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April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437


Is Always Beautiful

By: Maulana Ilyaas Patel Sahib

Once upon a time . there existed a society
that possessed true values. Among them lived the
Queen of Jannah, the most beloved daughter of





Sayyidah Faatimah (Raziyallahu Anha). Like the rest

of the society of that era, she too possessed all the
great qualities of Taqwa, humility, generosity,
forgiveness, Sabr, tolerance and all the jewels and
adornments of the heart. Among these spectacular







(modesty/shame). Sayyidah Faatimah (Raziyallahu








following incident highlights the level of Hayaa that

she possessed.







asked the Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum):

What is the best quality of a woman?

Since the question pertained to women, the

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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum) remained silent and




(Raziyallahu Anhu)






came home and posed the same

question that Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi


had asked them to his wife Sayyidah






Why did you not reply (that the best
quality of a woman) is that she does
not see any (non-Mahram) men and
no (non-Mahram) male gets to see
her (non-Mahram refers to one with









brother-in-laws, etc).
Hazrat Ali (Raziyallahu Anhu) relayed her reply
to Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), upon
which he replied in great joy:
Faatimah is a part of me (hence she
gave such a wonderful and perfect
Sayyidah Faatimah (Raziyallahu Anha) regarded






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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

valuable and precious possession of a woman. She

could not tolerate anything that will compromise
Hayaa. Hence she could not imagine anything
better for a woman than to ensure that no nonMahram ever sets his eyes on her, nor should she
ever see a non-Mahram, as both these aspects will
tarnish and affect the Hayaa of a woman. If this is
the effect of merely being seen by a non-Mahram,
one can easily understand the extent to which
Hayaa will deteriorate or even be destroyed in
freely associating and inter mingling with nonMahrams!!!
Sayyidah Faatimah (Raziyallahu Anha) lived
with this priceless jewel of Hayaa and passed away
with it. During her last illness, she was suddenly
gripped by a great worry. It worried her that after
a deceased person is washed and then fully
wrapped in the kafn (shroud), some aspects of the
body can still be perceived despite the shroud,
such as ones height, how healthy or thin a person
is, etc. It tormented her that these aspects of her
physical self may be perceived by those who will
perform her Janazah-Salaah and bury her. She
expressed this fear to Hazrat Asmaa bint Umais
(Raziyallahu Anha),


the wife of Hazrat Abu Bakr





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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

(Raziyallahu Anha)

suggested that a little wooden

frame be placed over her Janazah and a cloth be

draped over it so that the Mayyit under the






Asmaa (Raziyallahu Anha) then asked for some sticks

and made a sample of the structure. Sayyidah
Faatimah (Raziyallahu Anha) became very pleased
upon this. In the six months that she lived since
the demise of Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi

this was the only occasion she smiled.

She was overjoyed that her very high level of

Hayaa will not be compromised even after death.

Those women who wish to stand alongside
Sayyidah Faatimah

(Raziyallahu Anha)

on the day of

Qiyaamah and hope to receive her intercession

should reflect on their dressing and consciousness
of the laws of Hijaab. They should endeavour to
walk in the footsteps of the Queen of Jannah.
Insha-Allahu Taaala they too will then enter
Jannah with her. May Allah Taala embed Hayaa in
the veins of the Ummat of Seal of the Prophets
Hazrat Muhammad Mustafaa
Aameen Yaa Rabbal-Aalameen.

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

(Commentary of the Holy
By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

Note: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of
Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer and hence connected with
the previous chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

Kinds of magic
In his Mufradaat al-Quran, Imam Raaghib
al-Isfahaani says that there are several kinds of
magic. Firstly, there are sleights of hand, like
those of jugglers, which deceive the eyes of the
onlookers, but have no further substance. Then,
there are ways of influencing the imagination of
others through the concentration of ones own
powers of thought so that they begin to see or feel
things which do not really exist as happens in
mesmerism or hypnotism. Such a result is
sometimes obtained with the help of the devils
(Shayaateen) too. In speaking of the magicians of
the Pharaoh, the Holy Quran says:

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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

They cast a spell on the eyes of the people: (7:116)

Or, in another place:

Through their magic Moses came to think that
they (ropes turned into serpents) were running
about: (20:66)

Obviously, this piece of magic had to do with

influencing of the imagination. The second of these
verses employs a verb which has the same root as
the noun Khayaal (thought), and hence clearly
states that the ropes and the wands cast down by
the magicians had neither turned serpents nor
made by any movement, but the imagination of
Sayyidna Musaa (Alaihis-Salaam) had been affected
so as to see them running about in the shape of
serpents. The Holy Quran also indicates the other
way of influencing mens imaginations which
involves the help of devils (Shayaateen):

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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Shall I tell you on whom the devils descend?

