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FRAME ANALYSIS An Essay on the Organization of Experience Erving Goffman Northeastern University Press * Boston Contents ‘Ackowwledgments i 1 Inmoducton 1 2 Primary Frameworks 1 3 Keysand Keyngs 40 4 Designsand Faticadens 83 5 ‘TheTuesuicalFrame 128, 6 Structural lssusin Fabicauons 130 7 Ovtobrame Aeusty 201 8 ‘TheAnchoringatAcumny 247 10 Breaking ame 5 11 TheManuscture of Negative Experience S78 12 The Vulneabitier of Expeionce 489 Index 577 20 nesnopverion ley he eppcey ruc puctston matt ad et log ‘he reader an easy comprehension of what was beg aod doe sha Weal he ts of ding things i pit have bo Tat tewhat fame nai aba 2 Primary Frameworks Ween the dra nor We suet econ 3 pce he dey, to imply bn Os Te ‘Beem ef lntergetsion of 2 i that ean be alle primary 1 hy primary beens pit f such a ramewor er aro {Rr seen by tows who app arnt depending on hang Sti cme or rien, ded 9 pry fiz metninges saps of he sone nt semehng tha sealy presentable a. syne of ees, pretend rls ‘esr tden, moet oere—appeseo hate no appre a inet, pein el deren nape Gath pany lrainawo sows ue o beat, ptcele Sy, al noon mane aug of cre oc syne feattes th anework hae aod ule escrbe the trameverk wih any crpleenen faked, et Dee ad ‘spanner tobe and fly appsing daly fe n our wucny & tlrably cleat neon Ss ‘etd ct made, eeweea two broad cases of 3 works: natural abd socal Ni hs hiety ool ‘ly patra and sci Noel famosa ‘Bit poser” Such ung evens a oe nee de sly, trom start faith, anata dee ‘cen tha no wilful agency causally and ncaa ae then ator cnt ges te some Sune eae ‘Perecived i = more “fundai se esis sc rte nen of cornea schaning es ps ES nn ‘Seer, Set nn saat ener ac aa sp aes a 2s guided dings." These dongs - feta th Se {GM compen eo rege ine wae ire arg ht oh ae i determin eatanng that events pce ‘sppasal of bi ston ed See ae ce fe cen Stent eee a guided doing would be the newscast reporting of the of @ iio one deals here with deeds, not mere events, (We speathet ene perceivedly basic distincsions within the soclal sore on Far between human and animal pupae, a ee Seer dee amare deimcsa ea ce a on pe “Gah a mental decision = {Bes oriing, only tht natural design is respected. Moreover, it Spacer ue ep Cea oe ee ope eet once eer wd Sci oe a ae “heads, “heh wil sail have. w convey information concerning, Se er ec ae a ard po sng p,in,send ted Pe es aes Ca ote yen aay er a FRAME anatyene terri har move ean ey te made oes se oe ma ry py ng ae Se ft ny onan o tage ep nae ie hecan Sd at eay cm sh ‘Sumsy move, one tht considers the saeco eo Ime ly, in move mate chine Ree See dig be cal sats er esa Byala thm seugh yt oa ‘uh cathe dee might py tec ay ine oe Pepi timate ony pays dena ee ‘les movto mace septa eg a Secon ant Orbe ahead dings mch sare ashe ea a Jr wich sae, concious con ree a Inge ssl woh Sng oa hn oe ee sonata ede apy waa ihe ig te poe of whet caer ee ‘rahe pipes eter ompgel scone ‘A a ramen ee foe ey. Foe pes hc me etre yr atoe ay ee ie nt ped nan one tape pape eg fone he ye maiden at eke oe Les aememort eng una ay ea Se Renee ni pen a oot oping asa So. ah te ea ana tecnico ae fe of dcr cnc enna got ae ra rn fhe prank ee 1m sum he, we tend Yo pve ets ten riy sway of describing th evento which tls spied Wher ae san Sonesup antral ee shen he edie sore int he ype dng Whack Schema of physiology: when he asks the mane of acca ne — feels be ‘ae al oni Feet the mer re te a en nt me Be ey es ce rer cata face a igre ur Soret nega “ mther consideration js necessary. When an x and y weenie a enc ogal ane nt See aaron ase spy os ae eee cade oe an emp ee ong 5 PuaseT anavreny eames ales sagged, ey considerably oo iporing have suey Ile dyn, To sea hee ce tae Pate 2 oF neno at all Tops seed, Roweter, a operating Sean might be sep, a temporal, nioey thc acs of sy Bring ae usc because of tome primary fmiverk (or Hameweioy waa forms them and chat geting a is schema wll he be ‘et ropes an mpeate one Jn deserbing primary Tramewotk o far C have lime ten ot hose that are assumed (espcly or In eect) yay {navidual in dig what that gongen, geen toes 2s pricular intents. The nia enone sre in Bis inerrant mingle, ou of tush ogee [ats and so fot “Wrong erations wl be ronaeey ughout. Here wan onl wo meron the ba ats sa ‘er the atid i ow cok eect In eo (ula tramewoeks, The elements nd process he sous his rang ofthe acy een ae ones tat te ace ne ‘anifess—and why not. since sca ie sei nates paren ' someting thot nda wil beable to nderrand ea ‘ith. A conesponence or emorpiam is etand eat eoepion andthe organization of whats peated nso Qe He dat there aze likly Yo be many valid panes or ‘ganization that end tat dot ees Deen And st ‘thers in ours find hs an efecve da ede u seer ern “ceca ie tees gh ee ag Sieber Se mat ae seta na Sa Scion scien iets gee acy oan inanplne ‘sharing of these cognitive resources. malo mpeions, such ax the existence of second SE far Re Sakon ao a senes Noahaah So ot ir | ‘oradness of Hi local resentative apes conte ey, Tea one ofthe lage: bates sea in our meg ce ing ulimate foros. Tact ordinary prevent sacl se from essing te mater) am The not of pia french, unstitcey at, dom slew on medial wconae ve dunce eng see apc something ofthe bearing on our onal sense {nga he workings he wee Fete eg cmp” Aa ve ec, o Poach io evens. lscems tat acute See ew Kind of natural forces ml have wo be alowed ne of ling capaci, te taerivorng phase tie sete ages ere ar inclaed what apes ote dee ak munications trem cuter spe gan henge Shing of monsees fo the doh, evens bee ‘mathemati ncn. fortinetelng conacdne te dee oon £9 fot As sige thee ning aceasta, fan sist of exterinary natal fee and gaan {efor example, asta nace, cand ad ee sory perception, and 30 on. Heleitaos bake es Ettinger Bt ae templated” Oona {ts thes make nas by ging what dence sttonton to ESE, UFOs, ndoeoss ding hams abet the moon andthe ke any pia prota cca ned least ne event which hy themacves have ay ae oe ae fe secant fr rasa. Yet n gave, ne oe once “atu” explanation wil son be duce etna nn p the mtery and ree em tthe Tings alone nat ages that they ae accntomed oan tee sa ete raw baween natal pnamne and gued dog Gone India exibic considerable rater te change aa, ee A ple sr—or a at spies co ramewors. A pa ‘amet any event hat appa canto bo manage icin a ory caemology. ho exnni fcen te pre mig bt fhe aon hed: ogy cn here blend by eee {Eas abina banat pl ne were et ‘Siesta wonbe lovedgneng Connie on heal Paomene nent pg ad ih rts ran cry be SST anys tan schtngs of oe Byog sce Bre bee repre in coe evening eee, had 00 they Ad we expet a sescution a fllows she in ben pol rahe i “Tim coment hah, Raves clans were en hing and rng ze" the Lt me repeat tn ar salty ee vey sgniant senmpton is senealy made that all events—withou eacepon ean he ‘aed and’ managed iin se conventional system of bai We oirae the unexplained bt nt te nent 2. Cosmelogia! ines, im some ways te large we can have, supports huis entero, te etn sen thats te malntnance of guidance and con by nme wl gency under what ae sen neal imponie condone, Here ‘is found the domgs of juggler ightoge wali equoatenn, Surfer, tick ar, fe towers, high divers cel shiver, ad, cure, asuonsots the last having he greatest caf al belt one foe which they mse shave cede wh Asoerican technology. One might also include he nt tae ‘nds can ean wo porter wih thee slog. whens "netion Uke bod pesre or Pn response fs bev oe toluntay contol. Nee tht “sen sete playa pane ‘n rgard to tuning Trane sels, wae pnp dence ‘lephani, and serobate tone all exempt he poli of cnayeided dlngs dane by alien age, nus drawing str ‘hon tothe coumcogica ine ee in ur wey tte hat ‘genie and animal ones Soto, when animals we sown ace en pressed ino dag th ort of uaa as eat se fo ‘be the exlsive province of man, a whe» ship ceuney deep ¢onstemation onthe highs beans hee wane stag he {© stor an open spon cat whee sppeaes to be ale iste DEA seat. ot 9 top of chimps ie employe by farmer lla to elp with the haresting» Te might be aed thee