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Computer Literacy

Guided Notes - Part 2

Directions: Follow the steps below to complete the computer literacy guided notes part 2.
Open MS Word 2010
Save As: Guided Notes Part 2 in Computer Literacy Folder on your Home drive
Margins 1 inch for the top, bottom, left, and right
Paragraph spacing zero point before and after
Line spacing - single
Font and font size - Times New Roman, 12
Insert a header:
a. Left align - First and Last Name
b. Center align - Title of Assignment
c. Right align Todays Date
In your paragraph grouping, turn on your numbering feature. This allows you to number your answers

without typing your numbers.

Define the following terms and/or answer the questions below
1. Define System Unit
2. Define Motherboard
3. Define CPU
4. Define RAM
5. Define Byte
6. Define Output Devices
7. Name two output devices and define each of them
8. Define Display Devices
9. Name two display devices and define each of them
10. Define Storage device
11. Define USB Flash Drive
12. Define the following and provide the complete name for each optical discs:

b. CD-R

Computer Literacy
Guided Notes - Part 2
c. CD-RW

e. DVD-ROM drive


f. Cloud Storage


Click File and Save or Save on the Quick Access Toolbar or CTRL + S to save the document

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