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Presented By:
Hira Raza
Hina Rubab
Areeba Shehzad

Pakistani hero and a legend
Honorable patriot and a banker
Dared to dream big
Endured different outrages towards the end of his life
Constructed strongest Pakistan

Personal Background
Born in Lucknow in 1922
Middle class family
Got education from Lucknow University
Started career in banking-HBL
12 year services to HBL

Business and Professional Achievements

Joined United Bank Limited (UBL) in 1959
Made UBL to 2nd largest bank of Pakistan
Hosted the idea of customized service and banking support
Grasped the open doors offered by oil boom in the Persian


Business and Professional Achievements

On the nationalization of banks in Pakistan in 1972, Mr.

Abedi founded BCCI.

He started its operations in London at two room head
He made sure that majority of Pakistanis were employed
in the bank.
BCCI turned into 7th biggest bank on the planet in a short
span of time.
Abedi achieved his dream and made an interpretation he
had always wanted into reality.

Business and Professional Achievements

Agha initiated the concept of computer science studies in

Pakistan when nobody knew about it.

He donated Rs.100 billion in 1980 for founding the BCCI
Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology
(FAST) .
And in 2000 FAST-NU came into being
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI) was likewise the
creation of the same man.

Business and Professional Achievements

Many charitable organizations in different countries were

also founded by Agha Hasan Abedi.

The BCCI Foundation was renamed as INFAQ
Foundation which provides assistance to various special
children schools, hospitals, and other social welfare

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