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4:25 pm – 327 Graff Main Hall

April 13, 2010

Members: Joe Heim, Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh, and Bart Van Voorhis (absent)
Visitors: none

1. Minutes from the April 6 SEC meeting approved.

2. Chair’s Report and Discussion:

a. Assistant Vice Chancellor for Advancement: There will be an open forum for
governing bodies for each candidate from 1:00 to 1:30 on April 21, 22 and 26. Room
TBA. A campus open forum will be held in the Great Hall of Cleary Center from 4:15
to 5:00 each day.
b. ACE Scholar Forum: There were only two senators in attendance.
c. Local Legislators Open Forum: Friday, April 16 at 1:00 in 339 Cartwright Center.

3. New Business:
a. Calendar Committee: Discussion of the calendar committee survey and report.
b. PTS Report: The PTS committee has submitted a revised report.

4. Faculty Senate Meeting Agendas:

a. April 15:
i. Indirects Reallocation – continuation of discussion
ii. Gen Ed Assessment Committee charge for next year
iii. Online Course Policies: 2nd readings
iv. Calendar Committee – introduction and discussion only
b. April 29:
i. Cookie Day & Organizational Meeting
ii. APR Reports
c. May 6
i. Remaining APR reports
ii. Finalization of 2012-13 academic calendar

Meeting adjourned at 5:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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