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Acer truncatum

Acer truncatum, or the Shantung Maple, is commonly found in Europe. They are
a deciduous small tree ranging from 20 to 25 tall and have an annual growth rate of less
than 12. They have a medium texture and have a rounded, broad crown with regular
Summer foliage concists of opposite leaves, ranging from 3" to 5" wide. They are
5-lobed with lobes triangular. They have two basal lobes drawn out and narrow, and the
lobes are untoothed. They have two spurs on the basal lobes point to petiole base. They
have a milky sap and are glossy green but may emerge reddish. On first inspection they
might be confused with Acer platanoides. In the autumn the leaves are usually yellow and
orange with some red.
They have greenish yellow flowers in May, and the grow samaras which are 1.25
to 1.5 long. They bark is gray brown on older branches and trunk. The twigs may have
purplish cast. Shantung Maples are apparently adaptable and hardy, but uncommon, so
data is limited, they have been known to grow well in compacted, dry soils. They also
offer a resistance to leaf scorch. Full sun provides for best landscape development. It is
an excellent tree for small lawns and street tree use. They are good for small residences as
shade trees. Shantung Maples appear to be relatively problem though tar spot have been
One variety is the subspecies mono, known as the Painted Maple. This plant is
similar to A. truncatum, but could be described as more refined. Has more ornamental
bark and "boxier" leaves. Vase-shaped with a dome-like canopy. A few other varieties
include the 'Keithsform' (Norwegian Sunset TM) (X A. platanoides), an upright oval tree

with yellow-orange to red. Similar to Norway maple in growth rate, branch structure and
leaf shape, and the 'Warrenred' (Pacific Sunset TM) (X A. platanoides), as compared to
Norwegian Sunset, this cultivar colors earlier, has brighter fall color and is more

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