Edtpa Science

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Name Katherine Espinoza

Class Eled 3221- 003

edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Animal Adaptations
Central Focus/Big Idea: Animal Adaptations- Polar Bear focus
Subject of this lesson: Science
Grade Level: Grade 4
NC Essential Standard(s): 4.L.1.2 Explain how animals meet their needs by using behaviors in
response to information received from the environment.
Next Generation Science Standard(s):
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Identify the evidence that supports particular points in an explanation.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Analyze and interpret data to make sense of phenomena using logical reasoning.
21st Century Skills:
Critical thinking and problem solving Outcome for 4th grade addresses importance of students
constructing explanations from their observations.
Flexibility and adaptability- Students can provide illustrative examples of science as an ongoing
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: In the table below highlight the one most important language
function for your lesson.
o I chose this language function because we will be conducting a small
demonstration in which we discuss and learn why polar bears have their thick
layers of blubber.








Scientific Vocabulary: Adaptations, Blubber, Insulation, Camouflage

Instructional Objective:


Students will be able to define adaptations and insulations in their own terms. They will
successfully label and list 3 out of the 4 adaptations flaps on the paper.
Prior Knowledge (student): students should know what polar bears and what kind of climate
they live in.
Content Knowledge (teacher): teachers should be able to explain what adaptations are and clear
examples of that.
Accommodations for special needs:
In the video clip I will include subtitles for those who are unable to hear.
Materials and Technology requirements:
Computer and projector
Construction paper pre-cut with four flaps.
6 quart sized zip lock bags
One large Crisco Vegetable shortening
3 bins
One bag of ice
Paper towels
Total Estimated Time: 25-30 minutes
Source of lesson: Polar bear adaptations video clip by scientist Alysa McCall
Safety considerations: I will have the construction paper flaps precut to avoid injuries. I will
also pre fill the quart sized bags of vegetable shortening and tightly sealed with tape prior to the
lesson to avoid consumption of materials.

Content and Strategies (Procedure)

In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 Es. Your procedure should be
detailed enough for a colleague to follow. If you will be relying on technology (e.g., a YouTube
video), describe your back up plan thoroughly. Imagine your most novice colleague needing to
teach from your plan. Dont just answer the questions. Additionally, I expect you to include
possible questions you could ask for each section. This needs to include higher-order questions.
Engage: How will students attention or interest be captured? How will you identify prior
Start asking questions pertaining to Polar bears.

Where do Polar bears live?

What do polar bears look like?
How do you think they keep warm?

Play the Video clip of adaptations by Alysa McCall

While the video is playing, pause and write on the whiteboard a few key points from the video.
Explore: What common concrete experience will the students have that allows all students
access to materials? What questions will you ask to facilitate exploration?
Once the video is over I will ask a few key points that were mentioned in the video about Polar
Bear adaptations.

What kind of climate do they live in?

What did the scientist say about the paws of polar bear
What color is the fur coat of a polar bear? (answer: Clear but their skin is black)
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Why do you think Polar bears have clear, White fur?

Prior to the lesson, one should place a zip lock bag inside another zip lock
bag. Between the two bags, scoop in 3-4 large spoonful of shortening, then
tape the openings. Repeat this 2 more times. The end result will be three
gloves. That being said, afterwards I will place in every group (which are
3) one bin filled half way with ice and a zip- lock bag of shortening in each.
The kids will then take turns placing their hand inside the bag and the other
inside submerged in the ice water.
Explanation: How will you structure student sharing from exploration? How will you facilitate
students conceptual development? How will you help students connect explanations back to
their experience? How will you build on student explanations to help students use appropriate
vocabulary to label concepts and ideas? Be sure to include the science content in this section as
We would talk about insulation and how polar bears have adapted to eating seals and specifically
their blubber because by them having a thicker layer of blubber they are better protected from the

cold. We will also talk about the information that the polar bear has black skin. I will bring to
attention the fact that black absorbs sunlight faster than any other color and that is a possible
adaptation and the clear white fur blends with the snow.
Elaborate: What opportunities will there be for students to apply newly learned ideas, concepts,
and skills? (Another activity is ideal)
I did a whole class discussion I gave them a definition and they would respond by using their
whiteboards. I gave them 3 minutes to think of the answer.
Insulation- the use of keeping itself warm or from outside climate.
Adaptation- the use of blubber, rough paws, heightened sense of smell and eyesight.
Camaeoflauge is used by having the fur match the white ice and snow
Benefits of heighted sense of smell
Evaluate: How will you assess each students progress toward the stated objective(s)? What
evidence will be collected? What type of assessment will be used (formal, informal, formative,
summative)? You are required to include both your formative and summative assessment here.
After erasing the key points from the white board I will pass out the pre- cut flap book one for
every child. On the projector, I will show the students what to label on each flap. Afterwards,
they will be given enough time to fill in all 3 flaps with an adaption and an explanation right next
to it as to why that is an adaption for the climate. I will see if they were able to list two other
arctic animals that require a layer of blubber to survive.
Acceptable answers include:
Thick layer of blubber- insulation from the cold, the thicker the blubber the better protection they
have from the cold
Black skin under fur- absorbs heat better
Sense of smell- they can smell a seal up to 90 miles away
Other arctic animals that also use blubber as an adaption whales, penguins, seals, walruses
Large rough paws- they will have a better grip on the ice and snow
To be completed after the lesson is taught as appropriate
Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
The questions I asked throughout the lesson and the observations I made while walking around
the classroom during the activities will be part of my formative assessment and the worksheet
will be part of the assessment to see if they understood the objective.
1 out of 21 was unable to list a third adaption and was also unable to name two different arctic
Reflection on lesson:
CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

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