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About Janet Karim

Founding Mtukulo International CEO Janet Zeenat Karim is a former diplomat for the
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Malawi to the United Nations based in New York. She
obtained her Masters degree from St. John's University (Global Development and Social
Justice) in June 2015; she graduated from the University of Malawis Chancellor College
(Zomba) with a Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree (History). Upon completion of her education,
she embarked on a career in teaching and taught English, History, Bible Knowledge and Art at
various government schools. A foiled attempt to pursue a masters degree in international
relations at the London School of Economics, caused Janet to exit the teaching profession and
entered the world of journalism where she led an illustrious career for close to 20 years.
As a media practitioner, she joined the Blantyre Newspaper's newsroom as a senior journalist at
the then sole newspaper of Malawi, the Daily Times where she and rose to the rank of features
editor and later to assistant editor of its sister paper the Malawi News. As features editor of the
Daily Times, Janet carved a niche in championing the rights of women and protection of children
and other vulnerable people in Malawi and the Southern Africa region. She left the national
newspapers and launched her own publishing firm (Now Publications Ltd.) and published the
countrys first womens magazine (Woman Now) and later launched a tri-weekly newspaper
(The Independent) - becoming the first woman publisher and newspaper editor in Southern
During her career as a media professional, Janet became an ardent champion for freedom of
the press and political rights of the s is a passion that led her to actively participate in
discussions leading to her becoming co-founder of numerous para-media organizations such as
the Journalists Association of Malawi (JAMA), the Publishers Association of Malawi and the
Malawi Media Womens Association (MAMWA). Two of these, JAMA and MAMWA, each later
established community radio stations (MIJ and Dzimwe Community Radio), which Janet also
helped source funds for their launch, from the EU and UNESCO. Janet also help the launches
of eight SADC satellites of the South Africa-based Gender and Media Network of Southern
Africa (GEMSA) organization; while serving as a consultant with the organization, she taught
women members of NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) the use of IT for
advocacy against gender based violence in their countries.

The Minister of Gender, Children, Disabilities, the Elderly and Social Welfare, Hon. Clara
Makungwa in a meeting with the new Executive Director of UN Women during the 58th
session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58), March 2014. The Minister
was accompanied to the meeting by Malawi envoy to the UN, HE Mr. Charles Msosa (2nd
right). Also in the picture are Malawi delegates and UN Women staff. - Picture, courtesy
of UN Women.
Bureau of the UN Women Executive Board (2012)
In July 2007 jJanet Karim entered the realm of international development and diplomacy when
she secured a posting to the Malawi foreign service with a posting at the Permanent Mission of
Malawi to the United Nations in New York. She was assigned as a Senior Expert from the
Mission to the Third Committee which is responsible for UN's mandate for social, cultural and
human rights issues. During the time she worked at the UN, and with direction from officials from
Malawi's capital and SADC and the African Group, Janet helped shape numerous outcome
documents and resolutions through participation either at country level or through regional
groups such as the SADC, the African Group, and the Group of 77 and China. Janet also held
leadership roles represent the Mission and the African Group on the social-related bodies such
as the commissions and UN executive boards of UNICEF, UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, and UNWomen. Janet served as Vice President of the bureau of UN-Women (2012); she also
represented the African Group on the Working Group on Ageing (served as Rapporteur of the
group2010-2015). Highlight of her leadership role is when Malawi was Chair of the SADC 20132014. During this time the UN SADC Third Committee experts negotiated two resolutions (the
Girl Child, and the Women, Girl Child and HIV and AIDS), during which Janet as chair,
negotiated before the 193-member body.
Once a journo, always a journo! Thus with direction form her Permanent Representative, Janet
embarked on burrowing through the airwaves of social media and directed the launching of
social media pages such as Vibrant Malawi on Facebook, Malawi Diplomatic Extraordinaire (an
online magazine) and Malawi United Nations Channel (a tv feed on You Tube). (
Janet also served as the Missions elections officer and handled all matters relating to elections
to the UN bodies and secured positions for Malawi on the General Committee of the UN General
Assembly as Vice President of the GA, Vice President Global Committee for IV UN LDC
Conference, member Commission on Status of Women 2015-2017), Commission on Social
Development (2014-2016), UN Women, (2012-2015), UNICEF (2009-2012), Chairman on
Commission On Population and Development (CPD) 2010.

Janet additionally served as liaison official for establishing diplomatic relations and coordinated
activities for establishment of diplomatic relations between Malawi and Indonesia, Fiji, Iceland,
Estonia, Bosnia Herzegovina among others.
After undertaking the MA course on Global Development and Social Justice (St. John's U), to
enhance experience she has accumulated, with an academic qualification in the area of social
justice and of course global development, Janet incorporated a non profit organization to
champion activities in numerous social and economic challenges besetting Malawi and other
southern African countries. The Mtukulo International exists to strengthen society through
empowering elderly and young peoples that strengthen society thereby creating virtuous cycles
leading to development: onward to saving the world one youth-elderly cohort at a time.
Janet has three grown sons, two daughters and and 11 grand children.
Onward to saving the world!

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