They descend on all those who are slanderers
and sinners. (26:222)

Still another kind of magic is that which can

change the very nature of a thing for example,
turning a man into a beast or into a stone.
Scholars like Imam Raghib al-Isfahani and AbuBakr al-Jassaas deny that magic can totally
change the nature of a thing, but confine the
efficacy of magic only to influencing the
imagination and to deceiving the eyes of the
onlookers. This is also what the Mutazilah thought
of the matter. But most of the scholars hold that
neither the Shariah nor any rational argument
forbids the possibility of trans-substantiation or
the changing of one thing into another, like a living
body turning into a stone. As for the well-known
principle of the classical philosophers that the
change of the essences (Haqaaiq) is not
possible, it concerns the essences of the three
categories the Impossible, the Possible and the
Necessary --, for, rationally speaking, it just
cannot be that something impossible should
become possible, or that something possible
should become impossible. And as to the Holy
Quran putting down the magic of the Egyptian
sorcerers as only an impact on the imagination, it
does not necessarily mean that all the forms of
magic should be no more than an influencing of


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

the imagination. Moreover, certain scholars have

seen an argument in favour of the possibility of
trans-substantiation through magic in a saying of
Kab al-Ahbar, reported by Imam Maalik in his
Muwatta on the authority of Qaqa Ibn Haakim
(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)

Tas-heelul Ahadeeth

Sayyidna Hasan ibn Ali Raziyallahu Anhuma
says: I have learnt from Sayyidina Hazrat
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and preserved
this (in my memory): Leave those things which
create doubt in your mind and adopt that which
does not create any doubt in your mind.

Whenever a person is doubtful regarding the
permissibility and impermissibility of an item, he
should rather abstain from that item and resort to
something which he is sure is permissible.


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

1. Stay away from doubtful things.

Always do things which one is certain of its permissibility.


Seeratul Mustafa Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

By: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Idrees
Kaandhelwi Sahib Rahmatullahi Alaihi
Translated By: Mufti Muhammad Kadwa Sahib and
Maulana Muhammad Muhammady Sahib
(Continued from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Maternal lineage
The family lineage mentioned above was
Hazrat Rasulullahs Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam paternal
lineage. His maternal lineage is as follows:


Aaminah bint
Abdu Manaaf bin

His paternal and maternal lineages meet up

at Kilaab bin Murrah. Hereunder is a brief profile of
a few of Hazrat Rasulullahs Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam


He is from the progeny of Qaydar bin


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437


Maad was an extraordinarily strong and
gallant warrior. He spent his entire life fighting against
the Bani Israeel and he established his triumph in
every one of these battles. Abu Nazar was his title.
Maad bin Adnaan was a twelve year old lad
during the reign of the famous king Bukht-nasr.
Allah Taala informed the prophet of that era
Hazrat Armiyaa bin Halqiyaa (Alaihis-Salaam)
through divine revelation to convey the following
message to Bukht-nasr: We (i.e. Allah Taala)
pledge to grant you (i.e. Bukht-nasr) dominance
over the Arabs. And you O Prophet! Take away this
young boy, Maad bin Adnaan with you on your
horse (Buraaq) so that he does not suffer any
harm. I will extract from Maads loins a noble
prophet with whom I will seal the succession of
Accordingly, Hazrat Armiyaa (Alaihis-Salaam)
mounted his Buraaq, seated the young Maad bin
Adnaan with him and dropped him off in Syria.
Here he lived with the Bani Israeel and grew up
with them. This is one of the reasons the lineage
of Maad bin Adnaan is so well known amongst the
Ulama of Ahl-e-Kitaab (Jews and Christians).


