TC Colors Goals Likes Dislike

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True Color - Blue

Between 12%-25% of the population;

Often viewed as care givers/providers, friendly, helping humanity/animals;
Goals include:
Good emotions
Using intuition
Know self-better

Harmony between people
Spirituality and imagination
Interactions with others


Strife and discord

Those who value rules or ideas more than people do.
Insensitivity to others' feelings or plight.

Overly sensitive or concerned about other's feelings.

May seem flaky

How to Succeed with Blues

Respect their need to know about you
Take a create approach to problem solving
Be truthful and sincere
Cooperate with other team members
Show that you value and appreciate them through thoughtfulness
Be helpful, open, and communicative

True Color - Blue

How Blues See Themselves

Warm, caring, compassionate

People person
Willing to work tirelessly for a cause
Social interaction expert
Able to see need for exceptions
Conscious of past relations
Like to please people
Great Communicator
Wanting harmony

How Others See Blues

Bleeding heart
Flaky, unrealistic
Hopelessly nave
Too tender-hearted
Easily duped
Too touchy feely
Too nice
Nave, too trusting
Stuck in/lives in the past
Groveling, fawning, soft
Talks too much
Obscures the issues

True Color - Orange

Between 12%-33% of the population.
Often viewed as party animal, warrior
Goals include:
Having fun
Avoiding boredom
Sensational things
Making a strong, immediate impact on others.
Being bored
Being pinned down
May dislike school
Lessons, books
Extended explanations or discussion
Detail, formality, or complexity that others see in a task or project
Self-revelation or analysis
Can be oblivious to over-all patterns that are apparent to others.
They may seek to stimulate competition that others find burdensome.
Not serious enough.

How to Succeed With Oranges

A direct right-to-the-point approach gets their attention
Respect their lack of structure and need for spontaneity
Get involved in physical activities with the
Compliment their generosity and sense of humor

True Color - Orange

How Oranges See Themselves

Fun-loving, enjoys life

Flexible, Adaptable
Proficient, capable
Hands-on person
Good negotiator
Here and now person
Do many things at once
Can deal with chaos
Curious, welcomes new ideas
Superior ability to discriminate among options

How Others See Oranges

Flaky, wish-washy
Not serious
Spends time at things they enjoy
Not interested in ideas
Disobeys rules
Manipulative, not to be trusted
Turn off to past-oriented blue
Turn off to future-oriented green
Not able to stay on task
Scattered, cluttered
Resists closure or decision

True Color - Green

Between 10%-13% of the population.
Often viewed as scientists, nerds, computer geniuses
Goals include: understanding and questioning everything.

Thinking, reasoning
Inquiry and questioning everything
Logic, structure
The "big picture"


Routine and Following illogical instructions or traditions

Irritate others by frequently seeing interesting ideas or directions of development

uninteresting to others.
Can become locked into a search for the ultimate and perfect answer, procedure, etc.
when no one else cares about the subject.
Seem arrogant to others at times -- Sometimes deliberately choose to ignore rules or
others' wishes or concerns. Focus instead on their own, more strictly logical picture of
what is going on and what should be achieved in the future.

How to Succeed With Greens

Respect their preoccupation with ideas and logic
Know that they care but may not express feeling freely
Respect their wisdom and knowledge
Think ahead; Green appreciate future-orientation
Help them with day-to-day details
Praise their ingenuity and intelligence

True Color - Green

How Greens See Themselves

Superior intellect 98% right

Efficient and powerful
Creative, visionary
Eminently reasonable
Rational and calm, not emotional
Under control
Precise, not repetitive
Able to find flaws
Task, goal focus
Holding firm to policy
Seeking justice
Assuming things will be done well
Great planner
Firm-minded, able to reprimand

How Others See Greens

Intellectual snob
Doesnt care about people
Eccentric, weird
Emotionally controlled
Ignores peoples values
Cool, aloof, unfeeling
Afraid to open up
Critical, fault finding
Not on my side
Devaluing relational aspects
Lacking mercy, unfair
Unappreciative, stingy with praise
Doesnt consider people in plans

