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NAMA: . KELAS:.. UNIT PEPERIKSAAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN JALAN TASEK,]POH KOD SEKOLAH : AEA 2051 PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN MEI 2013 BIOLOGY PARER 1 ( 4551/1) FORM FOUR TIME :1 HOUR 15 MINUTES JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU Instructions to candidates : 1. This question paper consists of 50 questions. 2. Answer all the questions 3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet. C KAWALAN MUTU KERTAS SOALAN KERTAS : SOALAN INI: a NAMA {FANGAN) marred PN. TAN LAY PING ty DONA PN. MUSLIZA BT AB RASHID Aya DISAHIKAN PN. ILJH. FAUZIAH BT ABD. Oven KADIR b Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 23 halaman bercetak cre rr SULIT 4551/ 1. The following statements are about a cellular component of a cell. Pernyataan berikaut adalah berkaitan dengan komponen sel suatu sel - Forms the larger part of the cell Merupakan bahagian sel yang terbesar. - Consists of a jelly like medium where biochemicals reactions and most living processes occur within the cell. ‘Mengandungi medium berupa jeli di mana berlakunya tindak balas biokimia dan kebanyakan proses hidup di dalam sel What is the cellular component ? Apakah komponen sel tersebut ? A Plasma membrane Plasma membran B Cell wall Dinding sel C Vacuole > + Vakuol D Cytoplasm Sitoplasma gram 1 shows a type of cell, Rajah I menunjukkan sejenis sel Diagram 1 Rajah | [Lihat sebelah SULIT 4SSi/i SULIT 4581/1 What is the function of A? Apakah fangei KP ‘A. Carries out photosynthesis, Menjatankan forasinesis B_ Controls the cell’s activities Mengawalaktvit sei Produces energy Menghasilhantenaga D__Synthesises the protein Mensimesis protein 3. Diagram 2 shows a type of fresh water unicellular organism, Rajah 2 memunjukkan sejenis organisma unsel ar towar Diagram 2 jah 2 Which of the labeled parts A, B, C or D perform osmoregulation ? Antara babagianberlabel A, B, C dan D. yang manakah menelankan perigosmokawolaturan ? iagram 3 shows three types of muscle tissues found in an animal Rajah 3 menunjulkan tiga jens ote yang terdope dl dalam hatwan Diagram 3 Rajah 3 45s. F | Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 4551/1 Which organ consist of tissue P, Q and R ? Organ yang manakah antara berikut terdiri dari tisu P, Q dan R? ~ Tissue P “Tissue Q Tissue R . TisuQ TisuR A intestine ‘arms and legs heart | tusus keeil tangan dan kaki Jantung i — — — a eo arms and legs intestine heart B tangan dan kaki usus kecil jantung heart arms gs intestine c Jantung tangan dan kaki sus kecil instestine heart — ~~ ~Tarms and legs D | wus kecit Janung tangan don kaki Ld | ds 5. Diagram 4 shows the movementof'substances W, X’and Y across the plasma membrane. Rajah 4 di bawah menunjukkan pergerakan bahan W, X dan ¥ merentasi membran plasma. Diagram 4 Rajah 4 4551/1 4 | Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 6. Diagram 5 shows a strip of mustard green after it has been soaked in X solution. 