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Chapter 1

1-1. Introduction
1-2. How to use exercise files
Chapter 2
2-1. Using entire Row-column reference
2-2. Copying column formulas instantly
2-3. Converting formulas to values with a simple drag
2-4. Creating 3D formulas to gather data from multiple sheets
2-5. Updating values without formulas
2-6. Highlighting formulas with two clicks
2-7. Simplifying debugging formulas
2-8. Creating range names to enhance readability
Chapter 3
3-2. Sum, Average
3-4. Max and min functions
3-5. Extending auto sum
Chapter 4
4-1. Simple If
4-2. Nested if
4-3. Compound if
Chapter 5
5-1. Looking up information
5-2. Using v lookup for approximate values
5-3. Using V lookup for exact match
5-4. Nested V lookup
5-5. Choose function
5-6. Using match function for looking data
5-7. Using index function to find a value
5-8. Match and index together
Chapter 6
6-1. Count if on a single criteria
6-2. Sum if and average if on a single criteria
6-3. Sum ifs
6-4. Count ifs and average ifs on multiple criteria

Chapter 7
7-1. Median function
7-2. Rank and count functions
7-3. Large and small function
7-4. Count blank and Count A function
Chapter 8
8-1. Understanding date and time
8-2. Weekday function
8-3. Network days function
8-4. Finding completion date with workday function
8-5. Dated if function.
Chapter 9
9-1. Rounding in Math
9-2. Mod function
9-3. Rand and Rand between function
9-4. Convert function
Chapter 10
10-1. Extending formulas with arrays
10-2. Counting unique entries in a range with an array formula
10-3. Determining frequency distribution with array
10-4. Flipping row-column orientation with Transpose
10-5. Building analysis via regression techniques with Trend and Growth
10-6. Combining multiple functions in arrays
Chapter 11
11-1. Find and Mid function
11-2. Left and Right functions
11-3. Trim function
11-4. Using concatenation with other functions
11-5. Using proper
11-6. Upper and Lower functions
11-7. Replace and substitute function
11-8. More text functions

Chapter 12
12-1. Calculating Payments with PMT
12-2. Finding Future values with FV
12-3. Determining total amount of future payments with PV
Chapter 13
13-1. Working with IS information function
13-2. Using error-checking functions ISERR
13-5. Getting data from remote cells with OFFSET
13-6. Returning references with INDIRECT

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