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Dear Parents/Guardians,

Over the next 5 weeks in HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) the
Year 4s will be looking at the topic of explorers, with a focus on Dirk
Hartog, Willem De Vlamingh and William Dampier.
To broaden their knowledge of these men we will be visiting the WA
Museum Shipwreck Galleries. Below we have provided you with
some information about the excursion.
Location: WA Museum - Shipwreck Galleries
45 Cliff St, Fremantle WA 6160
Wednesday 27th of April 2016
Departing 9.00am
Arriving back at school 2.30pm

Adams Bus Charter


$5 this will cover entry and travel fares


Full sports uniform & hat

What to

Water bottle
Recess & lunch in a labelled bad or lunch box

We also require the assistance of two parents. If you wish to

volunteer please indicate on the permission slip below.
Warm Regards,
Miss Alaga & Miss Roose

Shipwreck Galleries Permission Slip

I give/do not give permission for my child,
_____________________________________ to attend the excursion to the
WA Museum Shipwreck Galleries Fremantle on the 27th of April 2016.
Signed: _____________________________________
I would/would not like to volunteer to come on the day
Emergency Contact:
Name: __________________________________


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