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NURAAE7L See 001 SJHIUD Peds 11/4/2015 Evaluation date: 12/1/2015 Evaluator Cashman, Kristen (keashrman@ health ust edu) Evaluate: Santos, Kellyche (ksantos@health ust edu) 5.Dutstanding. Exceeds Standards hibits above average performance of nursing care for this level studert. The student is proactive, set-rected, and ¢ ‘engaged in leaming, needs minmal guidance. fs knowledgeable, and appropriately incorporates knowledge with sill. proactive and self-directed i approach to learning, _£Satistactony: Masts Standards Exhibits average performance of nursing care for this level student. Functions with minimum guidance. Demonstrates Iknoivlagge and requires minimum assistanee in applying khevwladge to skills Resagnizes leaming epportunties fut mr “assistance in uilizing them, 2-Mininal ‘hibits minimal performance of nursing care for this level student. Functions safely with moderate guidance. Demonstr ‘nowledge and requires moderate assistance in appiying knowledge to skils. Requires some cirestion in recognizing 2 “Teaming eppattunties. Often focuses on the task or own behavior nol on the eatin 2Unsatisfactony ‘equire intense guidane® for the performance of activites al a safe level Clinical performance reflects cificulty in the rsing care. Demonetrates gaps in nec escary knowledge and reauires frequent or almost consiant assistance in apalyit ‘Skills Requres frequent and cetaled instnictione ragarcing learang opportunties. Focuses primarly on the task oo not on the patient 1Uneate to Practice ' unsafe to practice without constant, intense gudance Frequently lacks necessary knowledge and skills anc unable: these into practice. Requires constant detailed instructions regarding leaming opportunities and i often unable to uth ‘Allamets acbvity or behavior, yel is unable to complete, Focuses entirely on the task or enn behavier, not the p= andord 1-Commumication ‘© student communicatos pertinent information regarding tho patlont's condition!concom to health toam memb answer ‘Satisfactory: Meats Standarie Domment. andatd 1-Communication f stucent communicates affectively in written form (Nursing Process Worksheet is organized and complete) Answor. 5 {Comment Required) Cutetanding. Exceeds Standards Somment. Excellent NPVs-evident of entcal thinking andord 1=Commumnication ‘0 student communieatos effectively in verbal form. answer 5 (Comment Recuired) —_Cutstanding’ Exceeds Standards Domment. Thorough report during rounding andatd |_Communication € student initiates, maintains, and terminates the nurse-patient relationship using principles of therapeutic mmunieaton, tandard 1=-Communicetion 1e student functions as an advocate for the patientifamily and communicstes family needs to other members of. re team. Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment tandard |=-Communication ye student examines the dynamic interactions between the patient, family, community, and society. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment tandard 1-Communication ve student initiates discussion to Identify and resolve Interpersonal problems thet impact care. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Mecte Standards ‘Comment landard |-Communication ye student uses interpersonal skills to enhance patientfamily coping abllitios. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Mecte Standards ‘Comment tandard |_Communication ne student discusses the ethical issues and approaches the ethical dilemmas that confront the pavienfamily an spropriatoly discusses oxperionce with faculty/precoptor. ‘Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meste Standards ‘Comment landard |_Communication ye student delegates appropriately to patient care technician, family, of other team members. Answer. 4 Satisfactory. Meets Standards ‘Comment landard Knowledge ve student applies knowledge of humanities, physical and social sciences, and nursing when providing patient Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment tandard Knowledge ae student applies knowledge of social, cultural, and genetic factors to the care of Answer 4 Satisfactory: Mests Standards Comment tandard L-Attitude ne student does not in anyway demonstrate disrespect or inappropriate behavior to the patient, staff, or faculty Answer 5 (Comment Required) Outstanding: Exceeds Standards, Comment. The student does not in anyway demonstrate disrespect or inappropriate behavior to the patient. staff. orfa tandard LAtitude ne student is actively engaged in and seeks out opportunities for learning. Answer 5 (Comment Required) Outstanding: Exceeds Standards, ‘Comment: Eager to lear and uses time wicely to research patient standard U-Satery Ihe student does not make judgmental, discriminatory, or prejudicial sttements to the patient, staff or faculty. Answer, § (Comment Required) Outstanding. Exceeds Standarcs| ‘Comment. The student doas not make judgmental, disesiminatory. or prejudicial statements tothe patient, staff, or fae standard I-Satery hie student applies principals of universal precautions, nivarsal precautions. Answer. 4 Salcfactory: Meets Standards Comment ractices specific isolation techniques, and teaches the: tondard I-Satety hhe student asseuses patients for fall risk and applies principles of safe patient handling. Answer 4 Satisfactory. Meots Standards Comment \tandard I-Safety hho studont maintains the pationt’s physical safety by protecting the pationt from harm, ‘Anower 4 Satisfactory Meets Standards Comment ‘tandard I-Safety hho studont maintains medical and surgical acopsis whan doing procedures requiring stele tochinique. ‘Answer Satisfactory” Meets Standards Comment standard W-Satory ‘he student properly identifies techniques and teaches the reasons for universal precautions. Answer 4 Satisfactory Meets Standares Comment ‘tondard U-Satery ‘he student validates the accuracy and appropriateness of orders for nursingimedical care prior to initiating care Answer 4 Satisfactory Masts Standards Comment ‘tondard U-Safery Ihestudent implements orders accurately and efficiently, Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment tonclard I-Safery the student Is able to Identity potential signs and symptoms of an emergent medical condition and promptly rep hhanges in the patient's health status to preceptor andlor clinical faculty member, Anewer. 