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FORM TP2007164 4 avrix seat mere § resrcope02107010 MAY/UNE2007 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION BIOLOGY - UNIT I Paper 01 90 minutes 23 MAY 2007 (a.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. Inaddition to this test booklet, you should havean answer sheet. Each item in thistesthas four suggested answers lettered (A),(B), (C), (D). Read each item youare aboutto answerand decide which choice isbest. Onyouranswer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having, the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. Sampleltem Which ofthe following metal atomsispresent inahaemoglobinmolecule? aple Answer_ (A) Caleium (B) Magnesium @2®@oCOe (©) Copper (D) tron ‘The best answer to this item is “Iron”, so answer space (D) has been blackened. Ifyouwantto change your answer, be sure to erase your old answer completely and fill in yournew choice. When youaretold to begin, tum the page and workas quickly andascarefully as youcan. Ifyoucannot answeran item, omit itand goontothenextone. Youcancome back tothe harder item later. Your score will bethe total number of correct answers. Youmay doany rough workin this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn toscale. ‘Theuse ofnon-programmablecalculatorsisallowed, Thistestconsistsof45 items. You will have 90 minutesto answerthem, Donot be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than thereare items in thistest. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright ©2006 Caribbean Examinations Council Sees eee auawwasxay ‘ -22 (One of the roles of water in living organisms is that it gets a a transport medium in blood. Which of the following properties of water accounts for this role? (A) High specific heat capacity (B) Strong cohesive forces between ‘molecules: (C) High heat of vaporisation (D) Solvent forpolar molecules and ions ‘The diagram below shows a ring structure of glucose. CH, OH 0. H H on H HO on H OH Which of the following indicates the form of glucose and in which molecule itis present? Form of | Where Jucose resent “a Cellulose ®) a Starch © 8B Cellulose ) 8B starch This figure below is part of a growing polysaccharide chain. ‘The name of the bond labelled X is (A) glycosidic (B) peptide (©) hydrogen (D) diester ‘The diagram below shows the structure of atriglycride. Which of the following represents the bond labelled X? (A) y - H ®) - 5 - OH (c) -O- (D) -Cc— I oO scone SOS T 7 | a 6 : woot Polar amino Which of the following correctly names the type of bond represented by the broken line (~) in the diagram above? (A) Ionic bond (B) Hydrogen bond (©) Hydrophobic bond. (D) _Disulphide bond GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ae Food tests were carried out on four different solutions. ‘Which of the following combinations shows the solutions that contained only starch and sucrose? Solution Biuret Acid Hydrolysis Todine in Benedict’s ‘Test then Benedict’s Potassium: Test Todine (a) e E x 7 @) x . ec x © ’ x ¥ x © x x . ¥ =positive result 7. ‘The following is an electron micrograph of a section of an animal cell. Vv synthesis? “@ ot ® w © m © WV 1 (from Advanced Biology - Roberts, p. 44) Which of the structures labelled I, I, III and IV is concemed with protein GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/CAPE2007 4 8. Which of the following isNOTa functionof 9. Which of the following, labelled Ito IV, gives the Golgi apparatus? (A) Lipid synthesis (B) Manufacture of lysosomes © Packaging of glycoproteins (D) Membrane formation the correct site where xylem tissue is found inadiotyledonous stem? ae ® w © Ww @) Iv Item 10 refers to the following figure which shows four types of tissue in cross section. 10. 02107010/CAPE2007 Which of the following combinations correctly identifies the phloem and xylem tissues? Phloem | Xylem, @ M N 1) N o © o P ) P M GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE “5+ 11. Which of the following cells is represented 13. by the diagram below? (A) @) © @) 12. Which of the following identifies the structure represented by X in the diagram nt 8 runt al AUIMAULLLNLA I (A) Channel protein (B) Cholesterol (C) Glycoprotein () Extrinsic protein 02107010/CAPE2007 14. Four identical samples of plant tissue are placed in four different solutions. Each sample of plant tissue has a water potential of 800 kPa. In which solution would full plasmolysis occur within the tissue? ‘The solution of (A) - 300kPa @) — - 500kPa © — - 800kPa (@) = -1100kPa Which of the following pairs of statements explains the mode of action of enzymes? 