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The Christian experience of God is lived in the mystery of the Church.

The Church, the sacrament of the Kingdom of God plays a central role in the NT (Mk 1,
14; Lk 4, 16-19; LG 5).
The Church finds its foundation, form and finality in the Trinitarian mystery (LG
2, 3 & 4).
As pilgrim People of God (LG 9-17)
The Church is called to be a participatory community that fosters greater
involvement of the laity (LG 30-38; EA 25, 45) and all people of goodwill in
realizing the Kingdom mission.
This is of particular significance to the Indian Church that seeks to be an incarnated and
contrast community in pluralistic India.

This thesis speaks about the paradigm shift that has taken place after the Vat II in the self
understanding of the Church as Mystery, Sacrament of the KOG and Pilgrim people of
God.(Participatory church How the Indian church can be incarnated and contrast

The Gk term used for the church is Ekklesia=assembly of citizens.

The original term Ekklesia means to call or gather together.
Hebrew equivalent word is Qahal YHWH = which means the assembly of the people of
Israel who are called by YHWH.

1. The Christian experience of God is lived in the mystery of the Church.

Christian experience of God:

The Christian experience of God is Trinitarian.

From creation till the final fulfillment, the vocation of Christian is to participate in the
Trinitarian life and communion.
This God experience and longing for salvation is lived out in a church which is a

Church as Mystery:

Apostolic Period = community of disciples

3rd Century = Assumed imperial character.
Middle ages: Assumed Feudal Character.
Between 16th-19th Century = Perfect society / Vatican I too affirmed this view
Vatican II brought about a paradigm shift in the self understanding of the church from
institutional church to church as a mystery.
Church as a mystery means not merely a social reality about which we can have an objective,
scientific knowledge, rather a faith reality known only through self disclosure and
participation in the life of the church.

Church as mystery is both divine and human reality because its source is in God.
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Church as divine : Invisible nature spiritual reality

Sacramental event
Gods plan of salvation in time and history.
Reveals the presence of the divine.

God is gracing the church to be holy and blameless grace filled depths.
Human Reality:
= visible
Socio-historical reality grows in world
Sinful nature community of humans.
With a structure.
Church as a mystery means "a reality imbued with the hidden presence of God." - Paul VI.
LG 1 - The Church in Christ, is in the nature of the sacrament, a sign & instrument i.e.,
of communion with God & unity of all humanity. Divine (invisible nature, faith reality)
and Human (visible nature, historical & hierarchical).
LG-2: It speaks about the role of God the Father in the Church: Theo centric
LG 3: speaks about the role of the Son- giving form-life. Christocentric
LG 4: The symbolism of the origin of the Church is very important because the Spirit
guides the Church, inspires the Church, leads the Church to the finality or destination.
2. The Church, the sacrament of the Kingdom of God plays a central role in the NT (Mk 1,
14; Lk 4, 16-19; LG 5).
Mk 1, 14 Time is fulfilled - KOG is near repent and believe in the good news.
Lk 4, 16-19 Mission manifesto of Jesus
Till the 20th century church was identified with the KOG
But gradually theologians began to realize that church and the kingdom are not identical
but they are intimately connected.
The kingdom of God was manifested in and through the life, words and deeds of Jesus.
The church has received the mission to proclaim and establish the kingdom among all the
Therefore church is at the service of the kingdom.
Its a sign and sacrament of the kingdom.
Church manifests this KOG by - Coming together
Celebrating Eucharist.
Commits to the mission
LG 5 : Church is the budding forth or the initial seed of realization of the kingdom.
(= already and not yet / an ongoing process or process of becoming)

Church become the sacrament of the kingdom through Kerygma(proclamation)

Diakonia(Service) Mk 10,45

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The churches mission is to be the sign/pointer/ agent in the realization of the kingdom.

