Performance and Development Introduction

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Performance and Development

Action Research Focus:

Project Based Learning

Question: How can I increase student outcomes by using Project Based Learning (PBL) to teach Humanities specific skills and content?
Performance and
Development goal
1. Professional Knowledge
Know students and how
they learn
Know the content and how
to teach it.
Goal: To develop integrated
units, individual lessons and
activities which address
Humanities specific skills and
2. Professional Practice
Plan for and implement
effective teaching and
Create and maintain
supportive and safe
learning environments.
Assess, provide feedback
and report on student
Goal: To improve student
outcomes by using project based
learning to provide differentiated
and varied educational

Strategies to support the achievement of each

Consult AITSL guidelines for standards
Complete class profiles and ADIs at the
beginning of the year.
Use ADIs to inform teaching pedagogies and
Attend all school PD and PLT meetings.
Use KLA meetings to feedback skill
development and activities used.

Consult AITSL guidelines for standards

Consult school SSP and AIP
Implement pedagogy from ASOT
4 levels of planning Scope and sequence, unit,
week by week, personal
Use student self-assessment, peer assessment
and community feedback from showcase
evenings to report on achievement.

Evidence that will be collected to demonstrate

Class profiles
Anecdotal notes
Creation of resources and reflection on their
Parent teacher interviews review of
conversations and comments.

Formative, summative and pre-assessment

Student self-assessment
Peer assessment
Community feedback from PACE showcase
Teacher self-assessment
Peer observation
LT observation
Evidence of participation in professional
learning teams (eg design of curriculum or
moderation of student assessment) and
reflection on its impact.

3. Professional Engagement
Engage in Professional
Engage professionally with
colleagues, parents/carers
and the community.
Goal: To use project based
learning as a platform to network
with colleagues, parents/carers
and the community.

Consult AITSL guidelines for standards

Evidence and reseach about effective teaching
and learning.
Attend fortnightly PACE meetings
Plan and run PACE showcase nights.
Professional learning on PD 15/4/2016
Collaboration on Instagram with other teachers.

Evidence of participation in professional

learning teams (eg design of curriculum or
moderation of student assessment) and
reflection on its impact.
Notes from professional development.
Data collated from PACE showcase evenings
Documentation of professional development

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