Some academe rescarch i supported by tne same ier, ths object being to exch wt precision ast wher thee sgh ‘© be dawn between animals ated mann Ford Wea suid dongs Tes worth noting ht Bot the astounding complex (nthe foem of human freaks) sed stunt ae lonely apnea ih ‘Sr adesows, as sor fant of Cues (and ae Saine mucus) were w ay fer ptone what the erderng {el Init ofthe bake frameworis ae’ Sum aso Agu te ‘Sede right sete (now mach in dene) ets he ‘Sen of ealned dogs acrobat ems jggn, mapans, an il be contre Iter, mentale” Whetver the ewer, Shuai fa such exits, cleat tat neem eommeloge ‘ly pounded ue everyday concen of he oso ‘y no tears rere oleate td leathers 3° Ganser now mings natal, ceases wh he bal, crm ise cl be te ee Item cone, beeing tly sabje aot mech socks sane natural frees, with consequent pin of enealy Se ee alt Sart Ca ony i gro fl epeualy ore genek Seheeenee (22) Tho body here tain capcty ase nti eee ee but nota intntoned socal one, Au examplssight face SERS Mere it oma vee a fours eh oglu ho esa oy ee ans ecw wet igh i at pr |stats nos af the New fis opera at ea Be crit it hb sed tt hey wa Nos «stunt ous when we ght wel expect and een {ones of cnc a muling ton exergy eg en et wo be nea o matin cont et manele iste cs snd at een besa is aa, rc rn ig Coy nec Te aparer ew of onl exert in glig an at po sits Logue nfo an el ugpeton Shon Ge dnsngoah cong pet ang Sons ace Sn pence ty nbs she ae we noe Tptataeks cette bans tay Soe ase anes Lert tn son ving ar ing a sence tr Fny, tre hin ich so Sin Sen ein an ct pg Siona pans ttc ult s miafewds pie ar Sn tan” pec ens feorning program isthe wanaformation of the word lat & place Smee gorse yanmar nr Su lve ied a ur cru ‘on stows hms ft dye oe ng ede i ft af ht des organ fr ‘Spoon te emer we nase ‘rt hevng ben spt ty pb pate eae ‘Eig. singing eg wal ou te Teter ped ott eh ees ood Sey manage sxeone oem. Apt o ny herent rou compan ot ol) nan mae Stow inal cn pye ca camer ‘Se nme ct To be pte, ans feo Sp an nay pe ome eet pss eeparee ‘tl bunging oma mond eg fn ‘Eien Sw nddasw ese coe f ese ‘Rest car fru” mening re ht stint en can ew Sot os aay ce ‘sEinrata joey pang ngs mes he ae ‘a woing fe wan toa be eit we eco ‘dpm nih ccenpentsl rai Ot eo wee une sel tay ent ly ech opel ng 1S dng sy ig suc nahi et hat avon tt ss hve ets en gh Sipe, od od cy scented 3 fort, Because no response unpaid, one hse seoahing ‘ie «natural eamework exept that the ngedent on whieh {he naaral fone erste ate hte sol guided doings. Nos, too, fortsous consequences maybe fl 1 be dele or unde ‘able an instance of te Ammsn,Frn—A cranes wo iat «Pala eminando yest. Hews kl by 4 teny tlt ogo ‘The nouon of frutous connection obviusy delat, se ‘sch thowe who pi forward ts an Sesunt had ome des ‘oat using 20 pat + sohiton or were sce thu ane Imight nave tse dab, Ths precarourness becomes especialy rhent when s partcular hind of happenstance our 2 mecond ‘raze othe same objet oral or catgay of in ‘ida So, eo, mcenngfunens wl be hard to avd we the Denice or Weim ofthe forousnes en purine as ‘persons canaining nly one emer ‘The eancepte of mulings ao lortlousnes have considerable Fail SA Re Mc wht tba oie es mt ieqeao ape cmt stnng we ttm ase aur neo tere ‘ated pan a few ienesed oils me and ter wl aot for a ‘passin epee bs tty ho, ‘ae Hoc’ Standen Uidne uaetiones Sb paca carsoglslgiicane, Given our bse hat he Woe can be ‘Say prceivl in terms of ther natural event ar gudod ‘Gang Sd dat eer event canbe comfortably Iadge in ae {Sever category, comes sparen ht means must bea ‘ind deal wi slppage and ooenese. The ctrl notions of Meiing tod Yortlouese serve inthis way. enabling the cl Gmorrasent titre anal. 7. The fin tate to covalder tee upon the segregaon sasee eased “onsen” and joing “Ar wl be argued Threughoot india can eather Rly canaite whi hey see fraccwdance wth the framework tat ofall pple But thee iit to hi capaci. Crain effec cary over fo (ne prec in which events oul aly be sont radsy tise oe, theater the ane mich filly apie. The tet ecumented ease, paps, te Sow development of the easy ‘ign of mel pple to approach the human naked body wih & (dof the ephcenh ecnary in Bean that cde could ‘ered by ke hating te performed ander eaves Tho gyre "hn rr oS omg FRAME ANALYSIS An Essay on the Organization of Experience Erving Goffman With «foreword by wen we Northeastern University Press * Boston Contents Aeknowidgments PumaryPramewors 21 Keyeand Keyinge 40 5 TheThenticl Frame 129 ‘The Ancharngot Aaisey 247 Bicaing Frame SiS ‘TheVuleraiter of Faperience 430 ‘TheFeame Analysisof Talk 4085 rez ryan mtn masa a | ier ey cern ot stg serch? is ef ing Ding phate hoe ‘Thais what frame sass i abou 2 Primary Frameworks 1 oyun or Wer cy in ue eer ett cmply) oe mee femeverhs © cre treatin of aK that canbe cal ray. stacy ect sppcaton sch amowon Pep LEbaren by toms who appl iear not depending on bang Seton net wit Ht a tm ayes ese ming a ret ameochs vary in dae of rgiizaton. Same ate ea pesca a 2 sue of eves, postulates ad rls TEEEE Po mone other appear bate oo apparent at iedinpe ping et nena eh Seep awa linws sue ose, pec 80 Gi Ea ikea vermin nfinte numberof oneet occ iy ePdeaned in ister, He te Bik to be unaware of ach ‘kihun festures a the Faeeork as and unable to seb ‘te teamnworh with ny compltnee If sked, yt these and pear ober fiend fully applying. Ma aaly ie ta our sety a tlraly lest incon is 2 paae awauyers sensed nat made, ermeen to oad ase pia frame Wtoria: arurl and sola. Natural fmmenetisidetly soc “purely physical.” Such unguided events are ones understood t0 Ue du aly ram tat ono natura dete Te ‘sen that no wl ancy caus and seta ner, That no acter contin gue the outcome Succ eras In regard wo se events tinged no negate cps the sanctions ae Involved. ull determina sl determine ‘ewe eval Thee in soe understanding tht erent percned In one such schama can be reduedely tasted fo nes Perce in a mre “hundsmenfrsmevork. ad ht soe rises. sch athe noon of he contrvaon of tocgyo that ff tangs, inevele Gn, wil be share by al” Beant ‘hw natal Pane ef ee ysl and bol scene” An ordinary eeampe mul be Ibenaecfthe wear se grenin avepar ‘Serial frameworks, on he ther Hand, prove background ‘derstanding for events tht incorporate ine will atm and Sontag efor of an lignes, se agency, techie one being she baman bing. Suc un agency ls syng tu mpl thle itcan be cone, fated toned and resend. What ‘dos canbe degre a “gue denge” Thee dings eueet the dort “andar octal spp of hs aetna ot tes boven, efene, comoay, iy, legance,acflnes {Pett nd ch Stal manga of esegnaly {pparent when sen le unexpectedly Blocked Ge Coc Fel emery fit reel Mes net Aotved, and thr impure cect which of the earous soca framenorts of understanding tbe spied. An examle sp hg na, pm gg oot rate a ar see a i a eee era eer cin ein cg on ge SLOTS wpe en Se nr ce Sect Sa ie tue a tt et rey selon es as By manna ike. elena € Baan Sha ‘Sage et Bn ea Aarti oat Ron eS ‘as generated. whetcn a move can quay wal be ade by ele, get, othe malo by fica sling sche the Gt any cntinaan fang ot ight aor make the board can ea be separated Ine mating moves tc Ing checker. And an easy denon com be dann beens lune move one cha consis te sree ono ig ' lies, and'a move mate clumsy, ne at hos en bap specie cording to lca ll stands for neice Psa acts. Obterve that although avait ls ney ‘ued poste device might ploy cechem ull mada g g Pye sk insted, ey players do tat ee | ch move to make are peclemate and sgnieant, pushing ie ‘clarence the dec mad netee Os ee Pe Sa Bi dng sc no ark dear + we 4g he pial wel, he dng ial ing om te dent ot ‘an “hsirunenal procedure” a tasks "purely wuts se iy ding the purpne of which canet be cay oprscd ‘onthe sa mas enpoed scm tmple hacker move nlermed ty tls ofthc gate, ea ‘which willbe applied anyone comps paying Seoogh ode {ge he phyeal maniplaion of checker nthe okra {ovanes a famewerk forming smal ely mumeoeet aed ths tamewore finde is peso speak tee of ak ne fxmewor, might wel be muni ely peal tg ie laying ofa sume o, ao althugh the