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February 14th , 2016

Prof. Madhavi Garikaparthi
Associate Dean
Marketing & Strategy Area
IBS Hyderabad
(Under IFHE- A Deemed to-be University u/s 3 of The UGC Act 1956)
Donthanapalli, Shankerpalli Road, Hyderabad

Subject: - Proposal letter for research paper guidance and publication.

Dear Madam,
I am keenly interested in research activity particularly in the field of marketing. On the
purview of this I want to convert my interest into professional perspective i.e to conduct and publish
research paper. Since you have astute acumen on CRM, Branding and Marketing and even have
published research papers on it, i want you to guide me on this aspect of career. My field of interest is
broadly on the following topics :1. Branding & Marketing
2. Internet Marketing
3. Marketing Research
4. Brand equity
I understand that the research paper is to be my own work and that
plagiarizing any part of my paper will result in failure. Plagiarism is the action of using, without due
acknowledgement, the thoughts, scholarship, or inventions of another person and is not acceptable.
I agree to use proper MLA parenthetical notation in my paper and a Works Cited page so that the
reader can identify and refer to all of the sources I have used in writing my research paper. I will turn
in photocopies of all sources. I understand that all word-for-word quotations, any summaries, and
any borrowed ideas that are paraphrased or mentioned must have cited sources. I promise not to
rely on factual material gathered by any individual other than myself. I understand that plagiarism or
turning in another persons work will result in zeroes for the assignment with no make-up
I also realize that the importance of research paper is immense in understanding of subject plus
adding a feather in the cap in terms of academic recognition.

Iva Nanda
Iva Nanda
Phone no.-08982647686

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