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Maheen Hashmi

Abbey- She has been represented as a typical

school girl that is naive as she chased the
possessed girl.
Samantha- She has been represented as a typical
older sister that is concerned about her little
sister and tells her to stay outside the toilet then
seems worried that she was unable to find her
sister Abbey.
Posses girl The possessed girl has been
represented as being possessed by the doll that
she carries everywhere. The make up that was
used on her face was a stereotype of them being
pale white in horror movies.


film The women in black was released

in the year 2012 based around the genre
horror and thriller. The story is based around
a women in black which is the protagonist.
The opening scene of the film is introduced
by three girls playing with their dolls in the
nursery room. This idea of the girl playing
with dolls then look at someone that is the
women in black and being possessed then
suicide. This idea had been used in our
production as some horror movies involve
possession and dolls.


Childs play has many movies from

the year 1988 to 2013. The movie is based
around chucky the doll being possessed and
coming to life and acting as the villain of the
film. The idea of this from the movie is a
real example of the idea that our production
has been based around using the genre


we had watched previous productions of

other student of the genre horror we had
adapted some ideas then had created a new
way of projecting it to the audience. An
example of this would be the concept of the
girl being possessed by a doll we have
adapted this idea and created this as our
own idea and filmed in school and based is
around Abbey and Samantha being invited to
a workshop after school .


purpose of the genre horror us used to

make an impact on the audience of being on
edge and making everything come to life and
making it realistic as possible. As a group we
had thought of the way that we will end our
film and we had decided to leave it on a cliff
hanger as its just a two minutes sequence
that we have represent.
Some horror movies are left on a cliff hanger
or they have been ended by dramatic ending
or a happy ending but we had decided to
leave the ending as a cliff hanger.

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