rules for chee ond thers of vehicular wfc canbe Cand ae) wal emagh {he sme of checks incorporates an unermtandng oO ing purpose ofthe arpa, whereas the wus ta Se sexta where we ret al erway me shoud wane $utmeey he restrain we te octave in geo tee ‘msm, the, etd a perie events ee oe framers and te wimary eof framework we play pein f vay of decring the cent wbach ts apo Whe can comes up, «natal even: When the nd fled doe cde to avi What hs came up eld ding When scones sate the cause of deh be wants enswer pleted in he ace ‘schema of physiology; when he asks the manne of deed be ee _deamatically social answer, one that describes: what 3s SEP ita nwt mS ot oe ae cent fay cae ttt pe SE eo Cant tna aed a sire aerosol ‘ine eimlodconeoaninacomplsied, it pe wo mat 26 vaanee awanvars ‘ramewak i aeesy sggente, very considerably ma rob lemae. Here ined is where he watery In the wen fate pling hae ety Zn dow Tose of ery wale” fe meray to take shot fn the dark, Au sugested & ‘mule of framewerks may be intlved or ane tal To eo ed, However, an operating Rett might bo aceped, a eat temporary, namely, chat acs of ly ving se unertandade ecose of sme primary famvotk (or frameworks) th in ora them and that geting a hs scherna wll ott al ‘ask. hopefly an ponte one In descrbing platy frameworks sofa have lined ten ‘dont thowe that are assumed (explicly or in efet) by the Sndivdual in cing what that going on, ve, course, ‘parca inten. Th individ ote, en be wren in hs tmerpretaons, that asp, out af touch, nape mite, and so for. “Wrong ntespreaions wil be ena eouphou. Here T want oly to mention the tte tha tn may the india in Ou socey Is eevee ofp ‘cular frameworks. The alaments and pevctoss he etre ‘is eeadng ofthe acivry ota are one that te act alt manfets—and wiy nt since soca fe tytn orate 5 vreching that ind willbe abl to undead sd deal ‘ih. A coreapondence of iomorpbism ete clamed betwee erosion andthe organization of wht speed, in pte of he fact that hese ate ely bw many sald. pnepes of organization that ead but dont nterm perception Ad toe tern our scien ths a eect Gaim so det pr reicesaen trea cera, SSRs Sic cee eee u len all ogee, he pena framnwors of «parla socal up cmt coal sao ote eel fee Grdecandingy arene concerning pencpe dames 1 hata the vlan of these cesses foe acter and he "aaPotl et trces and agents tha te nerve desis “comes tobe lowe ite ner. One musty to form an, atge a a eres famawonk of famatorks—is Beet stn, {2iElsmclegy even hough hs domain st cose tens 1 comtempary octal he bave url een happy wo ge ovr ‘Ses Ad toe tat aro 3 tering Ike be Unie Sates Shaw an icomplow sving of ta cog rear ui a mn i ay cir ‘hc alvin imesvenon, andthe He (Bebe In Gd and in he on a een he er See ark od Png 28 Paasee ananyers sealy one of te largest bass of dssensis in our sty cence ‘ng thtimate ores. Tact diary prevn socal tents rem sean the mater, " m “The mudan of pimary famewort, nasacort, dee ‘nw on nme 9 cone ve dance mates nd 0 ppecatesrthing of ther bearing on our oes undeand Ego the workings ofthe wor im th ng Sg” Ae sen, e rade wo over, dat lead eres to dou ther evtall ap ‘roach to erent, fr bens tet o secu forte cece ‘ew tds of natral fore wl hae tobe sawed his af guiding capac, theater nvling. peta, ne Ha fecaieagnt Her are nce wht spp fo be vlna Commanicadons frm aster space wow healing mae, Sighing of monster fom the dp, evans ones tat ae ata icine cag the dnd rises of exrsoranary notre ores and guidance copec tes: for example stipe ines, aon sg ore tory percepaon, and 0 on. Belvestarines bos ae aval tung event hat ate sll sesplaine* Ocesenal se thts themes make nev by ging hate dfn sera ‘tenon wo ESP, UFOs, infences dersng fiom che paste ‘he mona. an the ka, Meny pate pss cael to mind st Teast ane event whic ny buses have ver ute bee he to account for reson. Yet in sera, when an ateing ret occurs, intnduls nou sats expec that ase of natura” explanadan sl son be dncovered ne tha wl lee ‘up the mpstry and sete them to the range of frees ak gens that dey are cestode the ie they ony dew bameennatral pencmena and gue dingy. Ceraaly Indduae exhbie cmidrale rote to chiang tlt IaAAY PHAMEWORES 2» cape tem nec pene usin Seneca as ome thay mh i mney en feond it emly There Sel tel hare bee 4 pol Eo a Not mses Ser esi tes ie Ya, ‘Show an mony ae eight sightings of ukcntiied Bying objects ve bra veponed foo evenag veel, ak ey tral eptatin we ne lg pert ase ih Be ge ‘ule se macne mae quaking an ang ns" he Let me repeat: n oF scythe very sient stsampton is erally made that ll events—withouteaenpeon-can ve oo {ned and managed witin the conventional seem of belt Wetaeratethe unexplained batt he nexpcahe 2. Comologeal interes, in some way the ligt we can ave, support bumble eneraent eesti of suns, ‘hat, the matntnaneeofpidance and onl by some wed ‘gncy under wha are seen ary psi conn Hee {Tod the deings of jugs, dghtoe wasn, eum, Safes, eich sies, Ke tower, hgh vere dado Givers, and, curently, atoms these Ist having the retest Act of al lb ne for which they must she cele oh ‘Amesicn technology. One right also facade the sun that {nals ean ears to peronm with el pig. a men {une ike Bod pressre or pun ‘espns brought under volumary cone Noe that “onal ac play an npn ae In regard wo stunting, Trained sels, sable prpots, dancing sient, and aeobase Hensal exempt he pl of ordinary guided ings done by alien ges, te ang stn the tothe comnatgeal tne drawn acu soy bet ee ‘gens and animal ene Soo, whe arial ae shbwa to ave ben pressd ino dong the sort of uaa ace tat ae Felt be the exclusive pone of man, a whens ch cx ep éenstraton on the highway becae her sine Ds taught het to ser an open sport car‘mhil he appre tobe sgn te tere seat, oF 4 toop of clipe i eployed by farmer tn Antal to help ith the barvstng® I mig be aed tat Same academe recat supported by the same ret, te jet ing eat ih rion a whe ee waht to be dram beeen animate nd mani ear to cpacy far ‘sued dogs senso 1h noting that bath the astounding complex In he olPMamn tei) end saa ve lel assoc With Faeroe asia sot fren of cuouses (and late, Sinem) we at pr at in, tos ft De renee ae Sis ho Se ‘eae ha (oh en) 0 let be comarca, mental Whatever the Vers a sachets io lest ha neat i. cas ay " ite layman ad iy pounded sue sh everyday concern oft ty rset to bortoy a Bald researches 27 Cone now maf ames ccaslons whe the body, ac some other sheet seed foe wader soured guidance Seely sles deites fom cue, o otis pr wesPeomel Becoming teal subject toot merely cond ‘ita ty natal feces, with cneaquentairupton of dey =e i, SE, ser sa tpi ney pea eve cg ‘BIS, Poa ito fens me ee SF hn ‘hts tne le ef mening fale Sead gs? mans mee 1 wine na Hane waste kins wien scape 1 dn fl peyote ey ack 2) The bea er reta capaci av a ated ee ‘but not as an intentioned, social ane. An example might be cited. Se ee re ‘ss baked on charges of earings conceded eapan od Sm coat sup eh oe fous igh peole-ut oh Cod itwass my faces shea fens een ties ae eet sMlsound eon net allarones at MY RE Note 4 stunt occurs when me might well expect ad ven pir rcnad hen ep ee isi berate mi nothtoe col ‘appre its an arome pete ie ont apa oe permany PRAMZWORKE aa “pe ppt ou fen exe in ung an at p> erection fares nl nd ied» gp eee inguin ano pret Bang Sane a een ote noms by in in soe, nie we habe sa oon der, trae dain wiih so i ae yee an eoerin f Wa ea op a, ‘ben & golf ball, 2 tobacce quid, or a missile ends up where it was st! Baty soaleatin pial ten compen SEC renee eigen ec toope ne Caton Se woes 8 ee Suc apprecay governed by. and understandable intr SSA Lona mont the day aon ne dag recs cu acme tee als or upapada he Seteinen of te enruorane tw we fhe a 2 rng ten huge by pli ed eat meu Tie Tntbycesteton decd ine spor sc SEG MEE aged ang wa ou tad SES tons eae tole ht ede ooh ‘ey mage on fm epi iy S2ttbeis tcl cnet pps cn of comer ie iRfee cesT teeta ie vi yer of He hn Ho ype conn prea it nie alow inde iw sno of Gems In cyan cram svt see tae moana tna roe. ‘Sina: ropety el fs dings, mets he ane 2h Serng af mel in ay sab pt ec cca