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The genetic code

As it became evident that genes controlled the structure of polypeptides, attention on how the
sequence of the four base-pair in DNA could control the sequence of the 20 amino acids
founds in proteins. With the discovery of the mRNA intermediary, the question became one
of how the sequence of the four bases present in mRNA molecules could specify the amnio
acids sequence of polypeptide. What is the nature of the genetic code relating mRNA base
sequnces (or DNA base-pair sequences) to amino acid sequence? Clearly, the symbols or
letter used in the code must be the bases, but what comprises a codon the unitor
wordp[ecifying one amino acid (or acrually, one aminoacyl-tRNA compex) ?

Kode Genetik
Gen dikendalikan struktur polipeptida, perhatian pada bagaimana urutan empat pasangan
basa dalam DNA bisa mengontrol urutan dari 20 asam amino yang ditemukan dalam protein.
Dengan ditemukannya perantara mRNA, pertanyaannya menjadi salah satu polipeptida. Apa
sifat dari kode genetik yang berkaitan urutan basa mRNA (urutan DNA pasangan basa) amino
acid (atau sebenarnya, satu kompleks aminoasil-tRNA) ?

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