Sign pints to the kingdom

Agent Makes the kingdom visible and present.
Realization through

3. The church finds the foundation form and finality in the Trinitarian
mystery (LG 2-4)

The church as mystery is founded/ rooted in the Trinitarian mystery

Here Trinitarian mystery is the
Destiny of the church

1. LG 2 Theo- centric origin of the church( from eternity to eternity)

LG -2 God in his wisdom and goodness created the whole universe to share in his divine
Even after the fall of the human being God never abandoned but offered the means of
salvation through the life-death resurrection of his son Jesus Christ. This is being
continued through the church by the power of the HS.
Church was founded on all those who believe in Jesus Christ.
Church was pre-figured in the history of the people of Israel.
2. LG 3: Christo Centric Origin of the church (role of Jesus Christ)

Jesus inaugurated the KOG according to the will of the father.

The origin and growth of the church are symbolized in the blood and water that flowed
from the side of Jesus on the cross(Jn 19,34)

3. LG 4 : Role of the spirit

Spirit continues the mission of Jesus through the Church.
Spirit sanctifies the church
Dwells in the hearts of the faithful.
Guides the church in the way of the father.
Bestows various gifts on the church.
Makes the church vibrant.
Renews her

Church finds its foundation, form and finality in the Trinitarian mystery.

LG 2 : Foundation church is part of the Gods plan of salvation

LG 3: Inaugurated by the son

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LG 4: continued by the spirit

Finality: destiny of the church is to return to the mystery.

LG2 : Father : Theo-centric foundation of the church
LG 3 : Son : Christo centric foundation
LG 4: Spirit: Pneumato centric sustenance and finality of the church.

4. Church as pilgrim people of God: - LG 14,15,16.

Pilgrim means not static but evolving and moving. Hence it refers to the eschatological
People of God refer to the communion of Individuals in community
Hence People of God refers to equality. That is by virtue of baptism, all of us are
equal in dignity yet functional differences are there.
People of God is inclusive unlike previous doctrines (that stressed church a
hierarchical institution)
All men are called to belong to the new people of God.

LG 14 : Catholic faithful:
By virtue of baptism, accepting different means of salvation, and believing in common
LG 15: Christians those dont belong to the catholic faithful/ communion
That is Baptism + Some sacraments+ Faith
LG 16: People of other religions
1. Jews: Covenant promises of YHWH made to them.
2. Muslims: Acknowledge god as creator = faith in Abraham believe god as merciful
God will reign on the last day.
3. Unknown god: pagans, Greeks, Hindus,(seeking the Unknown god).
4. Seeking God( Do not know that God is Christ) but living according to gods will
living good lives according to the conscience.
5. No Knowledge of god bu lead good life: - nature worshippers(Forces of nature as
manifestations of god)
6. Atheists: reason without faith.

5. The church is called to be a participatory community that involves greater

participation of laity.(Lg 31,33,, 38,EA 25,45) and people of good will in
realizing the Kingdom mission.

Participatory community: all are equal members in the church, equal in dignity and
freedom, by virtue of baptism.
Vat II in LG 30-38 places the laity in their rightful place as the people of God and their
responsibility in the church. There cannot be a church without the laity.
LG 31: In their own way share the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ and to
the best their ability carry on the mission of the whole Christian people in the church and
in the world.

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Seek the KOG by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to Gods
They contribute through temporal works, charisms to the welfare of the church and cooperate in the mission of the church.(1 Cor 12,14)
LG 33 :
- Sharing in the salvific mission of the church
- To make the church present and fruitful in those places and in circumstances where it
is only through them the church can become the salt of the earth.
LG 38 Be a witness before the world to the resurrection and life of the Lord Jesus and a
sign of the living God.
EA 25 : speaks of communion within the church through universal authority of the
Pope(not juridical power)
- Service(diakonia)
- Communion in and through diocese/ particular church/BCC/SCC etc.
EA 45 : Speaks of the role of the laity as missionaries by baptism and confirmation.

6. This is of particular significance to the Indian church that seeks to be

an incarnated and contrast community in pluralistic community , in
pluralistic India.

The mystery of incarnation makes us realize that the Church has to be firmly rooted in the
Indian context.
That is the spirituality of Incarnation.
The Indian pluralistic context (multi religious, socio-cultural, political, economical), we
have problems such a
Gender discrimination
Poverty, Corruption
Religious fundamentalism

To be incarnated church we need to address these issues

Its a contrast community, we need to take the kingdom values seriously(diakonia,
Koenonia, kerygma)
We need to take inculturation seriously to be a church suitable in multi-religious context.

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