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

When Nizaar was born, his forehead
was glittering with the Nur (radiance) of Hazrat
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). His father was
overjoyed and in celebration of this joy, invited
people over for a feast and remarked: All this is
Nazr (very little) in lieu of the rights of this child.
This is how he got the name Nizaar.
Nizaar was the most strikingly handsome
and exceptionally brilliant man of his times.
Some are of the opinion that Nizaar means
skinny and weak. Since he was a man of slander
build, he was referred to as Nizaar.
He is buried in Zaatul-Jaysh, an area close to
His actual name was Amr and AbuIlyaas was his appellation whilst Mudar was his
title. The word Mudar is derived from Madir, which
literally means sour. He was incredibly fond of sour
foods and sour milk.
He was a remarkably talented and wise man.
Some of his words of wisdom are as follows:

He who sows evil will reap sorrow. The best from the
goodness is that which is done without delay. So
influence your hearts to embrace whatever they loath
to carry out and divert the hearts from succumbing to


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

their base desires. There is no distinguishing feature

between evil and good except patience.

He was a man with remarkably melodious voice.

The technique of Hudi (a chorus of chants sung to
prompt the camels to move at a more rapid pace) was
actually formulated by him.
Abdullah bin Khaalid narrates that Hazrat
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam said: Do not speak ill
of Mudar as he was a Muslim.
Ibn-e-Abbaas Raziyallahu Anhuma said: Adnaan, his
father, his sons Sad, Rabiah, Mudar, Qays, Tameem,
Asad and Rudayyah all dies on Millat-e-Ibraaheemi (the
creed of Ibraheem).
(To be continued , Insha-Allahu Taaala)

Blessed Companions

Raziyallahu Taala Anhum


By: Shaikhul-Hadeeth Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Sb.


Fear of Allah TaaAla

Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi

weeping the whole
Once Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

kept weeping through the whole night,

again and again repeating the following verse:

If You punish them, they are Your

slaves; and if You forgive them, You
only are the Mighty, the Wise.

It is said about Hazrat Imam Abu-Hanifah

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) that he also once wept the
whole night, reciting the following verse of the
Holy Quran in Tahajjud Salah:

Separate yourselves on this day, O you

guilty. (S35:V58)

This verse means that on the Day of

Qiyaamah, the guilty will be asked to separate
themselves from the good, and will not be allowed
to mix with them as they were doing in the worldly
life. Why should not the people with fear of Allah
Taala in their hearts weep in anxiety regarding
which class they will belong to on that day?

Hazrat Abu Bakr Raziyallahu Anhu

and the fear of Allah Taala:
According to our belief, Hazrat Abu-Bakr
(Raziyallahu Ahnu) is the most exalted person after
the Ambiyaa (Alaihimus-Salaam). Hazrat Nabi Akram


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

himself conveyed to him

the glad tidings of his being the head of a group of
persons in Jannat.
Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
once remarked: Abu Bakrs (Raziyallahu anhu) name
shall be called out from all the gates of Jannat,
and he will be the first of my followers to enter it.
With all these virtues and privileges, Hazrat
Abu Bakr (Raziyallahu anhu) used to say: I wish I
were a tree that would be cut and done away
Sometimes he would say: I wish I were a
blade of grass, whose life ended with the grazing
of an animal.
He also said: I wish I were a strain of hair
on the body of a Momin.
(Sallallahu Alaihis Wasallam)

(To be continued, Insha-Allahu Taala)


Statements and Anecdotes of

Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat Maulana
Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi
Sahib .
Compiled By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib
(Daamat- Barakatuhum)

Matters pertaining to Hadith

Eating together is a means of

Barakat (blessings):


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

The Sahaabah (Raziyallahu Anhum Ajmaeen) had

complained to Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam), We eat but do not seem to be getting
Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
asked them, Do you all eat individually? they
replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Nabi Akram
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) then said, Eat together in a
group and read Bismillah. In it lies Barakat. ( Abu
Dawood/ Jamul Fawaaid, Vol. 1 Pg. 292)
Further, Allah Taala loves that meal from which
many people partake of. (Awaariful Maaarif, Pg. 176).




