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British Naval Convoy System

Introduced. 2009. A+E
Networks. Web. 1 April
Germans Introduce Poison
Gas. 2010.
A+E Networks. Web . 1
April 2016.
German Zeppelins of WWI.
2010. N.p. Web. 2 April
The War in the Air.
2009. N.p. Web. 2 April

WWI Modern
Julia Sevco

Automatic Machine Gun


Due to the success of the German Uboats, the British navy created a convoy
system where merchant ships traveled
in groups protected by Allied warships.
The introduction of conveys in 1917
helped decline the damage done by German submarines.

The most significant advancement was

the automatic machine gun. It
consisted of a mounted gun that fired
a steady stream of bullets. Hundreds
of rounds a minute could be shot by
one person. Both sides used these
guns. These guns could kill or wound
thousands in a short period of time.
The machine gun stopped Germanys
plant to rust into a country as fast as

WWI was the first war where airplanes
were used. Both sides used airplanes to observe enemy troops, drop bombs, and for
air battles. In 1916, Germany armed
planes with machine guns. The Allies used
airplanes with machine guns as well.

Poison Gas
On April 12, 1915, German forces shocked
the Allied soldiers by firing lethal chlorine
gas. WWI was the first major war to use
chemical weapons. The Allies, including
France, Britain and the USA also developed
and used chemical weapons. Mustard gas
and chlorine gas were the most popular
weapons. The poisonous gas caused
suffocation, blindness, and death. People
had to use gas masks. The introduction of
poison gas had great significance in WWI.
More than 100,000 tons of chemical
weapons agents were used, injuring 500,000
and killing 30,000.


Germany used zeppelins to drop bombs on

British and French cities. A zeppelin was a
giant cigar-shaped balloon filled with hydrogen. These silent airships struck without
warning and people feared these raids. With
the use of airplanes with machine guns, zeppelins could be shot down and were no long

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