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Liam Gibbs

Mrs. Bonsmann
Honors English 10
Humans of Kite Runner

I am Amir and I have to say my adventures with Hassan were one of the best
times of my life. We would have so much fun together exploring the land.
However the best part that we would wait all year for was flying and running
kites. The best part of Kite running was the kite tournament. Everyone from
the town would participate in it and try and be the champion. I won the
tournament one year but I couldnt have done it without Hassans help. I flew
the kite with Hassan with me. He taught me many tricks on how to knock
kites out and cut their string. It was a long tournament but it finally came to
an end when I cut the final kites string and won the tournament. The last
thing to do was too was run the kite. Hassan was the best kite runner I knew
so I asked him to run the kite for me. I waited for a while and then went
looking for him. I came upon an alley and saw Hassan the kite and Assef. He
wanted the kite but I knew Hassan wouldnt give it up. I knew terrible things
would happen to Hassan so I fled and my life was changed forever.
I chose Amir because he was the main character in the Kite Runner and my
favorite character. I liked Amir because you could recognize that in the story
that he is not perfect but makes mistakes because he is human. Then I
knocked on Babas door and told what I hoped would be the last in a long line
of shameful lies (Hosseini 104). Humans make mistakes and no one
illustrates this better than Amir and that is why I was drawn to Amir during
the Kite Runner story.

Humans of a Thousand Splendid Suns

The hardest thing to do in my entire life was leaving Laila to go to a safer
place in Peshawar. I knew that I would come back for her at some point and
see her again. I worked hard to help out my sick father and support my
family but I couldnt wait until I could come back and see Laila again. Finally
after years in Peshawar I finally came back to Kabul and I knew I had to see
Laila as soon as possible. After A while I finally saw her with two children and
another woman. She seem shocked to see me. She said I had to come over
to talk to her. She told me everything how her husband told her I was dead
and her life living here. However what shocked me the most was when she
told me about my daughter. She said that she would come with me and we
could live our lives together. I knew she was the only person who I wanted to
spend the rest of my life with.
I chose Tariq as my character because in the book he is described as one of
the main characters but I would like to know more about him. He is described
in the book but not as detailed as other characters and I want to know more
about him. I want to see if I can relate to him or understand the way he does
things. Some things I do know about Tariq is he seems to be very nice and
wants things to always be ok. Im sorry Laila, Im sorry (Hosseini 386).
There are other things I know about Tariq but I want to know more details
about him and understand him like I Understand the main characters.

Humans of Joy Luck Club

I am Jing Mei Woo and growing up to a cousin who is a chess master isnt
easy. Our mothers would always compete us against each other and believe
they had the better child. My mother wanted me to be a master at
something like my cousin so she had me take piano lessons with Mr. Chong.
Mr. Chong was a deaf retired piano teacher. My mother made me practice
every day for 2 hours. I hated it therefore I took advantage of Mr. Chong
since he was deaf I never really cared how it sounded and the only thing he
cared about was the rhythm of how I hit the keys. My mother would boast to
my Aunt about how good I was at music and how it was all I thought about.
Finally came for the time for my whole family to hear me play at the school
talent show. My whole family was there including my Aunt and my master
chess cousin. I went to play and I had some confidence but once I hit the first
wrong note it all went downhill. I didnt know what I was doing and I was
disappointed in myself. I let down my family and friends. After it was over the
only person who seemed happy and clapped loudly was deaf Mr. Chong. My
cousin said I guess youre not a genius after all. After that I was embarrassed
and would try to never let my family down again.

I chose Jing Mei Woo because I could easily understand her childhood story.
She argues with her mother and it seemed like a regular family. I am not a
genius (Tan 136). It shows a normal family of people fighting against each
other but in the end they still love each other. That is why I could understand
Jing Mei Woos story.

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