Hazrat Shah Waliyyullah Sahib (Rahmatullahi

Alaihi) has mentioned that Muatta Imaam Maalik is
Umm-us-Saheehain (the mother of Saheeh
Bukhari and Muslim). Saheehain, Bukhari and
Muslim are more authentic as far as the chains of
narrators are concerned. Hazrat then said that
Imam Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has verified the
entire issue.
There are three aspects in this:
Firstly, Imam Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
has brought all Ahadeeth that substantiate the
Mazhab of Hazrat Imam Abu-Hanifah (Rahmatullahi
Alaihi) in his Muatta together with those Ahadeeth
that answer the opposing Ahaadeeth presented by


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Imam Maalik (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in his Muatta. In

this way, no Hadeeth that contradicts the Hanafi
Mazhab in Muatta Imam Maalik has remained
Secondly, Imam Maalik has brought the
statements of the Sahaabah (Raziyallahu anhum
Ajmaeen). Imam Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has
also brought those statements of the Sahaabah
that prove the Mazhab of Hazrat Imam AbuHanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in his kitaab-ul-Aathaar.
He also presented statements of the Sahaabah
(Raziyallahu Anhum Ajmaeen) in opposition to those
statements that Imam Maalik (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has
presented in contradiction to the Mazhab of Hazrat
Imam Abu-Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi). In this way,
every contradictory athar (statement of a Sahaabi)
in Muatta Imam Maalik has been answered by
Imam Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in Kitaab-ulAathaar. (To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)

Etiquettes for
BBy: Hazrat Maulana Siddiq Ahmad Baandwi Sahib

Continue from the previous issue of ANNOOR

Third Etiquette


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Respect for Asaatizah (Teachers)

Hazrat Maulana Sayyid Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi
Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was once beaten up
severely by one of his Syrian Asaatizah over
something trivial for which he was not even
responsible. Hazrat Maulana harboured no ill
feeling in his heart for that Ustaaz. Today the
position that Hazrat Maulana occupies and the
work that Allah Taala is taking from him can be
witnessed throughout the globe. May Allah Taala
keep his shadow over the Ummah for a long time
and may he satiate the world with Hazrats
blessings. (Hazrat had since passed on).
The pious people had advised, Sit with
respect in front of your Ustaaz. Dont sit in line
with him even though he requests you to sit, then
too refrain. However, if you are going to cause him
grief by not sitting, then there will be no harm in
doing so. Speak to him with a great amount of
respect. Dont use words like why and we dont
accept what you are saying.
One buzurg said, Dont address your Ustaaz
with disrespect, otherwise your students will speak
disrespectfully to you. It is the right of the Ustaaz
that after you complete your studies, you should
continue to meet him in gratitude.


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

There is an incident recorded in Sharhul

Tareeqatil-Muhammadiyya of Imaam Halwaani
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) that when he left Bukhaara to go
and live elsewhere, all his students (from
Bukhaara) came to visit him except Imaam
Zarnooji (Rahmatullahi Alaihi). After sometime, he met
Imam Zarnooji (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) and expressed his
displeasure over him not coming to visit. Imam
Zarnooji (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) excused himself saying
that he was unable to come because he was
serving his mother. Upon this Imam Halwaani
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) commented that he will be
blessed with a long life but he will not be blessed
with the opportunity of teaching, and so it
My Ustaaz, Maulana Shah Abdur-Rahman
Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) who was the most senior
Ustaaz in Saharanpur, mentioned an incident to
us. He said, When I left home to study in
Saharanpur, I met all my Ustaazs in my hometown
before leaving. However, I was unable to meet one
Ustaaz from whom I had studied my elementary
kitaabs. When I came to Saharanpur, surprisingly I
could not understand my lessons whereas I was
regarded to be amongst the intelligent students in
the class. I pondered over the reason, eventually
Allah Taala guided me. Immediately, I wrote a
letter to my Ustaaz and asked his forgiveness for
not having met him before leaving.