1. Theyare globular proteins and as a result are soluble. I They bond to the substrate molecules at their active sites. IL They break down substrate molecules into products. TV. They lower the activation energy for the reaction. (A) TandIonly (8) andIlfonly (© Mand iVonly (D) Wand iVonly GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ee ‘tem 15 refers to the diagram below which represents the activation energy for an enzyme-catalysed and an uncatalysed reaction, Progress of reaction (time) 15. Theactivation energy for an enzyme-catalysed reaction is represented by the region labelled @ ot ® © m oO vv 16. ‘The graph below shows the time course of the activity of the enzyme sucrase at various ‘temperatures. oC Quantity of product SPC formed 28°C. ic o ‘Time/ min oo At which ofthe following temperatures does the enzyme work at the FASTEST rate? (A) 10°C @®) 25°C © 37 @) 60°C GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02107010/CAPE2007 “Te Item 17 refers to the diagram below which shows atypical portion of the DNA molecule ofthe chromosome. Which of the following is NOT represented by the region labelled X? (A) Hydrogen bonds between base pairs (B) — Twoanti-parailel strands (C)__ Pyrimidine to pyrimidine base pairing (PD) Onecomplete tum of the double helix Which of the following events occurs in ‘transcription as well asin replication of DNA? (A) Free nucleotides bond to the DNA strand, (B) Two new DNA molecules are produced. (C) Uracil nucleotides bond to adenine on the DNA strand. (D) Only part of the DNA molecule containing a gene unwinds. 19, 20. 2. ‘Theamino-acid sequence leucine-tysine-valine ‘occurs in a portion of a polypeptide molecule. The table below shows the DNA codes for these amino-acids. Leucine GAA Valine CAA Lysine TIT Transfer RNA molecules with anticodons needed for the synthesis of this polypeptide are (A) GAA TIT CAA (B) GAA UUU CAA ©) CUU AAA GUU (BD) CUU UUU Guu One structure that may be observed in animal cells during mitosis but is NOT seen inplantcellsis (A) spindle fibres (B) centromeres (C) centrioles (D) chromatids Which of the following statements correctly describes homologous chromosomes? I. They are the same length. I. They are held together by centromere. III, They have the same gene loci. IV. They have identical alleles. (A) Mand Itt only (B) Land Ht only (©) L Wand IV only (D) Mand IV only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 22, 23. -8- Which of the following combinations correctly represents the chronological order of the events occuring in meiosis? 1 Chromatid pairs line up at right- angles to the equatorial plane, I Homologous chromosomes are pulled apart by spindle fibres. I Chiasmata form —_ between chromosomes of the bivalents. IV. Individual chromatids migrate to poles. V. Chromosomes shorten and thicken and appear as pairs of chromatids. (A) LULIILV (B) LV, IVT (© V,L0,mL1V (D) VM, ILIV Item 23 refers to the diagram below which shows a pollen grain, just prior to germination. S&S > The areas labelled X represent (A) adiploid tube nucleus and a haploid ‘generative nucleus (B) diploid tube nucleus and a diploid ‘generative nucleus which divides into two gametes (©) ahaploid tube nucleus and a haploid ‘generative nucleus (D) _ahaploid tube nucleus and a diploid generative nucleus which divides into two gametes 24, Item 24 refers to the diagram below which shows the longitudinal section of part of a flower. The micropyle and funicle are represented ty (A) (B) © (D) Land V Mand V Wand 1V IV and V GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 25, 26. The following diagram shows the formation 27. of gametes in a carpel of a flowering plant. Flower [2n] Carpets Embryo sac mother cells A I Embryo sae 0 Female gamete Fused polar nuclei m1 Vv ‘Which of the following correctly identifies the number of sets of chromosomes present at each numbered stage? I on mw (A) 2 monn @) %® mM mM mM © nn ® %®m no @O mM n nan m® Which ofthe following identifies the structure which provides nourishment for the sperm- producing cells inthe testes? (A) Seminiferous tubule {B) _Sertolicell (©) Interstitial cell (D) Connective tissue 29. 02107010/CAPE 2007 One feature that is common to both sperm, (male gamete) and egg (female gamete), is (A) adiameter of approximately 100m (B)__theabundance of mitochondria in the cytoplasm (© ahaploidnucteus () —afood store ‘The following list represents some stages in the process of fertilization: I. Acrosome releases enzymes. I. Spermenterscell. IIL Sperm contacts jelly coat of egg. TV. Impenetrable layer forms at egg. surface. ‘Which of the following indicates the correct, order of these stages? @ Lio ®) 0,1,0,1V © WoLm ©) 1VuLu,1 Item 29 refers to the simplified diagram below which shows an embryo and surrounding membranes. ‘The region which functions in protecting the embryo from mechanical shock and injury is labelled wa 1 @®) Cc mW © WwW GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 30. 31. -10- Flower colour in a certain species of plant can be white, light pink or dark pink, There are two hypotheses to explain this: There are two co-dominant alleles. ‘There are three alleles, one for each flower colour. Hypothesis 1: Hypothesis 2: ‘These hypotheses can BEST be tested by (A) analysing the flower pigments in several different flowers using chromatography to find out whether some plants contain more than one pigment (B) controlling cross-poltination of the different varieties, in all possible combinations, and recording the colours shown by the offspring (©) controlling self-pollination of many individuals of each colour variety and recording the colours shown by the offspring of each individual plant sampled (D) surveying large wild populations randomly and finding the ratios of the different colours in these populations ‘Two parents, both of blood group A, have a son of blood group A. ‘The probability that their next child will have blood group O is (A) 0.25 ®) 0375 (©) 050 (D) 075 02107010/CAPE2007 32, 33. 