455U1 What are substances W, Yand Y? Apakah bahan W, X dan ¥? WwW Y | Ghicose [Sodium ion Amino acid Glucose Ton natrium ‘Asid amino Glucose ——~—~*«| Amino Acids. ~ | Sodium ions Glucose | asic amino Ton natrinm ‘Oxygen Sodium ions ‘Amino acid | Oksigen fon natrium id amino Oxygen ‘Amino acid ‘odium ions Oksigen | fom natrium Rajah 5 menunjukkan keratan batang sawi selepas direndam dalam larutan X Diagram 5 Rojah 5 Which of these could most probably be the X solution ? Yang manakah antara berikut mungkin sekali larutan X ? A Water Air Glucose solution Larutan gula Salt solution Larutan garam Sucrose solution Larutan sukrosa SULIT 4551/1 8. A potato strip is immersed in distilled water for 20 minutes. It is then taken out and immersed in 30% sucrose solution. ‘Table 1 shows the observed condition of the cell from the potato strip. Satu keratan jabur kentong direndan dolam air suling seloma 20 minit. Keratanjatur kentang itu Kemudian diteluarkan dan direndom di dalam larutan sukrosa 30 % edueal I menunjukkan pemerhatian he otar keadaan sel jalur kentang tersebut Condition of cell Distilled water Airsuling Jat LE the potato strip is put back into the distilled water for 20 minutes, which condition of the cell would be expected? Sika keratan jalur kentng it dinasukkan semula dlam ait suling selama 20 minis, yong ‘manakan keadaan se! yang dijanghahan? “ B a > 4ssi/1 7 (Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 9 What are the components of one molecule of fat ? Apakah yang terdapat datum satu motekul lemak ? A One molecule of fatty acid and three molecules of glycerol Satu molekul asid lemak dan tiga molekul gliserol B One molecule of fatty acid and three molecules of triglycerol Satu molekul asid lemak dan tiga molekul trigliserot C© Three molecules of fatty acid and one molecule of glycerol Tiga molekul asid lemak dan satu molekul gtiserol D- Three molecules of fatty acid and one molecule of triglycerol Tiga molekul asid lemak can satu molekul trigliserot 10 Diagram 7 shows the mechanism of enzyme reaction. Rajah 7 menunjukkan mekanisme tindakbalas enzim Diagram 7 Rajah 7 What is structure Af? Apakah struktur M ? A Enzyme Enzim B _ Substrate ‘Substrat C Product Hasil D__ Enzyme-substrate complex Komiplek enzim-substrat 4551/1 : 8 (Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 48 A stalk of mustard greea is cut longitudinally into four equal strips. All the strips were immersed for 30 minutes in sucrose solution of different concentrations. Which strip was immersed in hypotonic solutions? Baiang sawi telah dipotong memanjang kepada empat keratan yang sama sai, Semua keratan tersebutdirendam dalam larwan sukrosa yang berbeza kepekatan selama 30 mini Keratan manakch yang direndam dalam larutan hipotonik? t=) After 30 minutes Seelam ‘ater 30 minutes bs epidermis — Before After 30 minutes ‘ Sebelum After 30 minutes “(= y After 30 minutes ssboim After 30 minutes = ( ‘After 30 minutes Seelam ‘ter 20 mines 45si/l - {Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 19 Diagram 6 shows the experiment to study the activity of salivary amylase. Rajah 6 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji aktiviti enzim amilase, Kanji masak + amylase liur terdidih. Which of following curves represents the result of the experiment? Manakah antara lengkung berikut mewakili keputusan eksperimen? 4551/1 re {Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 20 The following information refers to the function of substance K in cell. ‘Maklumat berikut merujuk kepada fungsi bahan K dalam sel. ‘Medium for biochemical reactions in cells Bahan untuk tindakbalas biokimia dalam sel © Maintaining osmotic pressure of cells ‘Mengekalkan tekanan osmotik dalam sel What is substance K? Apakah bahan K? A Lipid / Lipid c Protein / Protein B Water/ dir D Enzyme / Enzim 21 Diagram 7 shows a biochemical reaction in a cell. Rajah 7 menunjukkan tindakbalas biokimia