True Color - Gold

Between 33%-50% of the population.
Gold questions and worries; good at finding fault in new methods and ideas
Good protectors of status quo; tradition
Goals include: security and acceptance of others

Structure and rules



People who are too cavalier-careless,

Golds can be interested in establishing order in a way that offends or irritates

others. The usual Gold idea of order and hierarchy can seem like unnecessary
baggage or restrictive to other colors.
How to Succeed With Golds
Be organized and neat in work and appearance
Be truthful
Plan ahead of them
Dont beat around the bush; be up front
Respect their need for tradition and stability
Be loyal and dependable
Support their need for structure and security

True Color - Gold

How Golds See Themselves

Providing security
Always have a view
Executive type
Good planner
Orderly, neat
Organizer person
Practical, expects same
Goal oriented
Finish what I started
Good at sorting and weeding out

How Others Sees Golds

Rigid and controlling

Dull, boring
Stubborn, pigheaded
Bossy, controlling
Limiting flexibility
Sets own agenda
Rigid idea of time
Not able to do many things at once
Throws away good items needlessly

True Color - Blue

How to Value Blues

Accepting them for who they are

Reassuring them of their self-worth
Providing personal recognition for accomplishments
Providing opportunities to demonstrate creativity
Providing opportunities to please those in authority
Creating a harmonious working environment with opportunities to maintain it
Providing opportunities to use their communicative abilities
Providing cohesion in their learning, home, and work environment
Providing opportunities to motivate and add enthusiasm to group situations

Factors That Create Stress in Blues

Broken promises
Too much negativity
People talking about them behind their backs
Not discussing what is occurring
Completing paperwork as priority
Lack of social contacts
Placing the system as a priority before the people in it
Being constantly compared to others and not evaluated as an individual

True Color - Gold

How to Value Gold

Providing in all life situations

Providing clear and specific feedback on behavior and endeavors
Setting definitive rules, regulations, and constraints
Honoring evidence of success with concrete rewards
Providing opportunities to demonstrate responsible conduct
Providing opportunities to be of service to others
Providing opportunities to demonstrate leadership qualities
Providing opportunities to organize people and/or things
Accepting them as an important part of the group

Factors That Create Stress in Gold

Incomplete tasks
Ambiguous tasks
Ambiguous answers
Too many things going on at the same time
People who do not follow through
Too many questions directed at them
Irresponsibility of others
Changing details
A haphazard attitude

True Color - Green

How to Value Greens
Assisting them in choosing tasks that are difficult, challenging, and potentially
Providing feedback on the quality of their work
Providing opportunities to increase knowledge and to build competence
Recognizing their successes
Providing opportunities to build logical processes
Providing opportunities to display their competency
Giving them opportunities to plan models for change
Giving patient answers to many questions from a curious mind
Giving them a chance to seek options to situations

Factors That Create Stress in Greens

Lack of control
Lack of independence
Elaborate use of adjectives
Emotional displays
Lack of options
Inability to use or to display knowledge
Social functions
Subjective judgement

True Color - Orange

How to Value Oranges
Providing opportunities for self-expression
Being their audience
Providing opportunities for quick action
Providing opportunities to defy risk
Giving them frequent change
Being their cheering section
Providing opportunities to use initiative
Providing opportunities to challenge their imagination
Providing opportunities to develop a variety of skills
Providing opportunities to make decisions that dont conflict with group goals
Providing opportunities to implement ideas and to succeed or fail without
Providing opportunities to demonstrate cleverness
Giving them the chance to experience things new, novel, and exciting

Factors That Create Stress in Oranges

Too much responsibility

Rules and regulations
Being stuck at a desk
Non-negotiable and imposed structure
Requirements to read manuals and follow how-to directions
Too much attention to product and not enough to performance/results
Abstract concepts

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