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Year 7 Science Assessment task 1 (Semester 1)


Name: __________________________________________________ Homeroom: _______
Mark: __________/50

Percentage: ____________%

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following branches of science involves the study of living things?
a. Physics
b. Chemistry
c. Biology
2. The piece of equipment shown on the right is a:
a. Test tube
b. Beaker
c. Conical Flask
3. Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to measure the amount of a liquid
a. Test tube
b. Measuring Cylinder
c. Thermometer
4. When heating a test tube, it should be:
a. Pointed away from yourself and other students
b. Held with two fingers
c. Heated over a tripod and gauze mat
5. True or false, the air hole must be closed when lighting a Bunsen burner?
a. True
b. False
6. After performing an experiment, scientists write reports that give details about the
experiment. The first section (the Aim) is:
a. A discussion of the results of an experiment
b. Writing of what you observed in the experiment
c. A statement that describes the reason for doing an experiment
7. A student uses a chemical that has the warning label shown on the right.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Can be absorbed by the skin
b. Only use on windy days
c. Keep away from flames

8. In a particular experiment, a candle was burned and students noted how

observations they were able to make. Which of the following could be a hypothesis relating
to this experiment?
a. The burning candle produced no smoke
b. I think Ill be able to make at least 10 observations
c. By the end was able to make 15 observations
9. True of false, when all variables other than the dependant variable are controlled an
investigation is reliable
a. True
b. False

10. In a particular experiment a scientist is dropping balls made of different materials. What is a
possible dependant variable?
a. The type of ball
b. The height of the bounce
c. The method of dropping
11. In a particular experiment a scientist is dropping balls made of different materials. What is a
possible independent variable (I.V)?
a. The type of ball
b. The height of the bounce
c. The method of dropping
12. In a particular experiment a scientist is dropping balls made of different materials. What is a
possible controlled variable?
a. The type of ball
b. The height of the bounce
c. The method of dropping

13. In an experiment designed to test parachutes, different sizes, materials and drop heights
were used, and the time to fall recorded. To decide what effect drop height has, which of the
following should be kept the same?
a. Material types and drop height
b. Drop height
c. Drop height and size of parachute
(13 marks)

Short Answer Questions

1. Select the words from the list below to complete the following sentences:





Never enter the laboratory without your teachers_________________________________.

Never smell or ______________________ chemicals unless your teacher says its okay.
Never leave an ___________________ unattended.
Always wear safety ________________________ and a ________________________ coat
when conducting experiments.
(4 marks)

2. The thermometer scale below shows a reading of


(1 mark)

3. Use the following words to label the items below. Write the words neatly in the space
provided UNDER each item.
Test tube
Glass stirring rod

Conical flask
Measuring cylinder
Gauze mat

Bunsen burner

Test tube holder

Test tube rack

(6 marks)

4. Use the words in the box to name the labelled parts of the Bunsen burner.
Air hole




Gas hose



(5 marks)

5. Fill in the table below using the words below, linking them with the correct section of the
practical report.





a. Equipment for an experiment is listed

b. An educated guess
c. The recipe or how you did the experiment
d. Observations and measurements
e. The answer to your aim

The section of a report where you write your

thoughts about the results
(6 marks)

6. Give one reason why the yellow flame is called the Safety flame.

(1 mark)

Liquids in containers such as measuring cylinders are often curved at the top edge. See the
picture provided.
a. What is the curve called?
b. Where should you always measure the liquid in cylinders from?
(2 marks)

8. You need to design an experiment to heat a small amount of liquid.

a. From the list below, write 6 pieces of equipment that you will need.

(3 marks)

Test tube
Conical flask
Bunsen burner
Stand & clamp

Glass stirring rod

Watch glass

Metal tongs
Measuring cylinder
Test tube holder

Gauze mat
Test tube rack


(3 marks)
b. Draw a labelled sketch of the equipment, as it should be set up.

(4 marks)

9. Correctly number the steps from 1 (start) to 7 (finish) in the order of

lighting a Bunsen burner:

Turn on gas
Place Bunsen burner on heatproof mat
Check gas tap is of
Number the steps in the correct order
Close air hole
Connect hose
Light match and hold near top of barrel

(3 marks)

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