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I have ten siblings.

I have two brothers ,

seven sisters,1brother in law,1 sister I
law,2 niece and 2 nephew.i have a big
family.. first, my father named Linus
raymond and my mother named Johana
tan My father worked as a teacher at
SMK apin apin .. my mother is a
housewife . .. my eldest sister named is
oliviana ... she already married and had
two children, named christne omay and
Cathleen elsa..she work as teacher at sk
patikang ulu .... the second child.of my
family is my brother.his name is oliver..
he also already married and have two
children named jason and jack .he work
as a farmer..... my sister, who numbered
third daughter named olive she worked
in hospital as Medical Laboratory
Technology (MLT)... my sister number
fouth named olivianita ..she is studying
at university in sarawak .... my brother
number fiveth named olier .... he work
as a farmer... . my sister number sixth
named olivenny .she also studying at

ums Labuan ... my sister number

seventh called olivera .. she study
levels 6 at smk bingkor....My sister
number 8th and 9th named olivency and
olivendy .they schools in smk apin
apin ..they will occupy spm and pt3 this
year so,, I was the..youngest in this

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