4 Salicfactory: Meets Standards Comment tonclard I-Satety he student adapts skill performance using principles of theory when necessary. ‘Answer, 4 Saistactory: Meets Standards Comment te student identifies data from the history and physical assessment to formulate appropriate nursing diagnoses. Answer 4 Satisfactory. Meets Standards Comment: landard Ill-Nursing Process:Assessment ye student Identifies the pationt’s health education needs. Answer: 5 (Comment Required) Outstanding: Exceeds Standards Comment Great work with patient that was newly dx diabetas landard Il Nursing Process:Diagnosis ae student synthesizes history and assessment data as well as diagnostic results into the development of nurs agnoses. Answer. 4 Satisfactory. Meets Standards Comment: landard Ill-Nursing Process:Plan ye student Integrates psychosocial needs into care plan, identifies appropriate resources for the plan of care, ami corporates health education into the care plan, Answer 4 Satisfactory: Mests Standards Comment landard Il-Nursing Process:Plan xe student identifies measurable, expected patient outcomes that are realistic and Answer 4 Satisfactory Meats Standards -omment ‘andard Il-Nursing Procoss:Plan ye student identifies the discharge planning process and needs of the patient upon admission and throughout tt Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meats Standards Comment landard IIl-Nursing Process:Plan te student demonstrates judgement in decision-making and priority setting. Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment landard Il-Nursing Process:Plan ye student uses appropriate collaborative resources to personalize the nursing care the patient receives. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment landard II_Nursing Process:Intervention/implementation te student demonstrates understanding of the principles underlying nursing actions appropt aint in the curriculum. Answer: 4 Satisfactory Meets Standards Comment landard Ill-Nursing Process:Intorvention/implemontation ye sludent performs siills according to agency policy and procedure and clinical lab guldelines. Answer. 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards landard IH-Nursing Process:Intervention/implementation Je student implements the written action planiprotocol considering the priorities for each assigned pationt. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment tandard IIl-Nursing Process:Intorvention/Implomentation Satisfactory: Meets Standards tandard Ill-Nursing Process:Intervention/Implementation 1o student incorporates evidence based research into nursing practice. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment tandard IINursing Process:Intorvention/Implomentation ve student practices individualized and culturally competent care. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment: tandard IIl-Nursing Process:Intervention/Implementation 1o student initiates appropriate referrals as neoded. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment tandard Ill-Nursing Process:Evaluation ve student evaluates the patient's response/outcome to the intervention, Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment tandard Ill-Nursing Process:E valuation Yo student utilizes subjective and objective data to revise nursing actions (as appropriate for the student at that | riculum). Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment: tandard IIl-Nursing Process:Organi 1e student provides organized, coordinated, and prioritized nursing care for the patients with a range of health F Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment tandard Ill-Nursing Procoss:Organization ye student organizes time and resources effectively and efficiently. Answer: & (Comment Required) Outstanding: Exceeds Standards ‘Comment: If you were not performing patient care, you were looking up information to better care for your patient tandard IILNursing Process:Organizati 1e student gathers and organizes equipment necessary for patient careiprocedures. Answer: 4 Satisfactory: Mests Standards Comment itandard Ill-Nursing Process:Organization hho student Identifies and socks appropriate resources during patient care provision. Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment ‘tandard Ill. Nursing Process:Organization he student completes the daily clinical assignment in a timely manner. Answer 5 (Comment Required) Outstanding Exceeds Standards Comment: Completes daily clinical assignments and NPW's on time itandard Nursing Process:Documentation he student appropriately develops long and short term patient oriented nursing care goals based on patient asse: id sciontific principles of nursing practice. Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment: ‘tandard Ill: Nursing Process:Documentation hhe student documents problems and nursing care goals in the patent record (with co signature). Anewer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment itandard ll-Nursing Process:Documentation he student identifies and documents nursing actions/orders initiated in implementing the plan of core. newer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standarés ‘Comment itandard til-Nursing Process:Documentation he student correctly enters data into the patient record in a timely manner per agency protocol. Answer 4 Satisfactory Mests Standards ‘Comment: ‘tandard Ill: Nursing Process:Documentation Ihe student assures privacy of the patient record at all mes. Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards ‘Comment ‘tandard Nursing Process:Critieal Thinking he student utilizes critical thinking skills to prioritize patient needs based on the patient assessment. Answer 4 Satisfactory: Meets Standards Comment: omments: cellent work during your pediatric clinical rotation! | appreciate the effort you put forth and your entical thinking skils wer hen | reviewed your NPWs and spoke to you during report. Excellont patient care and teaching. Locking forward to cosin: amesterl cellycha Santos has reviewed the above evaluation on 2/9/2016 10: :00 AM and has provided the following comm

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