arsenic ope Seog Rise dang py Wing sb op wate en ta tr dig cs ly unde ol We pa he lpn, canoe. od dd nk, scent, forth, Beaute no reponsbliy Is inated, one has something he «natural ramewar, exept ht the ingredients pon Wai ‘he natarl free operate ar heey guded dags. Now tea, frtitousconsoqunees maybe fl tbe esa ends stable Teteaninetanceot the er. Amma, Jadan—A comonal slr wat fata te «Pasi The nation of forustius connection Is ebriowly dats, a tough thse who put forward ssa aca hd some deb Aout uning so pet son or mere concerned that sether Ing ete these dsb Ths pecesounes bores epeily trident whea a parclr tnd of happenstance eccrs 2 ceed She me fe est nal ngayon Vidas", ta, meanings il be hard aveld when the Seti or vc ofthe tertseusnes vin omnes ‘pas conning only one mere ‘Thecncets af mtg and eros have consrale Sty “pt Senta, rah ge sed pn od ‘we te fe ‘erg examin a Cy tar ay hoc GeotonStangeinn ian ween a Se fopoon a consol sigicance. Given our bebe that he wad can be cy pesca in tem of eter rater cvs or guided “hing to that every event ea be comfrey ldged ne ot Sorex category, Socmm aperent tat eesti at at Mesto doa wt algpage and ines, The clara nolo of ting and facut sre sn thi wy, esting the ‘ary come to terme with event that woud tertile be ZEhuescmento le ytrf anay Toe tl matic no cosier bes upon the seregason toe expect in tenon and ekg. As wl barged J] ugh intel con rathr fy coats what hey se ecotance wit he fraswwork Gat ofltaly apr, Bit haces to i aps Carea fc cay ner fn Sheetopctve in wbich het cold ealy be seen 2 raticaly Sito oe that th oe which fia apes. Te et hesmmened cae, pertae ise vow devenent of te eaey fgntet medal pope aproach the man nl dy th & outa ntead fsck Perper. Thi was only che nto te eighteenth century in Ban that GH could Roe tom an ete examin, an ssh opting trom and dalveryif «male phyla wast Gothen eed ty shaving io be prtrmed wer cone" Ti pce ‘tee ern ry meee pn oe We Sha efot being taken w nfs the potere wither a Stone hat hep eal adage in heh Antes ee tho difealty fated ty the wn would promote the frst of ‘manage tlt ortopedsts and shoe salexmen uch eu fee, Dut Se Speen age e ten ine Starts eros ea {est adh mn, eo dove tac oe ice enon sanding boundaries” Far seems thatthe boy 0 ‘Srouly prevent as 4reouce to be managed Sn scomdance (i oly ane primary famaverk. Tso Ineible that eu Ieee competeny wil low to comet ding 9, Sey ed sg a hd am wae fend td that behavings il be dstingused fom Seen reson ding when me jel Heo ree cee ‘pn, Tse acerments i tr acer ied ote fact that ch lm beng pat faite frame And bese wha TE Raa ty ot ee hn Ray 8 Kn ably fr Into by set Weed or cme ‘Setter i apocay vinerate pole ner ie Soee wv ve era pi hs id ae. Te pinay eng sours fe tore than merely the partpants ina ect Bystanders wo merely lok ate dep volved oa It sems tat wo can hardy lance st anything withowt sping © zur teamevort, thereby forming oajasire af wha 00 ured bef and expectations of whet alk o hap, feadiness merely o gato someting and ten ti ate fon othr things apprentiot reed sll by a ak ancerm glancing el scm fb mae pwn bythe ick Senfimadon tht ewes van obtain. hs nmin th eed perspec spy. Fr erly we ave ao an important Enncvtinal relevance the discovery of he metre! re ne ofthe et or te tar roe ex Met ig mgt be though ‘Bergen appronches hs argument nis ne exay Lenght tne combine, the low of Me ad he te open sucaey PaAMEWOREE ° tidedoess, Bergson only falls to go on and draw the implied SEAS Se cri ie pin ee ecient er nce {Bi along been what was expocted and that the cbject an the wall 7 cl am en hm ot rr ch ot 3 Keys and Keyings 1 egy Hato, served tht ts ol Sp wh sth ata fay a ghia nee Se cen a al a Te aye? Dat pl une go he ‘athe hs pay ci nly pene a iat hs mening hs nn cg Ssiieea et Soe assem tame + erinows peo ude cng Rel ghng Rte eres 28 4 ee ull patent flo» an oat rd cay he ptf gig folowd aly, hat 2 afeamaltaly shee! tn Satin epee, Baga ‘at cars no oe srs en, ae, her se cer tuys anomie pet SPaEPac chain, ecue™of «sp of ging baer = onterpporery sory sts og es Heat playful, est playfaoese of he vate id, lou ene ought hos © underestimate che canted caps ofthe Rofish fo reer cen thet taped fon, ta ain ite any et spurts of freeform maketh, the peal atangetens se tnegenin production, often stanly usin The add "magines vote spo act all be whi knowingly managiog te deveopmeat and outcome to his own king of dati Daydreams invale revere fan acielysautonay ox pl, Kind" whether cut tm the pastor the future Tceceue se ot me a ny Inter These igh ae characteris shot toda say ‘organtzd, ltiugh of cour sn nists! may spends pee ral of tine thus eaguged. (Surly the ttl namber ef ta, outs a populton spends pe dyin patel prs fanany smut one of to least examined Sed ont undtesnaeh amitnens of ls resoucts.) Noe, daydtctnng presumably ‘eeu in uh mind hve beg ide outward behaiea accoms iment, ever sis of talking t ons ang he pec ‘Although daydream are odinany son a pivate mater, & ost Ft Yr gh eee, ay tot liens are wiling to. engage im An india! verse [promoted by the socalled pojecive technigues The Theme Aeterpion Text, for example, Is deignel evoke tana "sponses to tis merle, which raperor, Prout a ‘ubjec tn are cvked by dhe mauris and ey he Pee Prsllons. Ths respons at thought sap ail consectin. Infact, of couse, responses to projective es proide ron thing mor than or athe something erent fon ent set sf ants delivered on request tnd specie pertains, Fur example, TAT subject commen define in he prt the equestt tke the materiale “srl” ms sean for the ton of tly agus, slteferental daydreams. Sub- ec sommsns tron nighing seouly comment the Eon tom te prspecv cia, o Menthe hae fe as Hnemen or fomoos eons, or rret to wpertar Sar, or guy a sttayped fexponte (ny socmpnted sng Son voce), or place the seme aan lsaestion from apples ‘Stan. Se rt mae by nee oe ‘lard sha fhe tae efore he bet ha ben dee {nd ober frames have Bo rough to best One cn find Hees ‘Tint wo as hi ofthe Sexy tht heying bing IRunagemest of paripson-in tis ese prtspon ‘ine ea © Cansir now deme ering. Ineade al eps of epi persnal expoenc mate wali fer etous ps on to an auleno or teaerhp, expecy te Sanda Fretuedons fred commerialy oie puble through the Fh of elevson, radio, newspupes agains, Dok ed Sepia i se: Tn tami ot ‘pa eres, ot merely bees te lal Impact ir receatons Me oa sendy euggenat Decree ef te iecase the mates esas ate eal secre fer Pu poss of ose sy, dr Gepst sparc that ty Po. Hide a mockup of everéay Ife, purtgeher snpt of {sceped seca dingy, sa ue te a parce of bed ats foncening tbe rote of hs domain So ceamples ran, ‘tom drama proestons le usd toga say “The sue framing nits canbe assed pc wel by eros to dramas sping Foe exami the long ‘ews reprt uy ater J Kenedy’ sae So, to fame change chro ne ‘emits upto a erly sea eee th ese ene tsk he place of rage. whe comely ee 8a) ee" i ww ek he ope tie tomes dots af he aging el the shee Ever ay Ieee Sof ym ange pe mere 1 might be added that mot ofthese change havo been su ‘enti ow and separate ane frmy sete so tat Gung ay oe sccason paints coull fet that parca Rane ‘vad and would be susainee m {Tiernan act it pd ren Sts fatwa laseivous ne are not be eee ln enstge onthe sre Yor example onde date ay. etn pt, rim pot EYE AND KEYINGS 86 ‘s eomaderable erature, legal and oberg, exists ois ‘Sif pernraphy, Noto much Senn, however, seme ire been ced tothe fat tha ruling do not atach (© “Rite ats slams, bit alo tthe presentation o thee St a Mess fares A might be expice,seatent varies co ‘SSauy acoring wo the ardor hoy i queason. Obi, ee tensive i a mone might oct be offerte tn novel Sempuing io Iodge the sutblty of © give preeneton, a sear very hard opie tho party because we {bute rginal eda or an explant itn of ein the ‘Baracoa ime lang paris hind of keying Pornography Saal tht ie, he sein of sexaty that eer ore fren on con nae nen and an analy Tse rete wig emo elininay dons of eae sy Sent inn malig pa ath ina Arrogant cts dee a See deieree Sie Gece etre wee be sty watson opie ad