Research Annotated Bibliography

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Research Annotated Bibliography

You will be creating an annotated bibliography over 6-8 sources that you use to
research your claim, including your nonfiction book and your thematically linked
text. An annotated bibliography is essentially a Works Cited page that includes a
brief description of each source.
It should include:
A citation for each of sources you consult use MLA guidelines
A paragraph includes (in this order):
(1) a statement of the authors main point/claim/argument;
(2) an explanation of the evidence used to support this main point,
including one quote
that you may want to use in your essay these quotes MUST be
(3) interesting fact, and
(4) an explanation of the structure employed/evidence used to support
the main i.e.
interviews, quotes, graphs, etc.

The annotated bibliography will be graded on a variety of elements, many of which
are the same as for a Works Cited:
1. You will be graded on how well you follow MLA guidelines such as:
___ correctly formatted
___ correct title
___ alphabetical
___ double spaced
___ hanging indent
___ 12 pt. font/ Times New Roman
___ avoids numbering/bullets, etc.
___ correct heading/header
___ includes all entries correctly formatted
2. You will also be scored on your paragraphs.
--- included all four parts
--clear connection to the topic
--shows an understanding of the article
--is perceptive and insightful

Easybib and Citation Machine ARE NOT INFALLIBLE.

Shultz 1
Do not rely on them to create your citations. Use
the Purdue OWL.

Suzee Shultz
Mrs. Glass
PAP English I 5
11 February 2016

Research Thesis: College is worthwhile because it is a long-term investment in which graduates

are more likely to be employed and hold jobs with higher salaries.

Annotated Bibliography
Adams, Susan. It Still Pays To Get A College Degree. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 10 Jan. 2013.
Web. 10 Feb. 2015. <>.
Adams argues that although wages are declining due to the economy, those with 4-year
degrees are not as largely impacted as those without college degrees. Though there was
a drop in employment and income for all Americans age 21 to 24 during the recession, it
was much worse for people who didnt gradate college. The evidence indicated that
people with 4-year degrees suffered the smallest employment and wage decline. This
article included additional information on the most common jobs held by high school
graduates compared to the most common jobs held by college graduates. Adams includes
employment rates for different levels of education.

Shultz 2

Is college worth it? The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 5 Apr 2014. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
< be-much-better/>.
The author claims that although college tuition prices have risen over the years, a college
education is still financially valuable. American school kids pondering whether to take
on huge student loans are constantly told that college is the gateway to the middle class.
The article utilized statistical evidence from two different research firms to sow the
annual return of a college degree. There was a significant difference between the return of
degrees in engineering/computer science and the return of art degrees. In addition it
acknowledges the effects of increasing college debt and the current job market. The
article included a personal college experience as evidence in order to gain credibility. It
also included a quote from President Barak Obama to enhance credibility.
Maxfield, John. Why Going to College Is Important. USA Today.Gannett, 14 Sept. 2014. Web.
10 Feb. 2015. <>.
Maxfield claims that education plays a huge role in the expanded gap between the rich
and the poor. According to the data, a college degree doubles the typical persons annual
income. This offsets the initial perceived cost of college and further proves that college
is a worthwhile investment. He includes statistical evidence on the return, net value, and
time it takes to pay off student loans, which exhibits the true value of a bachelors degree
although its initial cost may seem high.

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