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[Clan] Violence: Blur come sgh

[Clan] Reptile: its ok

[Clan] Reptile: i got this
[Clan] Blur: Uh lol im getting equip
[Clan] Reptile: nah its over man
[Clan] Blur: crap no pots
[Clan] Reptile: they cant click me twice!
[Clan] Violence: lol
Mortality just logged on.
Mortality left the game.
Blood just logged on.
[Clan] Reptile: they rf, hance, and armor up...and say "4 on 3 and ya still cant come!"
[Clan] Reptile: no sir
[Clan] Reptile: we cant
The Ðårk Å££Ïånçê clan (10 online characters):
Blood (Leader) (Çõmmõñ sêñsê ís ñõt sõ çõmmõñ) (383/427) -- (Hidden), AFK (Screaming Temporal Doom!).
Olodak (Leader) (Ðøñt Ç壣 ¡t Å Çømèßàçk) (451/451) -- (Hidden).
Arianna (Nancy) (66/131) -- (Hidden).
Blur (»Åߧõ£ù±ë ¤ ǵäø§«) (349/349) -- (Hidden).
Catalyst (« Fø§§åË ») (250/250) -- (Hidden), AFK (5 minutes of being inactive).
Dirtyoldman (Tyler) (312/312) -- (Hidden).
Ketua (AK) (222/228) -- (Hidden).
Massacre (Big Al) (296/316) -- (Hidden).
Reptile (Ñévér ßåçk ÐøwÑ) (251/266) -- (Hidden).
Violence (Army of Two) (389/389) -- (Hidden).
[Clan] Reptile: im too crafty for pande
Catalyst left the game.
[Clan] Reptile: >.>
[Clan] Reptile: so
[Clan] Reptile: might know who be spain
[Clan] Reptile: SPAIN?
[Clan] Reptile: spyin
[Clan] Reptile: hahaha
Shamu ducked at the wrong time to avoid Blood's stinging assassinate!
[Clan] Ketua: Tigress Pages You from (Hidden): wanna know who's spying in da?
[Clan] Reptile: i know
[Clan] Ketua: Paged User Tigress: I don't know that there is someone spying, but you can memo a founder and let them know and they
can look into it.
[Clan] Reptile: someone page me
Paged User Reptile: *test*
[Clan] Olodak: btw somoene saving this for clan logs on forum?
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): So anyway
[Clan] Dirtyoldman: I can
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Lemme try to explain this.
Text paused.
Shamu felt the full force of Blood's assassinate!
[Clan] Olodak: rofl
[Clan] Blood: You assassinated Shamu. You assassinated Shamu.
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Arianna = Nancy. Which = Ashley's best friend. Which = Milagros' Ex GF.
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Now...
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): That sounds interesting
Text resumed.
Shamu succumbed to Olodak's expert skill with his assassinate!
[Clan] Massacre: ownd
Violence left the game.
Vampire Bat: Screeeeech
Paged User Reptile: Hmm. Keep going. (I'm close with Founders and can directly relate/talk to them)
The Ðårk Å££Ïånçê clan (8 online characters):
Blood (Leader) (Çõmmõñ sêñsê ís ñõt sõ çõmmõñ) (397/427) -- (Hidden), AFK (Screaming Temporal Doom!).
Olodak (Leader) (Ðøñt Ç壣 ¡t Å Çømèßàçk) (451/451) -- (Hidden).
Arianna (Nancy) (51/131) -- (Hidden).
Blur (»Åߧõ£ù±ë ¤ ǵäø§«) (349/349) -- (Hidden), AFK (<Spai).
Dirtyoldman (Tyler) (312/312) -- (Hidden).
Ketua (AK) (228/228) -- (Hidden).
Massacre (Big Al) (316/316) -- (Hidden).
Reptile (Ñévér ßåçk ÐøwÑ) (251/266) -- (Hidden).
Your last (max 9) incoming pages are:
04-30-2010 01:29:39 Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): So anyway
04-30-2010 01:29:44 Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Lemme try to explain this.
04-30-2010 01:30:17 Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Arianna = Nancy. Which = Ashley's best friend. Which = Milagros' Ex GF.
04-30-2010 01:30:24 Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Now...
04-30-2010 01:30:28 Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): That sounds interesting
End of page history.
[Clan] Abstract: Right night guys, have fun!
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): I learned this from an outside source. ashley is his girlfriend, and nancy is her best friend.
[Clan] Olodak: go S and kill!
You covertly hide away from everyone else.
Olodak left the game.
Arianna left the game.
Rogue just logged on.
[Clan] Rogue: i lagged out
[Clan] Rogue: so i logged
[Clan] Blood: get back
[Clan] Blood: get back on
Paged User Reptile: Hmm. Ashley and Milagros are both in Pande?
[Clan] Rogue: k
[Clan] Blood: youre at sgh
[Clan] Blood: youre good
Rogue left the game.
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Yepp
Olodak just logged on.
There are 14 characters online, (14 users).
Online users: Anubis (AFK), Astinus, Blood (AFK), Blur (AFK), Dirtyoldman, Ketua, Letty, Magician (AFK), Massacre, Olodak,
Reptile, Shamu, Sneak, Tigress.
The Ðårk Å££Ïånçê clan (7 online characters):
Blood (Leader) (Çõmmõñ sêñsê ís ñõt sõ çõmmõñ) (427/427) -- (Hidden), AFK (Screaming Temporal Doom!).
Olodak (Leader) (Ðøñt Ç壣 ¡t Å Çømèßàçk) (451/451) -- (Hidden).
Blur (»Åߧõ£ù±ë ¤ ǵäø§«) (125/349) -- (Hidden), AFK (<Spai).
Dirtyoldman (Tyler) (282/312) -- (Hidden).
Ketua (AK) (228/228) -- (Hidden).
Massacre (Big Al) (306/316) -- (Hidden).
Reptile (Ñévér ßåçk ÐøwÑ) (253/266) -- (Hidden).
[Clan] Blur: wooo Rob cant click
[Clan] Blur: !
Arianna just logged on.
Paged User Reptile: That's really interesting.
Reptile Pages You from (Hidden): Yeah it ties together strange, but fear my investigative skillz
Shamu ducked at the wrong time to avoid Olodak's stinging assassinate!
[Clan] Blood: this guys a retard
Reptile left the game.
[Clan] Blur: ok does eric ever get on? :/
[Clan] Blur: Er
[Clan] Blur: damit
[Clan] Blur: Derek
[Clan] Olodak: hehe
[Clan] Blur: cuz im wondering if i should just get Vega back since hes never on
[Clan] Blur (to Massacre): ur gonna get pked in HM
[Clan] Blur: >.>
Anubis left the game.
[Clan] Blur is coughing rather loudly!
[Clan] Blur: :d
[Clan] Massacre: lol not goin their
[Clan] Blur: shhh
[Clan] Blur: dont let teh spai know
[Clan] Blur: >.>
[Clan] Massacre: 1
[Clan] Massacre: !

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