isang, Oty males pie ein of he enon ek eee, hms enmcio rts SPORLLPOTE SST Mek rahe te det ey may brett rame lint ents concerning what ca te pestiy"ansried fom cal crens te oenninns be: And the deals ae partly merenting. Where ‘he boty can become involved in can be tuthed kon bee THe nt he eed and tne so tao resend Sle hou telat octal quality af man wil te te aoe he ty he ete ofthe lf at ake ose oh ta thee Sones wil be seen "cote en Ancient human sell experince, note eae a Sea 1 Pf ance amon dams not lap : terest to earn ely ts cumin Contests: Conde sors wich as bong, Here cain sting, fx hunting andthe he Th Inert made cea Aghing (or hunting or fing tm) ef eeu he tone of the Sper sup ecco degree ad mao otc (Examine whit occurs dng ian’ sparring conkee ny ‘0p dominsnce by sival mle anna ov hon warns eae seperate two brag yeaths and Heese than cy ‘gh wih eae, a afrmal umpire unl seals of ane Framing limits regarding combatite contests ae yey well ‘marked, wih contrac change though tine aed hot sero fly well dcomened. TyHealy ese changes ha ea So Spe of tc dec of tc fs eg ane farmer nak alestin he eceeatnal sphere. atte lnger “hit alive in ast at Lewes cu Guy asics By ie isc sues downed by the delghed shuts a here Jooker™ 50 cok Shing. bestaking rating, aed he Shot neve AND KEVINES " ports have bean pret, The changing frie of organized ‘hang can bo fale tom is baroands pgs tthe {tent the eighteontscenury, othe intron of ain loves fa dy ne, gh Ci In 8 et ‘Some spo, then canbe Kid as Kyings of elmensry ‘al ths ew hts Linited use, There are ts of spor, such x key and tennis which hing competing sey into suctured Sze bt se pet ep a i few tbe analas am ecrmending eee inate the case of games. In the it game "King of the Caste” aja by sal len and by lamb" the fefeence to everyday Monarce i clear In develope sit games ils wetrece $cnuoted and ne get valbe seems o ema co unconeting ne mt or store ats nsec ie acti. one deal elec th pimarytrmenect, ‘here ee to bes coainsim bane paylness, whereby some wultarian ats caught up and employed in taneermed tray for fun, and bth sports st games, ens whee ‘ovfunes he playful reanetaton of some cheer indo {nu pyehing is qetmporry ever fly estate fa trgantasd ames end spurte this reson Se inaittona Sted~stabline, a itwere—jst ute dena scion ed by ‘he formal rules of the aca. (That prety what we ‘bean by “orjzed") And as tis rmavaton rostesse, he fantnt of play scoms to become ftir and fer reraed tom any parca relation of day day seit aed ae ‘Semerea primary Ermer uote "A inal not I have tested the charging Tims fm regard «> dese conn and orang tht ie Brea patent. Above al ee, drums atid conten pode egress Mes—ongpssing materials which eberere Can get carted vay wis materia whieh genorate resi of blag Te eke Havel on is acuity are mits placed an ates thet ean tome eagagig and entrancing, The Hoy af thee ls ss pnanen anatrsis ‘he hstory of what can bem aie fru. An I keyings havea ty hn phos inary acs 53° Ceremonial: Sala ial sich A macioge ceremonie, funerals and investiture ae example. Something ule enh nary aetity ger on therm, but what goes on In thr at {© be sue of Like sped preducias,2-whee meh ef act fe fated in advance, rebel of wha (0 unl ean cen fan easy anton can be dw betwee rebar a “tear performance Dt whereas in stage ple tis preterm sn us fora broad simulation of rina en crema 1 functions o eons, allowing ono deel, ene Song, tke ‘ipl fom the woul eae of exes ad chacograpbed fi ota whole ecesn tn bit, = pay Keys Me, a eto Is an eer. Ab, uc age podictlons, ceremony rove fra clear dmlon beet prfetoaleffctatrs, we ‘wou at this sort of thing and can expect wo psf Ie man ‘nes und the otheatd, who have de ght nd the dy cpa few dines at ost. Ad for hr fe dessa a ‘hat are nendd, fron the occasion ofthese peter ‘lye somedhing gen accorpshed once a for al which het fee orem a rntons the wer wn nay observe tht n lays 2 pntrmercppears charac cher than himeal im carmel an the ear han the or ee ie he of frthng admin Mc nd fort. (Tn eveyay fe th inva smelt, otinso cea asclesymbolung way) ‘Once ics ten that ceremonial have a conseuence that scxpted dames an even contest donot seeray fd ‘hat the engrossmen ad swe generated by thse wavs try ‘aly amengparpen, move tm, perhaps, han eve {pee ramen Sty. Farr. twgh ne the same see may be retained hat wey ieent tp Impated othe doings one ca tne fom» fal ened te {omer or empty ne. A good example hte the coenston of Geen Eizabeh. The Queen and Mr Shs deat hed svat of te proceeds tat feed srwhat fom that ep? 44 Fetal redo: Sips of What coud have beck st cy city can be prfrned, ow of de ua cnn, for ‘2 ian poses oferty eiferet from those of te ol sane the undestandng being ha the onl outeome Seay not che bg ae 2 i of tndern fe yet awe oe been mmc dscused an ig nd own ght by adeno sce. Consider ‘bay sre aie of exe ding. M igeur sey, nl probly i al others, capac rng, ton acviy as one wants ordnaly define se psc wears is vey often developed Seough «ind of ut stig nk atv. paren of ti rating iso give the atts exprtenc in prforming under candor a wich (i Te) eeu engegement withthe word i allowed eta ‘Blong been inccplof rom thee tno embedment tn conse tity, Prenumabiy mating fare ean eccur bth eo ‘Eoncaty an iateucusely" What oe has bore ae dy rs Tulse, r-throoghs—in short “practngs” When {Eeramertl ao eat abs, we pea of mock lor exec, wich one uptodate usa provided ‘eproes ll essed artery and cous on [Esurance cttenee # PRane aNaLyste ‘When a socal itu e 2 teal play ar mass sori Teboaraals is that all che pares are eventually practiced together, od this al rocdc, in conjunction With serps for more of Jess fll anlpain af what wil Be done hee ‘creurstanes’ Lots of detvites thet ae run tee exe De serprd clon, because nal herman prtcpunt of What ‘be the Use atone pte the game fet. A ia ‘ayes nh nn ahs og yo pre ‘response can be anticipated, “rehearsal” here is a Syurative use of the term, andthe revue eporly Hazing hal. Smal telern stores concerning undereover agente (eM Impossie) involve the heres designing td execng 2 de ctse cntiuous seas Is required fom tine nt om the team, and this respuose, of crore, ett be seit nly Inked td anpated more o ese. Ev wheal prtpants te basically on te saree, arn may fed execs he laned cours of aetlon the scenario my regu ene Dereialy testable td etic Wet fs thet hep ‘nee ite aon senile isin 0 un peer wa aca ‘pe ames fh to gh te tnt have pm 0 fa shed for he ew Spek upand sw for atancd parm lcs te my tre. eee Sock be cming td te ke, Me speak of plating, AS si oat ils bese pings gees a ey acing a ase aa pee $e ed me exer tan ean oni eeing wot aie ee sawn tes nr or oon, apa ching is Te ose Yann a ste en, 2 an, scape is sch Reh error on emcionof 2 ad td and heated Tete nny can fmol one tn a ee oer tt on BONE hyn rae Tune erpps eine end obs eumey ules provides snr comment egurdnghis in of we SEES Dimer work akg hae ne we done rng (tho Bat jon teencopheed spoke pret Garman e 10 ine immense ope ne Fs fe Stony emi enfant narogn, Aer 9 ped eon anny And ScunnavianAitine, to adver is good work, some Betures far hxesenbe practicing te sean Heron ‘ight sir led wih company customers and alas the "Ar Hostess College, Sacefprd = And in boating ss, the warmup of eve sens may requ the ete Inga daping™ racing proves swith meng or“ hing” mame, that which sno lnger mee pacing Ba of ease, ts ‘iy one meaning of fel bai a wargame mene eli toe her ener: bt hie esr neing shout the What ee the Imi of practic? We are scare xupe, to wedding real, bt ite knowing eae {5 to how far up sta lar hs wet rating oo, We ‘es oly te sigs he sod ut fae far coer F 2 pal vente, the ses ang de the personages involved reso hgh te ual wan eh oy ‘nit ob to unbendig obese aa ahtaugh of cours, ren more then leer folk, they veto bend tie wa. Be tures ot the resident of the Une Satssehereng fo hs daughters wodfing are noe, atough pha burch Dee bape me alo hve sane conception of ow mich prtispens ugh to be wiling to invent of hems tn pachng Te ight be to ile teame, to