Coral Reefs: A Fragile Ecosystem Under Threat

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Coral Reefs

A fragile ecosystem under threat

Corals are animals, called polyps, that are like sea anemones. As polyps grow, then die, they
leave their limestone skeletons behind. 
The limestone is colonized by new polyps. A coral reef is built up of layers of these skeletons
covered by living polyps. Reefs take thousands of years to form.
Coral reefs grow in warm, sunny, shallow seas, mainly between the Tropics.
They cover an estimated 600,000 sq km and are found in the waters of over 100 countries.
Algae lives on the coral and gives it colour.
Algae use sunlight for photosynthesis, providing
the coral with oxygen.

The coral and algae live together in harmony!

Reefs support more than 1 million aquatic species!
BUT reefs are dying ...

Natural Threats: hurricanes; natural predators

Water Pollution:  Oil spills, human or animal wastes, fertilizers that runoff into the ocean
can increase nitrogen levels, causing algae blooms and suffocation of the reef. Rubbish

Sedimentation: from land-based construction and other activities can run off from the
shore, cover coral reefs and deprive them of light. 

Coastal Development and Tourism:  cruise ship anchors, construction on-shore and dive

Fishing:  Cyanide fishing, blast fishing, bottom trawling, over-fishing.

Mining: Removed for souvenirs or jewelery or to use in road or brick construction. 

Climate Change: Corals are sensitive to temperature changes. An increase in water

temperature can cause coral bleaching

Carbon Dioxide: Increase in acidity from CO2 causes weaker coral skeletons.

Coral reefs are useful to people in numerous ways.
For example, reefs ...

•Protect coasts.

•Provide food and medicine.

•Provide jobs to local communities.

But some people don’t care because:

•More of them are poor.

•They lack management and resources.

•Leaders lack political will to sort it out.

•It’s long term.

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