not focus how followers can be motivated changed attitude toward job and dedication of employees toward
organization (Bass,1985) Transactional leader not develop the employees for future because he not consider employees motivation commitment toward the
organization goals there are weak positive relationship between transaction leadership style and organization performance(Koech namusonge, 2012) transactional leadership in not appropriate because it not involve followers to participate in goal setting decision-making and empowering them to make it decision
in their respective field. It is appropriate and depends upon given situation (Cf. Dundum, lowe and Avolio 2002, Lowe, kroeek and sivasu bramaniam, 1996)
such as financial performance employees creativity and ethical improvement of workers. According to rejas, ponce almonce , 2006 Transactional leadership
negatively impact on performance while other studies like obiwrun okwu, Akpa and nwankere 20% transactional leadership have positive impact on organization performance and employees performance.
H1: transactional leadership trait have a least positive impact on employees performance
2.3. Transformational style
According (ogbonna and harris 2002). Transformational leadership is totally opposite from transactional leadership trait. The major focus of this trait is
developed connection between leader and other followers inspiration of employees to bring creativity motivating them by effective way commitment on trust
on leader ability and more value of followers that help them to exceed their expectation (Bass, 1985) the follower are ready to put extra effort, show integrity,
competency consistency in their efforts (Bass, 1985) (katz and kahn, 1978) and individual focus on collective performance (Barling 1996) transformational leader have number of other traits such as idealized influence in which leader become influential personal for others focus on norms, values and standard of community give importance to other wins rather than own share new ideas and results to followers and celebrate their success by arranging great
seminar etc. The second trait is inspirational motivation, where leader share clear vision provide best way to performance current task and develop them for
future by assigning challengeable job. Increase team encouragement by optimization results of organization. The third attribute of transformational lead is an
intellectual stimulation.
Transformational styles which focus on bring creativity among the subordinates by interviewing find solution of problems through discussion the current
task. The fourth element of transformational leadership focus on individrialired considerations by highlight what individual basic need what he demand what
he want to achieve and recognized his or her individual performance the past studies like (rejas, ponce , almonte and ponce, 2006) indicate transformational
leadership is known as extraordinary concept (Saowalux and peny 2007) burn (1978) because it focus on developing and changing attitude of employees

Rashid Saeed, Amjad Hussain , Saadat Ali & Sadique Hussain

toward organization mission and objective that encourage them put extra effort for the success of organization. Another study such as prudeep and prabhu
(2011) indicate that both transformation and transactional leadership have positively affected the employees performance. Another study which is carried
out in Pakistan indicate that both transactional and transformational studies have positive transaction style is more effective (Paracha, Qamar, Mirza, Hassan
and Waqas 2012).
Charismatic leadership trait indicate the boss have clear vision and have effective to clear direction and motivation which leader to innovation and creativity
and increase employees performance in term put extra efforts show citizenship behavior this types of leader have some negative point such as when he/she
leave the follower suffer. (Michael, 2010)
H2: transformational style has a strong positive impact on employees performance
2.4. Servant leader
Servant leader is someone who focuses on moral love of employees by protecting them given priority their requirement necessity and wants (Winston 2002)
Humility in which employees is supported recognition from leader and given respect to employees (Dennis and Bocarnea, 2005, Cromis 1998).
Third one is vision in which leader would be happened in conning three to five years, fourth is trust which consist of integrity, consistency, competency,
loyalty fifth is empowerment of employees how to handle and make decision in their daily life.
H3: servant leadership style has positive association with the employees performance
2.5. Democratic styles
A types of leadership style in which, problems salving and decision making process is also decentralized to low level and final decision is made after the
consul of all relative person (Tonnebanum and Schmielt, 1958). It has weak point of slow process and low accountability of participants. The transactional
leadership trait, autocratic only effect tax performance but transactional democratic and laissez fair also have effect on both task and contextual performance.Leadership is a process of influencing, guiding, inspiring, directing followers toward a clear vision, goals and target and developing people or employees that help organization to achieve competitive advantages.
H4: democratic leadership style have a likely positively impact on employees performance.
Theoretical Framework

