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Ms Antle GLC2O

Action Plan Part 1

Occupation Choices - Research Assignment Chart
Job #1: mechanical

Job #2: chemical


Job #3: petroleum


Shortened Job

Shortened Job

Shortened Job

Mechanical engineering
is the discipline that
applies the principles of
engineering, physics, and
materials science for the
design, analysis,
manufacturing, and
maintenance of
mechanical systems

Chemical Engineering is
a branch of science that
applies physical sciences
(physics and chemistry)
and life sciences
(microbiology and
biochemistry) together
with applied mathematics
and economics to
produce, transform,
transport, and properly
use chemicals, materials
and energy.

Petroleum engineering is a
field of engineering
concerned with the activities
related to the production of
hydrocarbons, which can be
either crude oil or natural

Necessary education
for this job: university

Necessary education
for this job: university

Necessary education for

this job: university

In what ways does this occupation match what you learned about yourself
from Unit 1?

Ms Antle GLC2O
it matches my skills
which include
numeracy and using
hands skills as well as
problem solving

it matches my skills
which include
numeracy and using
hands skills as well as
problem solving

it matches my skills which

include numeracy and
using hands skills as well
as problem solving

Average pay in this job: Average pay in this job: Average pay in this job:
50k-114k CAD

50k-117k CAD

50k-117k CAD

What is the employment outlook for each job? Are the job opportunities in
these areas expanding, declining, or remaining steady? Explain the data.
fair, chemical is not the fair, petroleum is really
best in terms of
nice but is limited by the
good, mechanical
engineering, but still is countries you can work at
engineering is
really important
since not all countries
prospering in the world
have petrol or have the
and it has really wide
ability to produce it.
field of work.

How would this job fulfill your personal and career goals?
university and

university and

university and internships

Ms Antle GLC2O

What related experience, if any, have you had that makes this occupation
look like a promising goal for you?
i used to go with my
dad to many work cites
and i liked it.


What related experiences could you acquire over the next few years that
will help you to make your decision and provide you with references for
your resume (think: volunteering; clubs; community service; jobs)
co-op or internships at co-op or internships at co-op or internships at
engineering firms
engineering firms
engineering firms

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