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All About

Mr. Adams

Where are we at compared to


Where is Denmark Compared to Other Countries in Europe?

Population and Largest cities

Population of Denmark:5.6 million people
Compared to our population:318.9 million people
Largest cities in Denmark
- Copenhagen (The capital) 1,153,615 people
- Aarhus 237,551 people
- Odense 145,931 people
- Aalborg 122,219 people

Geographical Features
- Most of Denmark consists of flat lands
- There is very little elevation
- However in central Denmark it can be very hilly.

Wind power in Denmark

- What are wind turbines?
- Most of the wind turbines found across the world today are produced in Denmark
- Wind power produces 33 percent of Denmarks electricity.
- By 2020 Denmark hopes to reach 50 percent of their electricity coming from Wind.

Time to Summarize!!
- Knowing that the story we are going to read is about wind power and windmills why
might this story be based in Denmark? (Why is Denmark so important when we talk
about wind power and windmills?)
- Which european countries surround Denmark? (hint: think back to the maps we
looked at)

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