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Burningimpossible to slough

Urging and twistingconsuming.

Wrapped like blackest flame,
Heart poisons blood with anger.

Mere looks.
IrrationalMaybe. But still
Fury blackens me.

Insipid threatsworthless,
Meaningless conflict.
I thrash against injustice
Against you.

You are everything I hate

Everything I fear.
I wish to burn you as you do me.

Your rage infects everything.

All thats good, all I value.
Take it!Its yours.
I place it at your feet.

Fairness has no place here.

Not amid these blackest flames.
Where nothing but the inferno beats
my justice sentences you now.

There is no light inside me now.

Not with rage impossible to slough.

But still, I try.

You just incite the worst in me.

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