di dalam sel. Onn” amo tOnnna 0 Pee ors Molecules of ane fatty acids Molekul asid lemak Diagram 7 Rajah7 What is substance P? Apakah bahan P A Monoglyceride - c ‘Triglyceride Monogliserid Trigliserid B Diglyceride D Glyceride Digliserid Gliserid 22 Which type of carbohydrate can be found abundantly in liver cells? Karbohidrat jenis manakah yang didapati dengan jumlah yang banyak dalam be A Starch c Glucose Kanji Glukosa B_ Maltose D Glycogen Maltosa Glikogen 4551/1, aa Liha’ s SULIT 23 Whats the importance of cellulose in the human diet? - Apakah kepentingan selulosa dalam pemakanan manusia? |A__Itis digested to glucose which is absorbed and used to generate energy. Ta dicernakan kepada glukosa yang akan diserap dan digunakan untuk menjana tenaga . B__ It is digested, absorbed and reconstituted for use as long-term energy storage. Ta dicernakan, diserap dan distruktur semula sebagai tenaga simpanan untuk kegunaan jangkamasa panjang. Cts digested, absorbed and reconstituted for the formation of cell wall. Ta dicernakan, diserap dan distruktur semula untuk membentuk dinding sel. 7 D__Itabsorbs water and adds bulks to the feaces to aid defecation. Ta menyerap air dan menambahkan pelincir pada bahan tinja untuk membantu pembuangan najis. 24. Diagram 8 shows the protein structure in haemoglobin molecule. Rajah 8 menunjukkan struktur protein dalam molekul hemoglobin. Diagram 8 Rajah 8 Which level of this protein structure is? Aras manakah yang diwakili oleh struktur protein ini? A. Primary structure ‘Struktur primer B Secondary structure Struktur sekurder C Tertiary structure Struktur tertié?’ D Quaternary structure Struktur kuarterner , 4551/1 6 {Lihat sebelah SULIT SULIT 4551/1 25 Diagram 1 shows the model of plasma membrane Rajah 2 menunjukkan model membran plasma Diagram 1 Rajah t \Whatis the part labelled P? * ‘Agakah bahagian yang berlabel ? A. Carrier protein Hydrophilic Protein pembavre Hcrofk B Pore protein 1D Phospholipis Protein iang Fosfolioid 26 Which ofthe collular components can osly be found in animal cells? vriars Komponen sel berikut yang manakah boleh citer di dalam sel haiwan? ‘A. Mitochondrian © Nucleus Mitokondrie ‘Nuldeus B Contviole © Cytoplasm Sentrio! Sitoplasma 27 Wich colls are involved in the transport of water? “Antara cel berikut, yang mariakah berfungsi mengangkut air? ‘Oa O 7 ag Diagram 2 shows the cll organisation na mutcelluar orn Rajah 1 menunjukkan organisasi sot dalam organism ruts. {cen Poe Organ ———> System ——P Organism | Diagram 2 [ss Sopa | Ran 2 \Which part of the part of plant can be represented by P?, “Apakah bahagian tumbuhsn yang bolsh diwakiv oleh P? A. Xylem c. Leal item Daun B stoma D. Schlerenchyma ‘Stoma Skloronkima 16 {[Linat halaman sebelah SULIT sun 4581/1 29 a1 Which ofthe following cells form the basic tissues in animal? “Antara se! berikut, yang manakah membentuk tisu asas dalam heiwan? ‘A. Connective tissues ©. Epitheliat cet tisu penghubung ‘sel epithelium 8. Epidermal cell D. Blood ‘50! epidermis a arab Diagram 3 shows two organelles X and ¥. Rajah 3 menuniukkan dua organel X dan ¥ % 4 we. ¥ Diagram 3 / Rajan dan ‘ Whats the fundtion of X and Y? ‘apakah fangs! X don ¥? escent [Oe ¥ ania in. | Sites proteins Sees de Sinesis protein Sines pid "Transports synifesised proteins | rasaprs obese RS al . Pengangkt lipid yang telah Menganght protein yang telah | aismsis _ aan ¢_ Sort eaioaiaes Soa beset pois MengesinghanKorboidrat | Mengaingkan pote ‘Packages protei “Transports synthesised proteins pera D | Membungkus protein “Mengangkat protein yang telah disintesis | Membungs protein Diagram 4 shows a type of tissue. Rajah 4 menunjukkan sejanistsu Tn Se atest trent A Ribosome B Mitochondria Ribosom ‘Mitokondria © Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 2 Golgi apparatus Jaina retikulee licin ‘Alt Golgi {[Linat halaman sebelah ‘SULIT wv SULIT 4551/1 32 33 34 Which of these carbohydrates is insoluble in water? Karbohidrat yang manakah tidak larut dalam air? A Starch C Glucose Kanji Glucosa B_ Maltose D Galactose Maltosa Galaktosa The diagram 5, shows a uniceltular organism. Rajah 5 menunjukkan sejenis organisma unisel. Diagram 5 Rajah 5 Water ! { ‘Air Which process is involved in the movement of water as shown in diagram? Apakah proses yang terlibat dalam pergerakan air yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di atas? A Diffusion © Active transport Resapan Pengangkutan aktif B Osmosis D Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Resapan berbantu Which of the following processes involves active transport? ~ Antara proses berikut, yang manakah melibatkan pengangkutan aktif? ~ A Absorption of water by the root hair of plant Penyerapan air oleh rerambut akar tumbuhan B_ Absorption of glucose through the villi in the small intestine Penyerapan glukos melalui vilus di dalam usus kecil~ C Movement of sodium ions into the cells lining of the kidney tubules Pergerakan ion natrium ke dalam dinding sel tubul ginjal! . D Gaseous exchange between the alveoli and blood capillaries during respiration Pertukaran gas di antara alveolus dan kapilari darah semasa raspirasi 18 [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 35 36 37 4551/1 Diagram 6 shows the condition S of human blood cell which has been placed in solution Y. [Rojah 6 menunjukkan keadaan S bagi sel darah yang telah dimasukkan dalam larutan ¥.] Diagram 6 Rajon 6 What is condition $ and solution ¥? Apakan keadaan S dan larutan Y? Condition S | Solution Y | KeadaanS Larutan ¥ - a | Crenation Hypertonic Kreanasi Hipertonik 5 | Crenation Hypoconic Krenasi Hiporonik | _- ¢. | Hemotysed Hypotonic | . Hemolisis Hipotonik bo Hemolysed Hypertonic Hemolisis Hipertonik Which of the following elements is required by plants for the manufacturing amino-acids? Manakah antara elemen berikut adalah diperlukan oleh tumbuhan bagi membina asid amino? A Nitrogen B_ Magnesium (Nitrogen) (Magnesium) © Phosphorus D Manganese (Fosforus) : (Manganese) Diagram 7 shows the basic DNA structure Rajah 7 menunjukkan struktur esas DNA D Diagram 7 Rajah 7 iw So R / 19 [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 4551/1 What are P, R and S? (Apakah PR dan S ?) . P 8 A | Nocleotide Phosphate Deoxyribose sugar | (nukleotida) Gosfat) (gula deoksiribosa) | B | Phosphate Deoxyribose sugar | Nitrogenous base (fosfat) guia deoksiribosa) | (bes bernitrogen) Phosphate” Nucleotide Nitvogenous base , (osfaa) fnubleotida) (bes bernitrogen) . D | Nitrogenous base | Phosphat | Nucleotide (bes bernitrogen) | (fosfat) (nukleotida)— 38 Diagram 8 shows the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis of enzyme reaction. Rajah 8 menunjukkan hipotesis ‘kunci dan mangga’ bagi tindakan enzim. , o9-: « Gl eo — — [Y)] Rajah 8 Which of the following is represented by X, Y and Z? Antara berikut yang manakah diwakili oleh X, Y dan Z ? Y ¥ A [- “enzyme -substrate complex enzint | kompleks enzim -substrat Bl enzyme : "Product