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

My Ustaaz replied, I felt that you did not

come to meet me because you regarded me as
insignificant. However, I see from your letter that
this is not so. Thereafter, he made lots of Duaa
for me. Maulana used to say, It is only the result
of showing respect to my Asaatizah that today I
am sitting here teaching Tirmizi Shareef to you.
His lessons were such that all were
unanimous that there was no person in the whole
country who was able to teach Tirmizi Shareef like

Do not offend your Asaatizah

If, Allah forbid, you showed disrespect to
your Asaatizah or were rude to them, then
immediately, with total humility, ask their
forgiveness. One can never obtain any benefit
from ones Ustaaz, if he harbours any ill feelings
for him.

(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


Potions for the

A Translation of Dawa-e-Dill

By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqaar Ahmad Naqashbandi Sahib



April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

The importance of self purification

Why delay in repentance?

We all need to repent before we die. Asking
for forgiveness is such a tonic that we rid
ourselves of all ailments at one go. No matter how
spiritually sick one is, be he a Kaafir or Mushrik,
when he repents, recites the Kalimah and becomes
good, pious and obedient, it is said:

He is cleansed of all his old diseases, he starts life afresh.

We all know that we are sick, and know the

cure for our sickness. Why do we not repent while
we are alive today, and respect the time that has
been given to us? When will the time come, when
will we change?
Allah Taala says:

Has the time not yet come for those who believe that their
hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and
for the truth that has descended (through revelation)?
(Al-Hadid 57:16 only the relevant portion of the Aayah is documented)

Has the time not come for the believers? Are

their hearts not afraid? When will the time come?
When will we see truly ourselves? For how much


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

longer can we live blindly?

Let us not be broken you as blind people in
the Aakhirah. Today is the time to ask for
forgiveness and realize where we are?
Hazrat Mufti Shafi Sahib
says that Allah Taala has said:

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

Whoever does evil shall be requited for it.

(An-Nisa 04:103 only the relevant portion of the Aayah is documented)

He says that there is no question for anyone

to go unpunished for the sins he has committed.
Each sin shall be accounted for, and he will be
punished accordingly.
There are two ways of being punished:
1. Burning in the fire of this world.
2. Burning in the fire of the Aakhirah (which
has been explained earlier).
What is the fire of this world? Mufti Shafi
Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) says that it is the fire of the
heart. When one has shame, sorrow and regret,
he burns with an inner fire. With regret over his
sins, he will beg for forgiveness. His regret,
therefore, will become his repentance. Due to his
shame and sorrow, Allah Taala will forgive all his


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Allah Taala has shown us the way. We

are the ones to choose it for ourselves. We should
ask for forgiveness so that we can join the group
of the pious. Allah Taala is Most Forgiving; when
one repents, He forgives them.

A strange story about



the era of Hazrat Hasan Basri

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi). There was a female student who
always attended his lectures. She had a son and a
husband who had a good business. She was a
pious woman. Her husband died when she was still
young. She thought, If I remarry, I will get a
husband, but my son may not benefit. His stepfather might mistreat him. She, therefore,
decided not to remarry and sacrificed her desires
for the sake of her child.
A Hadith says that a woman, who does not
remarry so that she can look after her children,
will be rewarded as if she were spending her whole
life as a Ghaazi, a Muslim warrior. This is
because she did Jihaad with her desires and
looked after her children. (To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)

Family Bond


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

By: Hazrat Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar Sahib

Translated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

The Noble Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has

said, When a person is patient and recites the
following dua seven times, the sick will be cured,
unless the person is destined to die due to that

I beseech Allah, the Great, Lord of the supreme
throne, that He cure you!

He would make Duaa for the recovery and

plead for a long life of the patient, thereby making
the sick person happy (Tirmizi and Ibn Majah). The
patient must be requested to pray for the visitor
(Ibn Majah and Ibnus Sunni). It is masnuun to remind a
patient in the pangs of death the Kalimah (Muslim):

Because the one whose last utterance (before
death) is the Kalimah, will enter Jannah (Abu Dawuud
and Haakim).