Hee enous the te mate Met ievaranye ns Sn ton Steet ge ins ee ve ao mich ght be invoied a provide robe auobiog tad lian Gu strats ine excrpn of ning Way Sue ae undorD.W. Gri dae ere The ue wis fbn fe eli se "ire some in which Ann ans he ee ee, ough a2 a enya yf te nese ete ab ot nina irttampenoet indo Fe zany proce ty incompetent performances, andthe at hse proses an arenjamert in wich the enon ad intr ‘erie performer canbe hed atti when he ean psy lave conitoos, Ia any cin, te wolf proce o botk mpl and more eompex han that of sual, ve” conden. ‘Nets that theo eatemes must mis seme of he pln. Instat sa ral performance dependr on how the psfmer manages nell Under ftfal enters, dry rn at ea sppotch ‘ea candy never achieve them, Tis deme i secs st Cleary perhaps war games, where partisans mat tke Sel hat wich ar matay be mad seo nly by What cempeence (and wl have pif stars tell whan they px 11) but ae notin ston we demand “an isteresing feature of pacing Is that istvcar and sadene are ly ind ht foc ena eon fp sapct of tho practced ask with which compaten pero ro lger concen thomstes. Ths, bun eve’ ase beng {yt red alo, werd ronincaton ean Become something {hats omacusl een, tse meaning ofthe mor irre tempor of le seco Inder te sae tent an ‘hed ast sour of gute difrontabstracabe ase i the ‘ore cate, apling, phrasing. and forth. Smiary dng "Suge reheat, eieny wi line oy etn stove Sd eng later tn al f ths oe sen sain that» sp Suv He meray a star ptt ll srs of prspecaver ond Us cn be brought al sorts of “mosvainal evan Pracng Har anther developmental feature na ptm sgulation ot partes sompetence, he ie step stp (ten ener and simpler than any wilt tthe sso ‘wel, borat te las pratensis ger forth May wo vie a higher conceeraton of red icatis ny femergencien tan he evr I fo fot tn eal ie The Bs Asean fond he ung ap rset Fear pap a et Se ‘Eimining by of Snr ncacsca™ moe Sin of nts wth pane, Ba ‘Sp ore nes suas: oe mae tt ‘intel nb seamed ge Camano SRC So heres paceng A snd eas fdas conse of demonsiadoes or exten), Unt spoon oe "aie sti out of sun uncon Sten onde slo Sonne ho rtd pertome oss the doing ofthe acy. Ths what hppa ee ton shows bow «vc canner youth oie is tnscavey topped Sv & hones ot hese {ing ue Rehm shows en Uowated moe ssh tty, r when eld commanders te stows abet epee oF atery wl do or when = pot fl alae oye he shenges wha the sounds sadn wil BeBe he Sopra lowered 4m our decent 1 may exe he ae has slow up ou eed ‘Thi wht wl bee (etter tabs, play end ‘Toe stair nth cabins ut oral feces bate hus using cloelypoditd demonstration a «mas of emu ‘ng that ter what might be taken as a gn fo satan oe Lmuided doing, wil be seen stan intends nstonee at (Otverve thatdemonsrating, une eacng peal do by semeene who can perform pofssny end ypcaty ach oe oo rnstronghnecut OF cour the two Ses ees !may be ecployed together, ax when wacher pias san ‘etn and sunt reps th «race And an ‘stant for job may be tse for posicenc by Damp bln ‘storm ene or wo ranthrovghe before ciel ep ees fircumstanes In which a perfomance bas spices ‘sual for bu (atlas forthe peforiner) ene tht oe ovequeatl More completed sl we have cxsaton ee sacha fgue skating feney diving, and gymasaicn ec ey {or preseied competitions invaving ar Ueraghy that an once indians of amu of il sid Semone of ke ‘The tis of Geransuation have sme intra, First is te mi, atesdy suggested, regarding bedi teusing, asc se of pauents torte (fr students) went een ie ‘acted ueatent sbi gen. The implation ha ston ern ces, hs areca dutty of perpacuve should not be the Limi regarding sstance eft hat no single ecient mh om cay many Story might be thought nappepdate Even Abie He. em ns 2,8 ped i he ction of the fall, news er: Tota Va, 06 (Te my demon “The eng was Mae USth tock of cy ae wept te stow 3:00 pens abevel frm Msscer, a Rirele nomads op of eds tse pls set Mang 2ESr tla Bough tomey ap rot pace Sent car owe Una, Sy, ithe ning of ace (Sanmage he ean contgecy bang ae fr te Sonal afer othe dango nt seting te ll Sacer teu id ‘une, ep hi cg dg ‘hese iis SE ERE gO Res rte a of en Sblege that were tot conser polite n mised company 2 geqantation povides an Men runing though fan acy ‘unte fyas ag nw at cer scapes sa Chas : ” eatin employs the Scan pasa reply ree {ering o erin pura, doce ety the a scp en ‘nna ume sere re en anmcped bance iat 2 teach ltnetion Se sometinns ocursntary tent. Written and photograplc reads are stand. ausmpe mewn fot ny nd deunsere fea ss te macs tal sip of acy fens fo pracne ne fain ve Deng ety nthe f Sgpe eth Mecny esd oer ase te flit: Thas. cure gure wna a Sn Af Ty expe th a of cent, ey ce, he anc Sie Clee (nh ean expert pew fgg of omen yea coure aiden a fram) spprety prc hemi, atest se prt fe Af conse examina, se for ede Be, times Los ‘povln sti, ingle ue of taped epecch, roplayo In spete CT pos pth ates mre |g ott as eve cnr Se ie ‘explained. “This fs mre Camchal sete new deta he omer ofthe documentary ey wo inhi erg meanings ict ne ornare Sls apne hee, [iam Taber tame Lay ese ‘ith enpison the Bato af Agen nuen® a weston {164 sbow. =e « Z anyon gh up "ge lr he taco he apes the ede cour Povidng intrusion ts wes enghtnment, The eons rors dsl“ am ong os out cn oust enn hn angation Sik any nat ay Aaving cca someting the happened in he ps ese sete dng espn of tee Lry Bree An exprmental Usain is provided by Ricard Lavan? rscach on set A film on pinto sblneson os was ‘And n fact dota couee in stbtage cool hay escape sud palmar skin resistance” By alering the sounduaeh, the | ‘periment coud por dotnet papectve he siete ‘aaplyed. One of tee perpen, inelecualation” ofr fn anthopalogal ne, im part talutarming the scene tne Akcumentaon™a Keying which appreciably tedveal sacs ‘pnseforcalege aden | "Bat of cous, tee aze its to the documentary fxn, and they have spoil intrest. Thre tet neatve questions ‘heir weordigr of ay Kind should be wal a erence | “guna «peron host unwtingaton proved the source ‘he materia. Cacrespndingy, fs beleed thatthe ndinsonl ught to have protection agains eons of ie ike ted ‘tins st mes when be nary that dosrsentation I lng ‘read. Further, thee the ime of documents permis ‘se even afters subjects have fray poem theca seas tonal tows uee af Aimed family aycheberay fo ane | spe I de este cnc xh ame ‘et se but wid the ih of to paseas documented, ad ed {his a concen for hal ineretson ncesons whe toy might tempted wey to consent wo puey a “Anode aon i even me isracive in is way, nay the mit on the disociton tween the ston documented snd the documens fel, concam bing thai epee ee Ihomble or imropes acon i epee, whether ds be eyed cone nf 2 Reyings how fe cn the dine te eo te gait At of a, mah think dhze would be no init sce everyone cary appre Sat dentin of fee th ut et. Be aa | oy aha ea en rae ley Bre, pring ono of ie Now York ces, [Sects ere Bion hime pastas {Earls wht Jeu are eporings of pomoyrapbi content ae not he nly nsences fo llc documenta sexe The Adar murder eed Ines another kind ot iol tes ote Caso Bas hc ge th pi wp ed el sal oy 1SpanedLay hn Doe on tae “ont leg shat cdg wae mace by tan Bad) 27364 “Leiey hom apa ser cing around th ay afi ses) ste np ihe bled is aE, natn hat dame psn, tn, ak ‘what moral Led, expel n connection wi what i sea {aimee Ad fs appara hat whenever sn ences In eed 1 examined cnt, varios ist wil sll be fund. Take fe ‘ramp, 2 book spell cancer with sual tate, reported a ee Ptons, wih «abort a on the fig pages beng at ‘Shin poet cons af each. the pts bave pce ic ‘eel agin tee i fr to andthe jy ipr f elo Wlaod go he me ae to a ah ey pa ‘sch imi shoul be ceri hardly owe: However To dns sco tobe nen dente in be a eo a inh changeable thie iar The pheno exist ne cna ping sar yen ye ffech can be raid Appaenty fo mater of tae, Tongs "change very ray it eotemperary experene it fat Snap spend anther hpning see {Ses proven ready opportunity fo formaliaon of he eos ‘sel ps ope pray eg Thought an"cnertont nt sees otary end Bt fee puro of study 2 laying owt ender crtstences In wiih ch hyptese cnt ete nd cinretedexafasion, nso and snips can euur. Nat” condone may Smusned se mosh a youble eacpe ha arlene dl east fer the prfermarce, Noten rer ee hey” to be unrecvedy sppled ce ft meat he torment tre perp inte actty experimen, see (wb es Tieany, ad be sce sence "al share the sn ape Cito of what ie tat happening whl 1 ehappenog, ‘ums, anexpesinet of sported ‘gun of curt gueston of alt. The anise father cumple te ones sbown abt xjernnnaton ath te cone othe brane an Gal ilaon ano ets aes renting in ental nd vraag es he “hoy aw proven he oy Ko Mashing a he eet ‘Speier wi in ale tin deeraton of ometang eng FE et the cds es cecal het Sc acre inetd, ly, th nd, Descraon of meg ntl neve ea, (er nnd cere oes he od oe ses He» ning contrary nate Th andy ined a ay fre cies en Sun Tes econ fen con rie oh cleft wrk © mely Bersted soon ae grunge esa hj hres ten eee iow bas of Suny arb ter nghoas Se ebece rakelove, cons, cote, and eal rtnng. 