enzyme- enzim | produk substrate . complex | kompleks enzim - _ substrat cr substrate ~ enzyme-substrate, | product substrat complex produk f _ Kompleks enzim: -substrat D enzyme -substrate enzyme substrate complex enzimi substrat | re cenzim -substrat 20 [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT SULIT 4551/1 41 Diagram 2 shows the structure cf the plasma membrane Rajah 2. menunjukxan struktur rnamnbvan plasma + a’ Diagram 2 _ Rajah 2 What are P and Q? Apakah P dan Q? [ Pp o ‘ A Pore protein Phospholipid bilayer “ Protein Liang Fosfolipid dwitapisan B Pore Protein Hydrophilicheads | Protein Liang Kepala hidrofilik c Cartier Protein Phospholipid bilayer | Protein pembawa Fosfolipid dwilapisan_| D Carrier Protein Hydrophobic tails | . Protein pembawa Ekor hidrofobik 42. Diagram 3 shows a sequence of a strip of mustard green stem that is immersed in two different solutions, 1.0 M sucrose solution and distilled water. Rajah 3. menunjukkan urutan rendaman satu jalur batang bayam di dalam dua larutan berlainan , 1.0 M larutan sukrosa dan air suling. Process X Process Y' Proses X Proses Y Outer epidermis Epldermis lwar Diagram 3. What are processes X and Y? Rajah 3 ‘Apakah proses X dan ¥? x Y a Piasmolysis Deplasmolysis Plasmolisis Deplasmolisis 8 Deplasmolysis Piasmolysis Deplasmolisis Plasmolisis: c Crenation Plasmolysis Krenasi Plasmolisis D > Plasmolysis Haemolysis _Plasmolisis Hemolisis 4ssin SULIT 22 SULIT 39 40 Diagram 1 shows organelle found in a cell Rajah 1 menunjukkan organai yang terdapat di dalam satu sal Diagram 1 Rajah 1 What is X? Apakah X? A Mitochondria. Mitokondria B Golgi Apparatus Jasad golgi C Rough endoplasmic reticulum Retikulum endoplasma kasar D ‘Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Jalinan endoplasma licin ‘The following information is about the characteristics of organelle Y. ‘Maklumat berikut adaiah tentang clr-cin organel Y. Berbentuk siera | - Contains the neredity material | ‘Mengandungi bahan baka keturunan. ‘What is the function of organelte Y? ‘Apakah fungsi organel Y? A Site of synthesis of proteins. Tapak sintesis protein B_ Carries out photosynthesis. Menjalankan fotosintesis, C Controls the cellular activities. Mengawal aktiviti se! D Site of synthesis bf lipid. Tapak untuk sintesis lipid 4551/1 21 asst {Linat sebelah SULIT asin 43 Diagram 4 shows two difterent concentrations of sucrose solution separated by semi- permeable membrane. Rajah 4 menunjukkan dua larutan sukrosa yang berlainan kepekatan yang dipisahkan oleh membran separa telap. 1yP. Q 0.3 M sucrose solution 3.0 M sucrose sotuti Seat I 0.3 Mlanutan sukrosa ‘9.0 M larutan sukrosa Semi-permeabie membrane ‘Membran separa telap Diagram 4 Rajah 4 Which of the following does not happen when an equilibrium is reached? Antara berikut, yang manakah tidak berlaku apabila keseimbangan dicapai? ‘A The osmotic concentration in both P and Q are the same. Kepekatan osmosis dalam kedua-dua P dan Q adalah sama B The solution level in Q is lower than the solution level in P. Aras larutan dalam Q adelah lebih rendah danpada aras lanutan dalam P. C Both P and Qhave the same total number of sucrose molecules. Kedua-dua P dan G mempunyai jumlah bilangan molekul sukrosa yang sama. D The water molecules in both P and Q move across the semi-permeable membrane at the same rate. Molekui air dalam kedua-dva P dan Q bergerak merentasi membran separa telap pada kadar yang sama ‘44. - Which combination of two monosaccharides below, will produce sucrose. Antara gabungan dua unit monosakarida berikut, yang manakah menghasilkan sukrosa. A Glucose + Lactose Glukosa + Laktosa B Glucose + Fructose Glukosa + Fauktosa C Glucose + Glucose Glukosa + Glukosa D Fructose + Lactose Fruktosa + Laktosa 4551/1 [Lihat sebelah 23 SULIT 47 4551/1 4551/1 Diagram 2 shows a structure of plasma membrane. Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma Diagram 2 Rajah2 ‘Which of the following molecule moves across the plasma membrane through P? Antara molekul berikut yang manakah bergerak merentasi membran plasma melalui P? = A Water Air B_ Glycogen Glikogen © Oxygen Oksigen D Glucose Glukosa [Lihat sebelah 25 SULIT SULIT ass. 148. Diagram 3 shows the apparatus setup to demonstrate osmosis. FRajah'3 menunjukkan eusunan radas untuk menggambarkisahkan osmosis. Solution x tarutan X + 5% sucrose solution I Lanutan sucrosa. J— Visking tube Tiub Visking Before experiment ‘After one hour Sebelum eksperimen ‘Solopaa satu om Diagram 3 Rajan 3 What is solution x7 ‘Apakah larutan X? ‘A. 1% sucrose solution Larutan suirose 1% 1B 8% sucrose solution LLarutan sukrosa 5% © 10% sucrose solution Larutan sukrosa 10% © Distited water Air suing ass. Iihat sebetab 26 SULIT SULIT 4551/1 ‘a9. Whatis the process that break dowm dipeptide into amino aig? ‘Apakah proses yang berlaku untuk memecahkan dipeptida kepada asid amino? ‘A. Condensation ‘Kondensasi B. Heating Pemanasan a C. Acid addition Penambahan asid D. Hydrolysis, Hidrolsis * 50 Which of the following graph shows the effect of pH on the metabolic rate of the - ‘enzyme pepsin? ‘Yang manakah antera graf berikut menunjukkan kesan pH ke atas kadar metabolisma enzim pepsin? A BA 1 1 ate ot ! I ‘eecion ae ' taser 1 pond alas 1 1 ° 7 is pH 7 1a ee c D4 ! 1 ate of ' ! reaction 1 Rate of 1 ose i facson i tet tear toe 1 et \ 1 bows 1 t 1 1 1 \ t —— ° 7 iy tH Oo 7 val ‘4551/1 [Lihat sebelah 27 SULIT END OF QUESTION PAPER Prepared by, Checked by, (Pn. Gayah bt. Jamaluddin) —- ~ (Pn. Faizah bt. Johari) Rambutent uta SULIT 7 48512 SectionA Bahagian A [60 marks] {60 markah] Answer all question’ Ii this Séction Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini 4 Diagram 1 shows the structure of an animal cell. Rajah 1 menunjukken struktur satu sel haiwan. Diagram 1 Rajah 1 (a) (i) Draw a line to show the location of structure P, Q and R in the cell. Lukis garisan untuk menunjukkan lokasi struktur P, Q dan R di dalam sel. [3 marks} (ji) Complete Table 1 by stating the function of structure P and R. Lengkapkan Jadual 1 dengan menyatakan fungs! struktur P dan R: Stucture Function, g__ | Siz of processing packaging and ‘transporting of carbohydrates, proteins, phospholipids aud glycopteteins | [2 marks] (b) Explain how the protein formed at the ribosomes is transformed into the extracellular enzyme, so that it can be secreted from the cell. Jerangkan bagalmana protein yang terbentuk ai ribosom diubah menjadi enzim luar sel supaya boleh dirembes keluar daripada sel. SULIT 4551/2 | [3 marks] Enzyme is used to wash away the blood stain on a shirt. Explain how the enzyme acts on the blood stain at a maximum rate. = Enzim digunakan untuk mencuci kesan darah yang terlekat pada baju. Terangkan bagaimana enzim bertindak ke'atas kesan darah pada kadar maksimum, [4 marks] Suggest one type of enzyme would need to be present in a washing powder designed to remove blood stains, Cadangkan dua jenis enzim yang peru ada dj dalam serbuk pencuci