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Marks: 10

Firm Deadline: 19 Feb 2016 (Friday).

(Late Assignments after the deadline will not be accepted)

You can submit this assignment in groups of two.

Submit a written solution to the following problem related to a Hydroelectric Power Plant. Please ensure
that both group members write their full names & registration numbers on the solution being submitted.

A hydroelectric power plant is equipped with four power generating units, with each
unit comprising of a vertical shaft Pelton turbine coupled with a 70,000 kVa, 3-phase,
50 Hz synchronous generator. Each synchronous generator has 10 pole-pairs. The
gross available water head is 505 m and the overall efficiency of the power plant is
91 %. The four power generating units together have a total electrical power output
of 260 MW. Calculate the following:

The synchronous speed of the generators (Ns).

The flow rate of water (Q) in m3/s flowing down the penstock.
The available hydraulic power due to water stored at a height. (PHYDRAULIC)
The daily electrical energy output of this power plant in kWh (kilowatthours), if the power plant is in operation everyday for 10 hours.

Note: Please show all calculations clearly & explicitly.


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