34, Item 32 below shows the inheritance of a recessive allele ‘a’ that causes a genetic disorder which appears in the double recessive form, ‘aa’. 7? a Oe Which females are heterozygous for the disorder? (A) 3only ®) — Sonly (©) 3andSonly () = 3,Sand7 Which of the following does NOT cause variation to occur in a population? (A) Reshuffling of genes (B) Mutations of chromosomes (©) Random fertilization (D) _Petrification of genetic material Which of the following increases the number of different alleles in a population of organisms? (A) Crossing over (B) Gene mutation (©) Random fusion of gametes (D) — Reassortment of chromosomes in meiosis GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35. Inthe hereditary disease, the amino acid, glutamic acid, found in normal haemoglobin, is substituted at a particular location by the amino acid valine. ‘The codon for glutamic acid is GAA. The codons for valine can be either GUU, GUC ‘or GUA. One single base alone is changed during the mutation. Which of the following. ‘would be the corresponding DNA nucleotide responsible for the change? (A) CAA (B) CAT (© cau () CAG In the Caribbean, sweet potato plants are propagated asexually by tubers. Twenty tubers collected from one plant were grown to produce 20 second-generation plants. All the tubers from these second-generation plants were collected, weighed and their mean weight calculated. Twenty tubers closest to the mean weight were grown under the same circumstances as before. All the third generation tubers were collected, weighed and their mean weight calculated. Compared to the second-generation tubers, the third generation tubers have (A) agreatermean weight and increased genetic variation (B) a greater mean weight and unchanged genetic variation (©) an unchanged mean weight and reduced genetic variation (D) _anunchanged mean weight and an unchanged genetic variation Item 37 below shows the classification scheme for four species of monkeys. Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Cercopithidae Cercopithecus Colobus Cercopithecus mitis Cercopithecus Colobus badius Colobus ‘bine monkey ‘acthiops red colobus poly koma seen monkey black and white colobus 37. Which of the above represents the genus to which the green monkey belongs? (A) Mammalia (B) Primates © — Cercopithidae (D) Cercopithecus GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02107010/CAPE2007 -12- 38. Three of the hypotheses in the theory of 39. Speciation is the process by which new natural selection are: species arise. Which TWO of the follo ways, isted I to1V, BEST promote this? 1 Individuals may differ from one another as a result of chance 1. Organisms produce large numbersof variation. progeny. I. More offspring are born than can Tl. A local population becomes isolated survive and reproduce from the main bulk of the Ill, There is a struggle for existence population. between the individuals and their II. The isolated genome experiences a ‘environment. favourable mutation. IV. The individuals in a populations are From these statements, which of the following ‘identical and donot show variations is the MOST likely deduction? intheir characteristics. (A) The number of individuals in the (A) Land It ‘environment increases with each (8) Land IV generation. © Mand (B) The individuals best suited to the @) Mandiv ‘environment are those with the least variation. (©) The individuals with variation are hybrids, sterile and are unsuccessfl in the struggle. (D) The individuals which cope with the struggle have variations suited to the environment. 40. Consider the following kingdoms: Fungi, Prokaryotes, Plants, Protoctists Match EACH organism below with the kingdoms above. KINGDOMS _ Fungi__| Prokaryotes | Plants _| Protoctists (A)|__ Alga Moss__| Breadmould | Bacterium (B) | Breadmoutd | Bacterium | Moss Alga (©)| Moss _| Breadmould | Alga | Bacterium (D) | Breadmouté | Bacterium Alga Moss 41. Which of the following combinations is the correct hierarchical sequence of the taxonomic groups? smallest > largest (A) order class phylum (B) phylum class order (© class order phylum (D) phylum order class GOON TO THENEXT PAGE -1B- Item 42 refers tothe the diagrams below which illustrate a variety of leaf shapes found in nature. m1 Vv 42. Which of the leaves above would be grouped together in a classification scheme? (A) Land It (B) Land IV (©) Wand tt (D) Wand Iv 43. Which of the following is an example of in situ conservation of an endangered species? (A) Botanic garden (B) Sperm bank (C) Forest reserve (D) Seed bank 44. Which of the following is NOT aconservation aim when zoos are established? (A) Species can be bred in captivity and then re-introduced into theirnatural habitat (B) Species can be kept in conditions favourable for breeding (©) Species are protected from their natural predators (D)__Speciesheld in captivity may inbred 45. Which of the followingis NOT a major cause of deforestation in tropical areas? (a) @) «© (D) Destruction of trees by atmospheric pollution Replacement of native trees with fast-growing species Cutting trees for timber used in the construction industry Dynamiting and other activites involved in quarrying for minerals, IF YOUFINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED,CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02107010/CAPE2007 v g | : |

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