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Elementary Lesson Planning Template

Your name(s):

Amanda Coomer

Grade level and school:

K-1 MSD Self Contained

Zachary Taylor Elementary

Title of lesson/activity:

Rainbow Fish Day 1

Teaching date(s) and


March 23rd

Estimated time for


15-20 minutes

10:30 AM

Overview and Context

Lesson Overview:

Students will be read aloud The Rainbow Fish and then will
participate in a guided retelling using visuals. Then, the
students will answer comprehension questions using visuals
from the story.


Pfister, M. (1999). The Rainbow Fish. New York: NorthSouth

Zakas, T.L & Schreiber, L. (2010). Building with Stories:
Adapted Books for Literacy. Verona: Attainment Company

State Standards

Confirm understanding
of a text read aloud or
information presented

Students will confirm
understanding of a text by
answering questions about key
details from the story with 80
percent accuracy

orally or through other

media by asking and
answering questions
about key details and
requesting clarification
if something is not

Ask and answer

questions about key
details in a text read
aloud or information
presented orally or
through other media.

Instructional Plan
The Rainbow Fish Text
Anchor Chart titled Retelling the Rainbow Fish

Assessment Tool with

Assessment attached
6 out 7 answers correct
Rainbow fish visual
comprehension questions.

Retelling strips/pre-taped
Rainbow fish visual comprehension activity packet
Instructional Procedure
Lesson Introduction
Good morning, today we are going to continue working on reading The Rainbow Fish.
We are going to be working on retelling the story and understanding the story. So, I
need your listening ears on and for you to follow along with me and the story.
Body of Lesson
1. Read aloud The Rainbow Fish. Have students point out pictures if they are
not paying attention.
2. Pull out anchor chart titled Retelling the Rainbow Fish. Say, Now we are
going to retell the story. Read each sentence strip and tape it on to the anchor
chart. Have students tape it on if they are not engaged or have them point to
pictures or key words on the sentence strip.
3. Once you have retold the story, say Okay, lets see what you have
learned today. I am going to read the questions and you are going to circle the
answer with your marker.
Closure and transition
Have students circle the answer to the comprehension questions and check the
answers aloud as you go

Differentiation of Instruction
Accommodations/Modifications for Students (Utilize the principles of UDL., i.e. ,
IEP, ELL, GT, Physical, Social Emotional, Speech, Disinterested, low performing
GS has autism, for this student, I will have him work one on with Ms. Desiree and have
the use of his headphones as motivation. If this does not participate his headphones can be
taken away. Ms. Desiree can also read Gs note from Dad to remind him what he will be
awarded with after school. He may also be rewarded with yogurt drops.
AH has autism, for this student, I will work with him one on one or in a small group. The
student may need his visual schedule to remind him that he is working for a reward (computer,
chocolate, skittles). Student may need constant prompting to keep him on task. He will need to
be watched to make sure he does not press too hard on the markers.
CH is developmentally delayed and is frequently non compliant, for this student, I will
work with him individually or in a small group. I will use his rewards chart and offer frequent

praise, when he gets three stars he will receive his special candy or when he finishes his work
he can get on his computer depending on what he is working for.
XB is developmentally delayed and is frequently non compliant, for this student, I will
have someone work with him one on one or in a small group supervised. XB will need frequent
prompts and praise in order to complete his work. I will also use his visual schedule and have
him work for a reward (book, computer, stickers, skittles etc.) He may need to take a cool down
if he begins not following directions. He may work for a princess video.
JG is developmentally delayed and has a lot of trouble with fine motor skills. He may
need help constructing his number and balls. He may need to be reinforced with skittles. He
may need help coloring his fish and will need hand over hand to trace his letters.
AG has autism and does less than 25 percent of his work. A wanders the room and has
to be interested in the task in order to attempt it and may not complete his work if he begins it.
For this student, I will leave the work out for him and try to interest him in the assignment
(bringing elephant stuffed animal to the table, skittles, wait for him to come to the assignment
etc.) A will be praised and reinforced for completing his work.
LH has autism and frequently spits or chews on the assignments. For this student I will
reward him with praise for completing work. I [will also work with him one on one and guide him
through the assignment as needed. If he does not spit, he will earn a Thomas sticker, if he earns
three Thomas stickers he will earn a star burst.

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