2.6. Hypothetical development

H1; Transactional leadership trait have a least positive impact on employees performance
H2; Transformational style have a strong positive impact on employees productivity
H3: Servant leadership style has positive association with the employees performance
H4: Democratic leadership style have a likely positively impact on employees performance


Research Methodology

Random sampling technique is used for finding the purpose of the research. Test hypothesis from the collected data. This research is based only on the primary data from the specific area of southern Punjab. Be seeing the structures of the purpose questionnaire are developing after studying the comprehensive
literature. Questionnaires are filled from the various industries of the southern Punjab. Likert scale like (1for strongly agree, 2-agree, 3- neutral, 4-disagree
and 5 for strongly disagree) is used for obtaining the response of the questionnaires. The target population of our research from the southern Punjab District
( Ranj pur, D.G.Khan, Muzafar Garh and Layyah). There are 29 different types of the question relating with the variable of independent and dependent variables which are ask from the total sample size which is 150 respondent. Questionnaires also consist on the demographic parts for meeting the research purpose.

Pakistan Academy of Marketing Journal


Data analysis Technique

After collection of the questionnaire response, statistical package for the social science (SPSS) are used for analysis of the data and measurement of the
reliability of the questionnaires. Frequency distribution, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis are obtained from the SPSS-19 for
finding the research purpose.
Table 01 showing the case processing summary of the result and showing all the variable are enter for obtaining the research result as well as showing the
procedure of deletion which is depending on all the given variables. Table one show that all the respondents which are valid respondent and excluded and
show that all the respondent are valid excluded is 0% from the data.
Case Processing Summary




a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

4.2. Reliability Statistics
The research data show the reasonable reliability and validity which is .68 which is nearby the standard level but it is also acceptable for the further research
purpose the table 02 show the Cronbachs alpha model consistency score. This table shows the reliability of all five variables.
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
4.3. Frequency distribution
Questionnaires tools are used for obtaining the response and collecting the data from the various places. Give below table showing the frequency of the
respondent which gives the response of the questionnaires for meeting the response.
Under 25
25 40
40 60



Up to secondary school
Higher education




There are 75 male and 25 female which given the response of the questionnaires all of that are include in the SPSS for obtaining the result. 30% of the respondent belongs the age which is less than 25 years and their total frequency is 30 from all of the respondents. There are the 53 people which belong to the
age range of 25 to 40 years and all of from the different place. The respondents which are belong up to 40 and less than 60 were found 17% of the total
respondent which give the response, their total frequency is 17 from all of the respondents which include in the survey research.
4.4. Correlation analysis
For checking the relationship between the dependent variables and independent variables correlation analysis are used, with including range -1 to +1. The
value of the significant relationship between 0.01 to 0.05.






Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)






Rashid Saeed, Amjad Hussain , Saadat Ali & Sadique Hussain


Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).





The given above table show the ts = transactional styles, trs= transformational style, ss=servant style, ds= democratic styles and ep stand for employees
H1: Transactional leadership trait have negative impact on employees performance
As we suggest that there is positive relationship among the variable like transactional leadership style and the employees performance. But it is opposite
from that majority of the population not like the transaction leadership style because leader only concern with the result outcome otherwise it punish the
employees. Employees not like that type of behavior because they also have some moral, personal feeling and they also face various other social problem but
they cannot meet the periodical outcome. So as given above the mention table that there is negative relationship among the dependent variable and independent variable with the score of the ( -.485** at P= 0.000) which lies in the significant level.
H2: Transformational style have a strong positive impact on employees productivity.
There is positive relationship between the transformational leadership style and the employees performance. The given above table of correlation show the
score of the transformational leadership style which is 0.671** at P= 0.000 which clearly show that the employees performance positively correlate with the
transformational style. In the other word we conclude that the leaders who adopt the transformational style can enhance the performance of the employees.
We accept the hypothesis H2 because it alpha level is less than the standard level.

H3: Servant leadership style has positive association with the employees performance
The above correlation table shows that there is moderating relationship between the servant leadership style and the employees performance. The table
show the score of the servant leadership with the employees performance which is 0.481** at P= 0.000. With the 99% of the confident interval vale show the
positive relationship among the dependent variable and independent variable. We accept the H3 because it p value is less than the alpha level which is consider the 0.05.