4 fame hua har become te ee adh ee {ures sera ds need te mention It eng cencetaly fay abr unde te rao oe atl pp theron uousone of ec What rsa ste rte ga genre recent os teal pes Ser an tly ee ra ay fr come 0 ne my uate secs Msn bing ts rb feo been it ra ne tat Rove etary | Ei tof hich tundra tn Dee ‘crs: Te noone reeundng hen resect ampagag_ eames he Sect of ch Sn ene sft Sal woes tha oo te pet sithin te normal tange of putlpadin, and ether mote Salo ha ind asonpay hm a an erin tp {epi when sted and Instant, leave te py J Shue of eet Fo in die inten ees ce seedie cy see ho en eon aa ‘ne campfires ar tg | Pa tl le a cn, od a i a a snvppemiddeis man ess ssiepeen asap te cos Oe tos ns sy ae ak Sieben he long sl iment Chet sey creme betas ee nba ene ia Nagel hw 25s a bad A a Bl wid a ea oe cove ling on sk aiken sacha | MG rmatae gover carn th done Im Bane, Setnd” on 2 Saturday igh & young mn sipt_ sneer ty |e he arent vn old, sin? eked Princo Mags. The tan Ue, then was 1 whaebya neophyte ataches hima os cafenan shone, wt Ew, ba hee fr yng Idaho your se" "ORE profane ad dws te wr ofa ararane dng aap ‘ed Margaret, thay weigh J) stds or ne payin exchange or an oppor lear te (ive dhe rather se rules regarding tak with e member of he |e Tere, what forthe pessoal iealy Woe forthe Foamy thee could hardly be anything tater wo Sadia tg] SPER oppor fo pace) And. of eu, the stg hy seen as heya nn | litcheraun, at lat when done wit pv easly oad and obvious regroundings have fen ced, tubough cranly moe se versions sas eits Thus, inthe Iw tin often foe to mat a ea ference bers od sry cas, brought pani onthe invtigaton of all. ad ‘ire etemty ee Mn oat “Wat cases, be atte chosen because hy larly engage a i ‘eat eta " aed lary igh Aaseture (Rew Yak: BP. Daten & Co, “ep nth Son Fence Chron, November, 28. ash po eet ho ping amen on lve ever if meant te momizal pnts Wil We ea {nto something beynd heir acces concer, ‘Now exatine one example of regiunding in deta, nay sbiing Nevada ope, Tie psa enarge i ap bcaun feganding involved sof welarmalaed game—cventy an fr achjck—anl becaate the Keying tlt sometimes eo ‘ted an Frmatize by cain. many cao, sl cya terns his pleying afer the game la queria, yet there ha fystemat aeration a ery pt in rom pang. Togllme ahing 6 4 device fy employed wo kay gues gong when no "he" players ota insulins nome | fhm, are prevent The cae apsmen nthe indy ‘many players dat ike tener a game tha mt ley, Sie provide an appearance of selon. (Ths, the rade eal fre someuer called “starirs°) Further, some payers 0 ‘Met play “Bee on against adele, and be, ty shila ‘called (Management, of cours, cin ue she fr ag presentable purpose, he least dub of wh it reer i {orca heaton play sn twentane that cant cont avn) ‘The following then are rls frogs hing sy tas hing =f the wrong ies, gully tl th th ou 9 ge 41 Ca chee changeset, oes on agus oe ec © {one chip exch play ada ad al on dhe play ter a Bocce ‘Sto he chip pee wich they” can on esky, ad i ke ay tc oe pce Gheeyousatitaness nue ey . Te rules sytmticaly ser the chart of ply, fllow tbe and you wl have rare ee ply nto wha ean be taken fr ley be 1 scat primary feaowarts it was argued that an issue rsrtingnereation ol arse wen tw ieent prspectines trecapplcsletoamstter but onl one mex met apy nd ‘Get atten some tension an joking woul ete be funds AS fggestd, one mart exgt tht vr vec osu in separa pinga an hy the vry nate oft cae to ec fegucy-A de female model for example, sac in oe sense erly Inked, she ie serving a 4 rel ne, 4 uman sata a8 er lending of prs toa ansnate actin sort. the sts rampart ser nt cea a Moser okempe nel ef poe ings el aah Se Kn" guano 9 et gt te em “epee an tig ren, Cro "ine a nen are re potty won swe Sherasiencar ges coments ce ee ee es ef ssa aie at aie ed mS eh S tee aed sayy caret bodiment ofa ody Here, sn ne el cate re wll often be exe ple ake he meng se ty, ensuing’ clearcut befcoandter boundaries And say bin peng catching the eye ofthe al ane kh tenon ng at yy ee han de tc un pial he lind eval pe Keyinge sccm vary scoring to hedge of wanaerm, tn thy pcs, When noel made a9 ply te cn ab ovary al the my tom ne (oa) to hal (os) depen en chery a {akbrunes of «reaction, encase al te oe nee Asings say the cap stem nina) When port hae oma, we aame he ssond crt il ec fhe orignal tnt hen the Bin. A second isc wile {ae sory prsnted in novel sce mcr ly apps {steam hn when sed Paget. tof pent alae fer rsforming sip of sth sty into a parka keying ean presumably operetta Song vel mein «mow mb znade Int «novel, Another example he isthe at of us lees for punctuation, allving vs ass betecen penete 4nd pine Gla, undress cond, tn te tension can be mae nee dct, ‘5 nde ppingot pnt ache nang ef esr ‘Be view of wansfornatin ie Mare pleat thin ight be desta. Our purpone hen wil nob oc hoy ne sup could be generated om anther bythe pte ‘rasta rules, tut rather how two alarms ho tok seneried fama common mal and ifr Irs tech nas {eran spice may, One might nd it seasonble pa ‘mo pevormances of «play git by the sme company os ‘cre night 0 orang of she name pt pen oy te ile sc vars of Smo seal eli awkward to speak of ont version being Acjngo nat. tn exch xampe oth version keine common med, rl ahh es igh be wrest ck cae eater ciet| sonpoing neonate n enggnn ‘Sh eure might be the only ne wth any interest eng. {ue Ie the furter fact that 4 eoph made fam a model may ‘i certin element of tho orginal, a, for example, i ae (Poning cavcature ot = buman Spur, ce the seraton of ‘Sttematicalexpesion contatning constants hat hough {Se could sways move from orginal to py. the copy ane ip ot pote encugh information wo lw fll wana in ‘Bete disor In any care, the omsity of comparing vo {Ferslormatine of th ame text an hat of ving one fain rts anoter should ell open Ts. 2 anton a play thom Peach nto Engh nigh be viewed either a 4 Steond veri of an erring texto sa Engh keying a & French pate of expression. "Tere ea deeper iru concerning reverb. The reporting fam event and es documeneaton se ne only een a odsedone At or abstractions fom the expos, but ae lp undesond to feos infeence ler oncurrences ofthe real hing. Th, foe ‘mpl, there a concer thatthe etal porting of a rime Shay lead to farder csmet modeled after the Teper. BUL a Teng ths non of eval may te igined and presomably ton, we sam to have = song fing tat repange od cumentain ugh noc to be the cae ofthese even hey ‘esr the casa abou abe nthe ther eres. Furbe, ‘fe even act ow withthe sole intent to gv the had ‘Sience that canbe called on Iter at documentary pros four avng (or not having) acted inthe manner Wat eames to be foeloned, We have charg balls so thatthe next dy ewe ‘lverge wll apps the coverage and not the ball serving Yo erie te chy, And of cure, wb a miso sal otc ‘ions graced by an inprians pia pees, the wanseriton {Gren cut othe mar ews re ly fo bee etn for {Eo ctginal performance, nt nealy Ss cosaquenes, ‘Nom genera tem, ibe in parteuar fom: keyings are emeler cbc Wupercle 1a Tekeyng, Ths Raa aeady ‘en imped in vaniou rye Altagh i paul ree tometing chat wl become & el dog, such a robery ie tach. mat tly tha whit