yang direka untuk menyingkirkan Kesan darah. | {1 mark} 2. Diagram 2.1 shows an example of cell organization in a multicellular organism. Rajah 2.4 menunjukkan satu contoh organisasi sel da dalam organism mnultiselular. (a) (i) Name the different types of cells shown in P, Q and R. @) — Namakan jenis sel yang berlyeza yang ditunjukkan di P,Q dan R. Pi: Q 7 [2 marks] (2 markah) SULIT 4551/2 4. A stip of mustard green stem was placed in different concentrations of sucrose ‘solution. Diagram 4 shows the observation after 20 minutes. Satu jalur sawi diletakkan dalam larutan sukrosa yang berlainan kepekatan, Rajah 1 menunjukkan pemerhatian selepas 20 minit ee ae Epidermal epidermal layer layer | Epidermal. fi} bapisan Lapisan layer epidermis saidermis: Lapisan / epidermis i Solution J Solution K Solution t Solution J Solution K Solusoet. Diagram 4 Rajah 1 (2) State the type of solutions J, K and L. when compared to the cell sap of mustard green stem. Nyatakan jenis larvtan J, K dan L berbanding dengan sap sel batang saw hijau Solution J: Lanutan J: ee ‘Solution K: Larutan K: Solution L: Lendant: {3 marks] {3 markah} SULIT 45512 (b) Explain why do the strips placed in solution J and solution { curved as shown in Diagram 1 Terangkan mengapakah jalur batang yang dimasukkan Ke dalam larutan J den Larutan L. melengkung seperti yang aitunjukkan delam Rajah 1 Solution J: Larutan Jt ee UAE EREEERnEEREEEE Solution L: : Lautan L: ee LD [4 marks] 14 markah]) (c) () State the solution which has osmotic concentration nearest to the call sao of mustard green. . Nyelakan larutan yang mempunyai kepekatan ‘osmosis yang hampir sama dengan sap sel TT [1 mark] {1 markah] (i) Explain your answerin (c)() - Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (c)(i) nna peer ree eenateit {2marks] [2 markah] SULIT 4551/2 {@) Draw a labelted diagram of the condition of one of the mustard green Ce}{s after being immersed in solution L for 20 minutes. Lukis rajah beriabel keadaan satu sef batang sawi hijau itu selepas direndam dalam llarutan L solama 20 mini. ( 2marks] [2 markah] 5, Biagram 2.1 shows the biochemical processes involve molecule K, enzyme L and molecule M occur in organ X and organ Y. Rajah 2.1. menunjukkan proses biokimia yang melibatkan molekul K, enzim L dan molekul M yang berlaku di dalam organ X dan organ Y. Masele cells e Orgad , fet Organ f-w-TF Entyme Glycogen Diagram 2.4 Rajah 2.1 (a)(i) Name organ X and organ Y. Namakan organ X dan organ Y. Organ X : Organ Y : [2 marks ] (ii) Name molecule K, molecule M and enzyme L. Namakan molekul K, molekul M dan Enzim L. Molecule K / molekul K : Molecule M/ molekul M < Enzyme L/ enzimL : [3 marks | (b) State two characteristics of enzyme L based on Diagram 2.1. Nyatakan dua ciri enzim L berdasarkan Rajah 2.1. . [Lihat sebelah SULIT @ ®) 455V2 45su2 Diagram 1.1 shows the result of an experiment on the animal cell B. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen ke atas sel haiwan B. Ceut B in solution P Cell B in solution Q ‘SelB dalam larutan P ‘Sel B dalam larutan Q Diageam £. / Rajah 1.2 State the type of solution P and Q ‘Nyatakan jenis larutan P and Ps Qe = 7 = a= [2 marks} Terangkan fenomena yang berlaku pada sel haiwan B di dalam larutan P dan Q Solution P / Jarutan P Solution Q/ laruzan Q [3 marks} (Lihat Sebetah 7 SULIT SULIT © @ 4551/2 Explain why on a hot day and dry season a plant wilt. Terangkan mengapa tumbuhan menjadi layu pada hari yang panas dan musim