Role Play

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Candidate Information - Role Play (Crime)

800: Recorder

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This information is provided for candidates who have been invited to the Recorder Crime
Role Play selection day. You will be expected to play the role of a Crown Court Recorder in
a short trial.

Source material:
Whilst the exercise is mainly designed to examine the candidates responses to a number of
situations that develop during the case, there are some legal points that arise for which all
candidates should be prepared in advance. Candidates will find it useful to be familiar with
the following:

Defendant representing himself

Special measures for witnesses

Contempt of court

Bad character (Section 101 Criminal Justice Act 2003)

Recalling a witness/evidence in rebuttal

General trial or hearing management

Criminal Procedure Rules

If you wish you may take any information on any of these points with you into the courtroom
A copy of Archbold will be available on your desk.
Prior to the role-play you will have 30 minutes preparation time to consider the case
material provided.

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