H4: Democratic leadership style has positively impact on employees performance

There is positive impact of the democratic leadership behavior on the performance of the employees which is shown in the given above table. The value of
the independent variable show the .550** at the P = 0.000 with the performance of the employees. The given value shows that there is highly relationship
among the employees performance and democratic leadership style but in some manner it can increase the performance of the employees. As we suggest the
hypothesis is accepted because it value is less than the alpha level which is mention in the last of correlation table.
4.5. Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is used for predict the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variables also measuring the importance of the independent
variable with respect to the dependent variable. In this research survey we used the leadership style and the employees performance. The given below table
showing the model summary of the R and R square value is 0.813 which show how much overall variation in the ( employees performance) dependent variables. . R value in the given below table indicating the simple correlation among the variables which is 0.92 which indicate higher degree of the correlation.
R square indicates to what extent the independent variables determine the employees performance. Here there is some manner strong relationship among the
variables. The result clearly indicates that there is 80.5 % variation among the variables.


Pakistan Academy of Marketing Journal

Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
a. Predictors: (Constant), ds_MEAN, ts_MEAN, trs_MEAN, ss_MEAN

Std. Error of the Estimate


Regression analysis regarding the independent variables and dependent variable are given below table. The given table clearly indicates over all fitness of
the variables show how regression equation are fitted the data. F value score clearly show that the 73.15 % of the data fitted with the significant score 0.000
at alpha level 0.01 significant. So we conclude that the all (transactional style, transformational leadership, democratic leadership and servant leadership
styles) independent variables are significant with the dependent variable like employees performance. The significant level indicates there is significant of
the regression model which was run. Here p value is less than the 0.05 which show over all regression model are significant predict the outcome as well as
with the 4 score of the confidence.
Sum of Squares
a. Predictors: (Constant), ds_MEAN, ts_MEAN, trs_MEAN, ss_MEAN
b. Dependent Variable: ep_MEAN

Mean Square



The given below table show the beta coefficient for showing the actual regression equation. This table shows information for predicting the variables. It also
determines whether the independent variables are significantly to the model. According to the given table there is relationship between all of the variables. In
the given out put the value of the t statistic show that there positive relationship among the all of variable except the transactional leadership styles with the
employees performance having the negative relationship . Transactional leadership having the -9.981 with the Sig.0.000 score, transformational leadership
style 5.370 and servant leadership styles 5.871and the democratic leadership styles having the score of T- Statistics 6.237. That entire variable lies within the
significant level which is considered 0.01 to 0.05. So we can draw the regression equation for the employees performance is

Y = 10.023+-.516+.229+.273+.344


a. Dependent Variable: ep_MEAN


Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error

Standardized Coefficients



Conclusion and findings

The main objective of our research survey is to obtain the result that whether there is impact of the leadership styles on the performance of the employees. In
this survey we examine the four leadership styles which is (transactional leadership, transformational leadership, and democratic leadership and servant
leadership styles) for measuring the relationship with the employees performance. Conclusions of this survey depend on the selected data and targeted populations. Leadership style is one of the major tool for measuring the performance of the employees. From all of the research we draw conclusion that employees performance can increase if the leader provide the good behavior in the organization. Finding of our research show that transactional leadership style has
the negative impact on the performance of the employees because they want only result not concern with the any type of the personal feeling or any other
activity whether how mush important or not. So we can say that other variables like the democratic, transformational, servant leadership style can enhance
the performance of the employees. This research only covers the southern areas of the Punjab. But it can enhance and their result may change in the outcome.
By looking on the above result we recommend that there are some intrinsic rewards which can enhance the performance of the employees. Delighted motivation can enhance the performance of the employees. Hence we can say that every action of the leader become reaction like the transaction leadership styles
employees leave the organization due to personal social life. Moreover with starting the new business leaders must recognized the needs and want of the
workers and ensure all categories staff. Maximum benefit can give to organization and employees from the leader.


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