Etiquette of condolence
It is a Muslims duty to offer condolences to


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the bereaved. It helps mitigate the sorrow of the

bereaved family and makes it easier for them to
endure the loss. Allah Taala, The Exalted, will
clothe the sympathizer with honour and respect
(Ibn Majah and Bayhaqqi). Also, one is entitled to a
reward equal to that earned by the bereaved.
Sympathies may be offered to the bereaved family
within three days of the death of their dear one.
However, when a person is not present at the time
of the sad event, condolences may be offered
when one returns.
Masnuun words may be said when offering
sympathies. The Noble Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said when his daughter died:

For Allah is what He has taken, and for Him is
what He has given. The span of everything is
appointed with Him.

He also said, Be patient and hope for

reward. (Bukhari and Muslim)

When expressing condolence, the

sympathiser may say:

May Allah increase your reward. May he cause
you to be patient. May he forgive your dead.

To a non-believer, a Muslim may



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May Allah increase your reward and comfort you well.

A non-believer may say to a


May Allah comfort you well and forgive your dead.

To one another, the non-believers

may say:

May Allah compensate you.

Sympathisers may prepare food for the

bereaved family while they are occupied with funeral
arrangements (Abu Dawuud, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi). However,
the bereaved family is not supposed to feed visitors,
who must express sorrow with the family of the
dead. They may persuade the bereaved family to be
patient. Verses of the Holy Quran and Ahadeeth on
the virtues of patience may be narrated to them.
Salah may be offered for mercy. The good qualities
of the dead should be remembered. However, if an
unusual act is performed as part of the funeral
ceremonies, disapproval may be expressed in
carefully chosen words without fear of blame or
regard. It is a sin not to point out a lapse ( Ibn Maajah).
The person who omits to speak up, will be punished
before death (Abu Dawuud). However, ewing to the
peculiar situation, this must be done very discreetly


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Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

(Surah Nahl, 16:125)

(To be continued, Insha-Allaahu-Taaala)

Great Personality

Rahimahullahu Taala
By: Hazrat Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafiee

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Hazrat Imam Sahibs excessive Ibaadat and

recitation of the Quran and his nightly vigils

Yaqub Ibn Yusuf Ibn Ahmad narrates that

Hamzah Ibn Mughairah said:

During our nightly vigils of Ramazan, we
used to perform our Salah with Umar Ibn
Zar. Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)







whereas their house was very far from us.

Umar ibn Zar used to perform Salah until
close onto true dawn.

Abu Muhammad Harithi narrates that Hasan

Ibn Tarif said:

My father Tarif informed me that Imam
Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) had a light







April 2016


Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Saymari narrates that Abdul Hamid Ibn Abu

Rawwad said:






Mukarramah as forbearing as Imam Abu











Fatawa. Day and night, he was engrossed

in the pursuit of the Hereafter and in the





chastisement of Allah Taala). He was very

patient with those who came to seek
knowledge from him. I saw for a period of
ten nights, he never slept in any one of
those nights and during the day, his
Tawaaf, Salah and teaching didnt give
him the chance to do so.

Saymari narrates that Yahya Hammani said:







(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) for almost a year. I

always witnessed him to be observing
Saum during the day and engaged in
Salah at night. He never consumed other
peoples wealth. With the Wuzu of the
early part of the night, he used to engage
in the Salah for the entire night and by








April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

recitation of the entire Holy Quran. Just

after true dawn, he used to perform two
Rakats (Sunnah of Fajr). His entire night
was spent in devotional activities.

Imam Kurduri narrates in Manaqib-e-Abu

Hanifah that Imam Abu Hanifah

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

performed Hajj fifty five times.







mentions in Khazanah, When Imam Abu Hanifah








distributed half his wealth to the servants of the

Kabah and isolated himself in the Kabah. He
stood on one leg and recited half the Holy Quran
and thereafter the other half whilst standing on
the other leg. He thereafter submitted: O Allah!
We have recognized You as You ought to be
recognized but we did not worship you as You







recognition, forgive our defective devotions. From

the corner of Kabah, a voice called out: You have
recognized and how well you have recognized. And
you have also worshipped very sincerely. We have
forgiven you as well as all those who tread your
path until the day of judgment.
(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437