wil be reeaed ete staging of Something in s ply. Which, ofcourse, i leady a copy. os ‘ony, hose who dea up plans for a bulding et make rough o Praee awatrsiy etchs of the jms, and roe, apparent nt hens eens. a a {Sad rah ene sh He er the el he cee ernie wt ce eae a ‘SEY ive his approval ofthe fed exereme = mM | ‘ipo whch «pur spat scr canbe sje coat ‘tle ye push ond Fawoo tel Sasteplet fea mbeape we ncaa cpu pinot ch ter Solna saesng wane Tach fed weet ey Sige (Te badd ac whe psoas et ‘at eae cn ow apey te ot ne Selita oe kate tame a ae umny wank eg, ths akg tee Be Frruar camp con ren hw eo aye krviwes a ere, nl can pra ig lay be i wc ts We vers canbe sated, guy, carpe, ot aod St the ersten up ig we tna pre nd saertanc ints own highs semen i won thu, one function of fern and unpes during cr are co pert te players from maling a gue of 2 ae SEU, Sesung the contest smseusiyreeying wat ab te havea im complex nme sete.) Tare va re ta ey one oy Wal aeady teanngiul ia tris of 4 Beaty framemerk Tat ‘stlon musow equaled A sugared, eeyg does Soot nly on wnt to ay Sati anew rt ll be tess, se Cee woud bo ne ea to he rkoyng ut isthe Lying of that front dese mates anos ‘the Begining fs chapter a ltneon was draw eee Sia tanned sty a ying an mpd ttn emnsof the nnettoa ox moele-lter att. Now erm moe be found hat wl alow us to ade keying and 1 Flat some Kind of earl over complcsuone. Pied t's wi Man Suen ey fer Benya br “oe mrtotes se ane in cartoon ego Ge he poy frame tht nares king ‘becomes coment oink ten ansfeematon os sates dnyer a teinaton se sty. dt ca atest ies uf he ae, Ones telnet ering whey ama sy ean be at ly tengo te patna ‘tert outermost Itination, ther of the fran ar were, whch ews jne hat st tatu che el wt te ety has, whatover te crsplesty ofthe inner lamination Thus, 2 dosiplon in «novel of gate of twenty one has si th set eee tw called rama ping ‘ove in blackjack. The reearal of «playa rekeyne jst ‘a yehoaral staged witin a playa pt of ie wiped cues ut ia theo cs, te of be acl ul leet be frst Being rehearsal andthe sod ley Obvious he te ‘ictal have rail dire states separ here tor Now, in hw exe of sty deed ntely he {rs ofa pimary teak ae can thnk of th i ad he ‘ei Gr Sing fe a Ad whe ion seals of another not taking sting sro or maling [Bic of t, what te mene hee in mid i tet Ue sce ‘Heer laine orto, was pope est by this her 3 playful ky. Indad ex git Poste to joke wich aneberr tein ofa pte. in which cote one rotting eiouly e ‘fort 1 exch & rame-enetnvaving an uneaoas 1 Foaty es convenient to ster 2 parca fame 7 abe me gies; ths “the ers fame” “the et fram” and so forth. However, oe ght t erp in miadhat mata nee fas at # whe bt the 4 Designs and Fabrications 1 sa pot os ae way nw spo ay cae Tepe atin ete as anny om mel fer se sete ry pc yg emt bse wa) 1 ss nner, anced transformational ae TMily ts now considered: fobicaon. Teer to the inenionsl sa dis segs sy at ee cob oc more rw bo tnvced 0 have 2 ale belt ey png on hut dane 8 Se Lange he tiene ate Me Sea nen Swear po een cn pe of eg em tepid "Ao terme inet booms ncssny. Those who eng ty pen be clea tn erates, hc, Ese he meno lena can Be aid ob tang nt ra tannrcuon ba, on eal arn ser ten, ple Wher {of more individuals omperate in presenting & deep Se celten obey maar ek Seated gets x boxing He 14 Conclusions 1 1. This sty Began wth the observation dst we (and co sideabe armer of theys) have be eapacs and inclination “he concrete, actual scy-actiity that x meanngfl i ‘sia de! pon which to work Uansformations for in, deepen, experinens,Yebere, dest, antsy, tal, ‘erent, analyse, and char. Those Uvely shadows of res re geared nt the ongoing word bat notin gut tbe dose ‘roy ihat teu of odinary, heal at. ee thn isa trite ordinary ay sees, potion of te parameunt real. For even ab sown tha We ‘ih tecome capone in te lanes of bln, ging teachin {is tun the acencatreaity, seca be sbowm ht the reulng ‘eyrtenes ave derivative find inaecre when placed up agaist {Srv igs a een Sb canbe edn ws ste oem use seal imply a a contrast erm, When we decide iat something ir uel the ely itis need no set every teal inden, ct ea well be a ramatiation of events 2 hs events themeelver-er a eesrel of he damataton, of patting ofthe reer, areprodoeton of he plang. Any ins eter can seve ute original of which something 3 fmeze mockup, lading one eo think that what Ss sovereign it ‘elasoasip, not substance (A rloable watersar sol —for Tfoecing_in = ponfolo of reproduced masters fs a Wat nesta fakereproducton.) "coe any more es prozacted sip of everyday, etl cs son ts such by alle partpant sey 0 contain ‘tery teamed pte, thee having flere ream st ‘Guo Aman ashe pg nero fois postman, eects & Susng couplets tot er and ves of Certainty ‘ip te sot thing th waters fom James ob ave Yad Seki‘ everyday rai. Bot play te tall system 9 @ ‘2itnlynarow fle oma, nipersanal ot sel gare nt ‘Seongung word, wotnge ae puto the ital odes whlch (3e da! candgure aa rprosntave of tims realm seo hat geared into the eed ut ina special and 16 Sicted way. Instruction ging baogs 0 the ream of o=upo- ‘Soar roe, but ib unlkely that the exchange wl ave SERED Minout a bederng of aml ek cast tl note ‘Emin The physi competence ited In ging fe and sea lode (ar epenng sid clxng ext dor) parans 1 “Siler nde te bey managament of piste! objec ceca Pana’ Meee, anc our man goss on his way. ding (Se iSlome routine se ein ky fo eae thera ae ‘Si Kr meats ino fantary. Susenly nag Mel a Sere Sah may simulancosiy engage In pty at ‘on and ayer iig henna he ean a ‘Settty a any etme sod ar cerca. (Note that SR dercaly raed acavides ould be wobwamed under SRS Soe example the role of sobubante—Dot that ate prone hoplenly gree conception fee out Pur pss) ‘a Zour, this ene strafed stip of overappe framings could cemnly be wansfommed se a whol for presenta 0 Ou ad woud tre be tema diferent by one [EeRaan gang te te wha ierent elm satus fem be ‘REET Bucehat he cinoma meson woud bea apy os hat Sree Sen Instance of would Self be rmetng that was no Eyaogenomas with respect 10 realy, ill someting shot {zope ih vos rams end various els. "And by the same argument, 2 ove showing cml Salt be seas par ofthe nanary working we teal posse © Amagine the creunsance in which an invidoal ated the ‘owes and bocameinitved in i ofring a on paseo ay tunings outings ound that might elude eating. alkng and ‘ther tales. Grnting this, one ean imagine the cane ‘ance i= which the movlgoe igh compare he reat ofthe ‘erenngs round wits watching 2 TV drama i wh sh 20 ening wer depicted Conrarini,in cout, xabihng oo Sb, our Indus could stow tha he seal had ge te ‘movies on parca evening In quston, ah Us ing ows form an ordinary, uneven, everyday thing, hen fac, he had ray been doing something else 2 Bur thor ate deeper tue. eguing ha veg ae sr prods npn gael cope of wows Ks ean be-stuck, de assumption was atthe mode war someting at Could be setal and, whan i was, wold be ture deel en tes inthe ougoing wer hi saying mold aie “eever in many ane, what the nda ds in seus ie, ‘he doce in tltenship to cull nada vase fr the ding and fr the socal ale tat abl up ato such dng. rove some to the maximally dapproved. The esucte ake Ist draws bom the moral wo of the emmys found ‘exemplary representation. So everyday life, real enough tn ese, ‘en soem to Ye laminated adumbato a pater re that Hoe ryptestin of qulte uncer eam tate? CA famous face who models 8 fatouename des ponies Det movements a keying, a mocksvp, af an everydny freon walling Shout in everyday dees, something. im thor, mele. tr feat wearing; But obi he alo & mal for eerydy Sppesranceshle deed, which appearance i, sxt wee, a ‘aps 4 bdemaid tat never tide) Le may not be an {estan ofa, but ory concn eae i itt the peoprtic, 4 petro a the exemplary eu, andthe imal reson of thee Ideal belongs xt to mai ble TES TRPST tes “Sm Rey and Sc,” Caltd Pope Morse, what pope understand to Bethe aagantzton of tit exponen tama perce, se fling. They hve erp ef caatonay tr gamer, dle,

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