ering. . [2 marks] Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2 Explain how the water move into the cell Z Terangkan bagaimana pergerakan air ke dalam sel 2, () (a) [ 2 marks } Molecules M are transported from organ Y to muscle cells. Explain why molecule M is needed in muscle cells, Molekul M diangkut dari Organ Y ke sel-sel otot. Terangkan kenapa molekul M diperlukan di dalam sel-sel otot. [3 marks } Explain the importance of forming glycogen. Terangkan kepentingan pembentukan glikogen. [2 marks ] Section B Bahagian B (40 marks) (40 markah) Answer any-oh questions from this section. + Awo Jawab eee soalan daripada bahagi 6 (a) Diagram 6 .1 shows the structure of a unicellular organism which lives in a fresh water pond. Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan struktur satu organism unisel yang hidup dalam kolam air towar. Diagram 6.1 Rajah 6.1 Explain the function of X in osmoregulation. (4 marks) Terangkan fungsi X dalam proses pengosmokawalaturan. (4 markoh) (b) Explain the similarities and differences between facilitated diffusion and active transport in the movement of molecules across the cell membrane, {8 marks) Terangkan persamaan dan perbezaon antara resapan berbontu dan pengangkutan aktif dalam pergerakan moleku! merentasi membron sel. : (8 markah) Rajah 6.2 dan 6.3 menunjukkan dua cara pengawetan.ikan dan sayur. Salt solution Lautan garam Diagram 6.2 Diagram 6.3, Rajah 62 Rajah 6.3, Explain how the preservatives are effective in the preservation of each type of food. © ™=”"8h Terangkan bagaimana bahan-bahan pengawet itu berkesan dalam pengawetan setiop bahan makanan tersebut. (8 markat 9.{a) Diagram 5 shows the organelles involved in the synthesis and secretion of an extracellular enzyme in an animal cell. . Based on Diagram 5, explain how an extracellular enzyme is synthesized and secreted. (6 marks) Rajah 5 menunjukkan organel yang terlibat di dalam sintesis dan perembesan enzim luarsel di dalam sel haiwan. Berdasarkan Rajah 5, terangkan bagaimana enzim luarsel disintesiskan dan dirembeskan . . (6 morkah) plasma membrane | secretory Golgi vesicle apparatus transport vesicle rough endoplasmic: reticulum ribosome Diagram 5 {b) Supposed you intend to set up a food processing factory with meat and fish as the main ingredients. Suggest an enzymes which can be used in this industry. State your reasons for selecting this enzymes. (4marks) Sekiranya onda ingin mendirikan kilang makanan dengan daging dan ikan Sebagai ramuan utamanya. Cadangkan enzim yang boleh digunakan dalam Industri inl. Nyatakan sebab anda memilih enzim ini. (4 markah) (c) Discuss how the characteristics of enzymes affect their actions: Your explanation should be based on the following charactersticsof an enzymes. . Actas abiological catalyst Hl . Made up of protein « Sensitive to pH . Enzyme activity is affected by substrate concentration and enzyme concentration . Highly specific {10 marks) Bincangkan bagaimano sifat-sifat enzim mempengaruhi tindakannya. Pejelasan anda mestilah berdasarkan sifat-sifat enzim yang berikut. . Bertindak sebagai pemangkin biologi . Diperbuat daripada protein . Peka terhadap pH |. Aktiviti enzim dipengaruhi oleh kepekatan substrat dan kepekatan enzim . Sangat spesifik (40 markah) END OF QUESTION PAPER Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by, Z hea (Pn. Gayah bt, Jamaluddin) (Pn. Faizah bt. Johari) aie wr. i (kp BIOLOGY) ee

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