Three things are impetus

for progress and guidance
On March 12, 2016 Saturday, a huge number of
Saalikeen (spiritual travelers), students and others
gathered in the Khaanqah-e-Mahmoodiyyah at DarulUloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora for listening to the
reformative speech in the nature of soothing advice
from the world-renowned Spiritual Master-cumEsteemed Chancellor of Raheemiyyah varsity, Hazrat
Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi
Daamat-Barakatuhum enthusiastically.
Hazrat Maulana Sahib said that three things are
impetus for progress and guidance: Kasrat-e-Zikr
(Making Zikr in abundance), Fikr-e-Aakhirat
(Remaining concerned about the Hereafter) and
Ijtinaab-anil-masiyah (Abstaining from the unIslamic activities).
Hazrat Maulana Sahib emphasized that one should
abstain from using foul language and thinking ill of
others unnecessarily. Spend some time during the
pre-dawn hours in seclusion and talk to your Rabbulaalameen, Hazrat Maulana Sahib advised. The
Majlis was concluded with supplication. The
attendees of this Khaanqah-Majlis made Musaafahah
with Hazrat Maulana Sahib while greeting them with


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437


Learn Islamic English

Fayyaaz Ahmad Zarroo

It is Sunnah to call people by good titles. The Holy
Prophet Sallallaahu-alaihi-wasallam is reported to have said
that it is the right of a believer to call his/her fellowbelievers by good names and titles which they like the
most. And when we have to call, mention, quote or refer to
Ulamaa-e-Kiraam and Mashaaikh-e-Kiraam of the
Muslim community by names, we should treat them with
high respect, because they are the heirs of the Holy
Prophet Sallallaahu-alaihi-wasallam. Therefore, we should
prefix Hazrat to their names and suffix Saahib to their
names. For example, Hazrat Maulaanaa Ashraf Ali
Thaanvi Saahib, Hazrat Maulaanaa Muhammad
Muhammad Rahmatullah Saahib, Hazrat Mufti Taqi
Usmaani Saahib etc.
And when we have to describe them in English, we should
describe them as Islamic Scholars, Religious Leaders,
Spiritual Masters or Spiritual Guides. We should not
describe them as clerics or clergy, because it is the
Christian terminology. Clergy means the people who lead
religious services, especially Christian priests. Here is a
headline: Clerics condemn anti-Islaam remarks by the
Minister. Replace it with this headline: Scholars of
Islaam condemn anti-Islaam remarks by the. or
Islamic scholars condemn anti-Islaam remarks by
Some more examples are here: Respected Imaams ask
Muslims to boycott Jewish items. Spiritual Guides of the
Muslim community term TV viewing injurious to Modesty
(ContinueInshaa-Allaahu Taaala)


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

Letters to the Editor

Finest journal
Esteemed Editor,


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

I am an avid reader of the revered monthly journal, ANNOOR, being published from Daarul-Uloom Raheemiyyah
Bandipora Kashmir. It is one of the finest journal and full
of knowledge concerning the Seerat-e-Paak, HadithShareef, Blessed Companions, it can be considered a
treasure. Being a student, I like the section of Etiquettes,
where one is taught to respect his/her Asaatizah
(teachers) and to regard it as necessary for students. The
Sahaabah and Ulamaa themselves used to show great
respect to their teachers. One wishes to inherit their ethics
and etiquettes.
The subjects and themes in the respected journal are
always plain, clear and lucrative. Every edition of the
revered journal is surpassingly good and praiseworthy.
The journal keeps a person intact with his religion
(Islaam) in all respects.
I really feel glad to be a reader of venerated journal. I pray
to Almighty Allah that may this journal enlighten the lives
of all Muslims and protect them from avaricious
materialism and vicious westernization (Aameen).
Yusraa Hameed D/O Sheikh Abdul-Hameed
Syed Hamid Pora Nawab-bazar Srinagar
A student of Govt. Degree College for Women
Nawakadal Srinagar (BA 3rd year)

Editor replies:

Wa-alaikum salaam wa-rahmatullah-wa-

Your writing skills are properly appreciated.

Your bond with this journal is greatly encouraging. Your
adherence to Islaam is laudable. Keep it up.


April 2016

Jamadiuth-Thani 1437

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