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‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY This warning summary contains general safety wamings and hazardous materials warnings that must be understood and applied during operation and maintenance of this equipment, Failure to observe these precautions could result in serious injury or death to personnel. Also included are explanations of safety and hazardous materials icons used within this technical manual, FIRST AID DATA First aid is the emergency care given to the sick, injured, or wounded before being treated by medical personnel. First aid data can be found in FM 4-25.11 (Volume 3, WP 0374). This manual contains procedures for all types of casualties and the measures described are for use by both male and female service members. Service members may be able to save a life, prevent permanent disability, or reduce long periods of hospitalization by knowing WHAT to do, WHAT NOT to do, and WHEN to seek medical assistance. GENERAL SAFETY WARNING ICONS ELECTRICAL - electrical wire to arm with electricity symbol running though human body shows that shock hazard is present, Ss FLYING PARTICLES - arrows bouncing off face shows that particles flying through the air will harm face. a FLYING PARTICLES - arrows bouncing off face with face shield shows that particles fying though the air will harm face. We HEAVY PARTS - foot with heavy abject on top shows that heavy parts can gy | cust andham SO = ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued GENERAL SAFETY WARNING ICONS - Continued HEAVY PARTS - heavy object on human figure shows that heavy parts present a danger to life or limb, HEAVY PARTS - heavy object pinning human figure against wall shows that heavy, moving parts present a danger to life or limb. HOT AREA - hand over object radiating heat shows that partis hot and can burn MOVING PARTS - human figure with an arm caught between gears shows that the moving parts of the equipment present a danger to life or limb. MOVING PARTS - hand with fingers caught between gears shows that the moving parts of the equipment present a danger to life or limb. SHARP OBJECT - pointed object in hand shows that a sharp object presents a danger to limb, ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued GENERAL SAFETY WARNINGS DESCRIPTION WARNING Operators are reminded to observe basic safe driving techniques/skills when operating the vehicle. Vehicle speed must be reduced consistent with weather and road terrain conditions. Failure to comply may result in injury or death to personnel or damage to equipment. WARNING Any part or component that weighs over 50 lbs (23 kg) must be removed with the ald of an assistant. Any part or component that weighs over 75 lbs (34 kg) must be removed with the aid of an assistant and a lifting device. Failure to comply may result in injury or death to personnel Ensure to keep head, hands, feet, and appendages from being caught between components during removal and installation. Failure to comply may result in injury or death to personnel. WARNING Safety equipment is required when handling heated parts. Failure to ‘comply may result in injury to personnel. WARNING ‘A fire extinguisher must be available and ready during all operations and procedures involving solvents, Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel or damage to equipment. EXPLANATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ICONS BIOLOGICAL - abstract symbol bug shows that a material may contain bacteria or viruses that present a danger to life or health. ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued EXPLANATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ICONS - Continued = CHEMICAL - drops of quid on hand shows that the material will ‘cause burns or irritation to human skin or tissue. CRYOGENIC - hand in block of ice shows that the material is extremely cold and can injure human skin or tissue. EXPLOSION - rapidly expanding symbol shows that the material may explode if subjected to high temperatures, sources of ignition or high pressure. Li EYE PROTECTION - person with goggles shows that the material will injure the eyes. RADIATION - three circular wedges shows that the material emits radioactive energy and can injure human tissue. VAPOR - human figure in a cloud shows that material vapors present a danger to life or health ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DESCRIPTIONS WARNING ADHESIVES AND SOLVENTS ‘Adhesive, solvents, sealing compounds, and cleaning compounds can burn easily and are harmful causing immediate bonding on contact with eyes, skin, or clothing and gives off harmful vapors. Wear protective gloves and goggles and use in a well-ventilated area. Use respirator as needed ‘When not using adhesives, solvents, or sealing compounds container, ‘ensure container is sealed. Store, handle, and dispose of unused and spent compounds in accordance with local procedures and plans. If adhesive, solvent, or sealing compound gets on skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. Ifadhesive gets in your eyes, try to keep them open; flush them with water for 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention. Keep away from open fire WARNING BATTERIES Batteries must be removed or disconnected prior to performing maintenance in battery area or when working on electrical system. Do not smoke, have open flames, or make sparks around a battery, ‘especially if caps are off. Batleries can explode from a spark. Battery acid is harmful to skin and eyes. Always wear eye protection and rubber gloves when working with batteries. Failure to comply may result in severe electrical shock to personnel or damage to equipment. ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DESCRIPTIONS - Cor WARNING ued CARBON MONOXIDE CARBON MONOXIDE (EXHAUST GAS) CAN KILL YOU Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, DEADLY POISONOUS gas and when breathed deprives body of oxygen and causes SUFFOCATION. Breathing air with carbon monoxide produces symptoms of headache, dizziness, loss of muscular control, a sleepy feeling, and coma. Permanent BRAIN DAMAGE or DEATH can result from severe exposure, ‘The folowing precautions MUST be followed to ensure personnel are safe whenever any type of personnel heater or engine is operated for any purpose. Failure to comply may resultin serious inury of death to personnel DO NOT operate heater or engine in an enclosed area without adequate ventilation DO NOT idle vehicle engine with cab windows closed. DO NOT drive any vehicle with inspection plates, cover plates, or ‘engine compartment covers removed unless necessary for maintenance purposes. NEVER sleep in a vehicle when the heater is operating or the engine is, idling BE ALERT at all imes during vehicle operation for exhaust odors and exposure symptoms. If either is present, IMMEDIATELY VENTILATE personnel compartments. Treatment of affected personnel shall be: Temove person from area: expose to fresh air; keep warm; DO NOT PERMIT PHYSICAL EXERCISE. If necessary, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as described in FM 4-25.11, and get immediate medical attention. Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death to personnel ‘THE BEST DEFENSE AGAINST CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING. IS GOOD VENTILATION ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DESCRIPTIONS - Continued WARNING CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN}-contaminated air fiters must be handled and disposed of only by authorized and trained personnel. ‘The unit commander or senior officer in charge of maintenance personnel must ensure that prescribed protective clothing (FM 3-11.4) is used, and prescribed safety measures and decontamination procedures (FM 3-11,5) are followed. ‘The local unit SOP is responsible for final disposal of contaminated air filters. Failure to comply may cause severe injury or death to personnel WARNING COLD OR FREEZING METAL Do not touch extremely cold metal (below -26° F [-32" C}). Bare skin may freeze to cold metal, Failure to comply may result in injury to Personnel ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DESCRIPTIONS - Cor WARNING ued COMBUSTIBLES AND FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS Gasoline, fuel oll, lubricating oil, grease, paint, paint thinner, cleaning solvents, and other combustible liquids present a serious fire hazard. Combustible liquids must ALWAYS be stored in their approved containers and designated compartments or deck storage locations. If adhesive gets in your eyes, try to keep them open; flush them with water for 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention. Wear protective goggles and use in a well-ventilated area, Keep away from open fire and use in well-ventilated area to avoid injury or death Ensure exhaust and ventilation fans are operating while using cleaning solvents or paint products. Never use fuel to clean parts. Fuel is highly flammable and could ignite during cleaning, Ollis slippery and can cause falls. To avoid injury, wipe up spilled fuel or oil with rags. If flammable liquids get on skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. WARNING FALLING DEBRIS ‘Wear appropriate eye protection when working under vehicle due to the possibilty of falling debris. Failure to comply may result in injury to Personnel ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-1 WARNING SUMMARY - Continued HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DESCRIPTIONS - Continued WARNING JEWELRY Remove rings, bracelets, watches, necklaces, and any other jewelry before working around vehicle. Jewelry can catch on equipment and ‘cause injury or short across electrical circuit and cause severe burns or electrical shock. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel WARNING PROJECTILES ‘Wear proper eye protection and use care when removing or installing springs, retaining rings, and snap rings. Springs, retaining rings, and snap rings are under spring tension and can act as projectiles when released, Failure to comply may result in injury or death to personnel Eye protection is required during all grinding operations. Failure to ‘comply may result in injury or death to personne. blank

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