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‘TM 9-2320-391-10-4 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL. OVERVIEW This Technical Manual (TM) is provided to help you operate and maintain the Light Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) series. Its divided into the following major sections in order of appearance: Front Cover. Provides information about the type of manual and vehicle models covered by the TM. Warning Summary. Provides a summary of all warnings that apply throughout the manual. Read all WARNINGS and CAUTIONS before performing any operation, troubleshooting, or maintenance procedures. Table of Contents. Lists Chapters, Work Packages, and Subject index with Work Package numbers in order of appearance. Chapter 1, General Information, Equipment Description, and Theory of Operation. Describes the LMTV and provides equipment data. Chapter 2, Operator Instructions. Describes operator's controls and indicators, and operating instructions, Chapter 3, Troubleshooting Procedures. Provides instructions for troubleshooting problems with the LMTV. Chapter 4, Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). Provides the instructions for Operator PMCS. Chapter 8, Maintenance Instructions. Provides the instructions for Operator Maintenance. Chapter 6, Supporting Information. Contains information about References, Components of End Items (COE!) and Basic Issue Items (Bil) lists, Additional ‘Authorization List (AL), and Expendable and Durable Items List. FINDING INFORMATION Table of Contents. Lists Chapters, Sections, and Indexes with Work Package numbers in order of appearance. Index. Lists Work Packages alphabetically by subject/Work Package title. Lists the associated Work Package sequence number and beginning page number. roti ‘TM 9-2320-391-10-4 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL - Continued TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting is contained in Chapter 3. When you have a problem with the operation of your equipment, turn to the Work Package listed for the malfunction. Perform the steps required to correct the malfunction. If you cannot find the malfunction, or the malfunction is not corrected, notify Field Maintenance. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Operation. Before you operate the LMTY, familiarize yourself with the controls and indicators, (WP 0004) through (WP 0013). Perform your BEFORE preventive maintenance (Volume 3, WP 0346). Read the operating instructions contained in (WP 0014) through (WP 0040). Always follow WARNINGS and CAUTIONS. During operation, perform your DURING preventive maintenance (Volume 3, WP 0347), and perform your AFTER preventive maintenance (Volume 3, WP 0348) after operation. Maintenance. When you perform maintenance, look over the entire procedure before starting. Make sure you have the necessary tools and materials at hand. Always observe WARNINGS and CAUTIONS. xxxii

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